Office of Accessibility Resources (Disability Services)

Utica Campus - Wilcox Hall, Room 129A-E (Inside the Learning Commons) 
Rome Campus - Plumley Complex, Room 130

The Office of Accessibility Resources coordinates and provides services to students and visitors with disabilities, including but not limited to individuals who are blind, deaf, learning disabled, mobility impaired, those with health-related impairments such as epilepsy or diabetes, and those with mental health disabilities.

In order to receive necessary accommodations and services in a timely manner, individuals with disabilities are required to contact the Office of Accessibility Resources (OAR) on the appropriate campus as early as possible in the application process. The office may not know you are on campus, so you must make the first connection.  It is important to note the Office of Accessibility Resources does not provide retroactive accommodations.  Students who become disabled after starting school, visitors with disabilities, and people with temporary disabilities should contact the office as soon as the need for assistance becomes apparent. The services provided depend on the individual involved. In some cases, this might simply mean help with problem-solving, advice about scheduling classes, or information about community service providers. At other times, it could involve services such as the provision of large-print materials, assistance locating a note-taker, or the coordination of alternate testing arrangements. In all cases, the goal of the office is to help ensure that individuals with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate, compete, and succeed at MVCC.

MVCC complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and ADA amendments Act of 2008 regarding anti-discrimination and equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities. The Office of Accessibility Resources in both Utica and Rome are National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) voter registration sites.