
Confidentiality is very important to the Office of Accessibility Resources. MVCC will not provide any notification that you have a disability on transcripts or in any of the college records, the only office that will know is the Office of Accessibility and yourself.

Please register with the Office of Accessibility Resources (OAR) to ensure that your accommodations and services are appropriately and efficiently communicated to college faculty and staff. You may register using the following steps in the "Requesting Accommodations" section of the OAR website. Schedule an initial appointment with an OAR disability specialist to review and prepare an accommodation plan. Every semester, please implement your accommodations and check-in with OAR.

Determination and setup of accommodations is greatly expedited when you turn in your registration form and disability documentation before your initial appointment. However, you are welcome to meet with a Disability Specialist at any point in the registration process whether or not you have documentation available. 

This documentation and all related information is maintained by the Office of Accessibility Services (OAR) personnel under the strictest confidentiality. All online files are password protected, within the two offices serving students with disabilities.

Information about a student’s disability-related needs (but not the documentation itself) is shared only with the student’s permission on a need-to-know basis in order to facilitate the provision of services, or under emergency conditions when necessary to protect the well-being of the student or others. It does not become a part of the student’s college record, and  there is no indication on the college transcript that a student self-identified  and/or received disability-related services and accommodations.