A Shelter-in-place goes into effect during emergency situations where it is important to minimize exposure to outdoor hazards, or other emergencies that require occupants to remain in a building to help ensure their safety. It is important to understand a shelter-in-place may be activated when there is extreme weather, or if the air quality is dangerous due to the accidental or intentional release of a hazardous material. Upon the recommendation of public safety officials, or when there is a significant security concern, the safest course of action may be to shelter-in-place.

Preparation: Familiarize yourself with the buildings you frequent; take note of certain features that may provide protection, such as emergency stairwells, rooms in the interior of a building, and areas that are not exposed to glass or the exterior walls.

The faculty should review shelter-in-place procedures during the first week of classes, with each of their classes.

Activation: A shelter-in-place is typically signaled by an emergency notification via MVCC’s mass notification system instructing you to shelter-in-place. This activation may vary depending on the manner of which the alert is sent out and if those systems are affected by the situation: some are sent to cellular devices, and others are infrastructure that generate a visual or audible alert.

Action: When a shelter-in-place is in progress, enter the nearest building and proceed to a safe area; generally, you should move to an interior room and stay away from exterior walls and windows. Do not use elevators.

The shelter-in-place should be orderly to limit confusion, and you should progress to the nearest available space suitable to provide shelter. You should take your valuables and personal items with you only when it doesn’t endanger you, others or impede emergency response. The duration of a shelter-in-place is generally unknown and MVCC is not responsible for items left behind.

Stay put and stay tuned: A shelter-in-place is performed to limit your exposure to a hazard, and the full extent of the hazard may not be immediately known to emergency personnel at the time of the initial emergency notification. After you have secured a shelter location, seek more information and await further instructions; information about the situation will be communicated by an emergency notification via MVCC’s mass notification system.

All Clear: Once it is deemed safe to resume normal activities, an “All Clear” message will be communicated. Only after this message is sent should you exit your sheltering area.