Call 911 or call the Department of Public Safety at 315-731-5777 for Utica, or 315-334-3559  for Rome. Provide as much information about the situation as possible, including:

  1. The person’s age
  2. The person’s gender
  3. The person’s chief complaint or injury, if known
  4. The person’s level of consciousness (alert, confused, unresponsive, etc.)
  5. Any interventions performed (CPR, AED use, any medication or substance they may have ingested)

Remain with the person if it is safe to do so. Ask a bystander to go to a common entrance to direct responding emergency personnel to your location.



Never attempt to handle a situation that is potentially dangerous to you or others. Use extreme caution: a mental health emergency can be a serious situation where a person is unable to appropriately manage their behavior due to a psychological crisis.

This may include suicidal behavior or statements threatening self-harm or harm to others. Call 911 or call the Department of Public Safety at 315-731-5777 for Utica, or 315-334-3559 for Rome. Provide as much information about the situation as possible, including:

  1. Clearly state that immediate assistance is required
  2. Your name,
  3. Your location,
  4. The behavior you observed, including statements made
  5. The individual’s current location (or the last observed location and direction of travel)

It is imperative this information is reported to emergency personnel so the individual can be properly assessed.

If you find yourself unable to safely leave a situation where there is threatening behavior:

  1. Call 911, or enlist a bystander to call the Department of Public Safety,
  2. Maintain a safe distance from the individual, and do not approach a person who may become violent,
  3. Avoid remaining alone with the individual,
  4. If you believe it is safe to do so, talking to an individual in crisis in an empathetic and calm demeanor may be an effective tactic to keep them occupied while emergency personnel are responding.