A building evacuation goes into effect in case of a fire or other emergency that requires all occupants to immediately leave the building to help ensure their safety.

Preparation: Familiarize yourself with emergency stairwells, exit routes, and alternate routes for all buildings that you frequent.

The faculty should review evacuation procedures during the first week of classes, with each of their classes.

Activation: An evacuation is typically signaled by the fire alarm which generates an audible alert and strobe lights. You may also receive an emergency notification via mass notification system instructing you to evacuate.

Action: When an alarm sounds, take it seriously.When an evacuation is in progress, leave the building and proceed to a safe area; generally, you should remain at least 50 feet from the building to allow emergency personnel adequate space to safely respond. Do not use elevators.

The evacuation should be orderly to limit confusion, and  the evacuees should progress to the closest available exit. People should take their valuables and personal items with them only when it doesn’t endanger them, others or impede emergency response. Close the doors from where you are evacuating from. The duration of an evacuation is generally unknown. MVCC is not responsible for items left in buildings.

All Clear: Occupants will not be allowed back into a building until it has been inspected by officials and found safe for reoccupation. Do not interpret changes to the activation signal, such as the silencing of the alarm, as permission to reenter: Only emergency personnel or college officials can give the all clear signal to re-occupy the building. Fire systems will only be reset by authorized personnel, such as department of public safety officers, the Environmental Health and Safety officer, designated maintenance personnel, or fire department personnel.

People with physical disabilities that prevent them from exiting the building will be attended to as quickly and safely as possible (see Evacuation of People with Mobility Impairment).