MVCC Emergency Alert

Like many colleges across America,  MVCC is committed to enhancing its campus safety operations. MVCC’s campus safety enhancement initiative includes the operation of a mass notification system for campus emergencies.

This mass notification system includes components important to students.

The  primary component is a voluntary system of enrollment for all students for notification of emergencies through the State Emergency Management Office (SEMO) alert system. This voluntary system is known as New York (NY) Alert. At MVCC, this is referred to as MVCC Emergency Alerts.

How does MVCC Emergency Alert work?

MVCC Emergency Alert provides subscribers with an option to receive an email, fax, phone call or text message to notify the subscriber that an emergency condition exists on campus. MVCC gives students and staff the opportunity to voluntarily submit their preferred method of contact to SEMO, which will in turn set up a transmission database for those who have subscribed.

When will MVCC Emergency Alert be used?

Only in an emergency. Some examples might include an impending natural disaster, such as an approaching tornado, or an imminent crisis on campus, such as a fire, a bomb threat, or active threat. Emergency closings are also announced using this system.

What will happen?

MVCC Emergency Alert will send a message to the subscriber letting them know of the an emergency condition, and in most cases, specific instructions on what to do. A subscriber will receive the message depending on what that subscriber has specified when they signed up for the service.

How will I sign up for MVCC Emergency Alert?

MVCC provides a link through MyMV, our Internet- based student system, for all students and staff to enter their information. The information you enter is held as confidential and will only be used by SEMO to give you information during an emergency situation. Click here to sign up using MyMV

What does MVCC Alert cost?

Absolutely nothing. The service is free, and completely voluntary. You do not have to sign up for MVCC Emergency Alert unless you are interested in receiving information during an emergency situation. Participation is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended so you remain informed during an emergency.

The supplementary component to the mass notification system is Alertus. Alertus is another mass notification system which was implemented for those who may not have subscribed to MVCC Emergency Alert. Alertus may activate certain MVCC-owned hardware during an emergency, however, it will not activate on your cell phone. This activation may include an alert message broadcasted over computer screens, and the activation of beacons strategically placed throughout the campus.

Another supplementary component to the mass notification system is a public address system/siren on the Utica Campus that may sound during an emergency. The siren is designed to alert people who are outdoors only. It is not intended to be heard from inside buildings on campus. The siren may or may not be accompanied by voice instructions: irrespective of whether you can understand any of the voice instructions, the recommended action is to seek immediate shelter and further information.