MVCC students will need to provide documentation regarding the completion of their immunizations, required trainings, and related compliance records. MVCC uses a vendor called American DataBank to help students track, access, and maintain their compliance records through their academic program. American DataBank has created a web-based database which allows students to access their immunization and compliance records from a computer and gives students the ability to update and download their compliance “passport” at their convenience. This system is known as Complio and automatically notifies students when immunization or compliance records are expiring so students can update their records as needed. 

This instructions below contain details about how to complete the immunization and certification requirements which must be completed. Please review these materials closely and complete the required items.

Clinical Agency Requirements

Students placed at clinical agencies are required to provide their immunization and compliance materials prior to being placed in that setting. Your program faculty and staff may halt your attendance in clinical course work at any time if your immunization and clinical requirements have not been met.

Getting Started

When you’re ready to get started, you’ll create an account through MVCC’s Complio portal at

Once you create an account, you’ll be able to place an order for the list of immunization requirements you’ll need to provide to MVCC for the program in which you’re enrolled. This list will be emailed to you at the same time you place your order. Please review the list carefully to ensure you have all the necessary documentation.

Account Setup and Inputting Your Immunization Records

  1. Go to and click on the “New Users—Create Account” button.
  2. Once you create an account, you’ll receive an email with an activation link.
    1. Follow this link to login to your account. If you do not click on the link, your account will not be activated.
  3. Click on the “Get Started” button to begin the ordering process.
  4. Select your program of study and campus, then click on “Load Packages.”
    1. You may see several different packages listed. If you’re unsure of what to order, please contact your program coordinator.
  5. Next you will be asked to confirm all the details you entered when you created your account.
    1. We encourage you to opt-in to receive text notifications regarding your Complio account.
  6. There are several forms to sign. Review each document and scroll down to the bottom of the page to check that you’ve read and agree to the documentation. Sign your name using your mouse or track pad and click “Next” to proceed. The form will refresh to show your signature on the form. Click “Next” to move forward.
  7. You’ll confirm your order on the Order Review page.
    1. These packages are free to students. There should only be one option to select: “Invoice to Institution.”
  8. Click “Go to Dashboard” and watch the video available which demonstrates how to upload documents. Once you’ve watched the video, you’ll be able to see a list of all your requirements.
  9. Click “Enter Requirement” on the right side of the page and indicate which required items you’re submitting.
    1. You will see which steps are required to become compliant for each category as soon as you click on “Enter Requirements.
  10. Choose your requirement in the drop-down menu.
    1. Enter all applicable details in as prompted.
    2. Don’t forget to click “Submit.”
  11. You may need to submit multiple items for a single compliance category.
    1. Once you’ve uploaded a document once, it can be associated with as many items as you need. Just click the “Document” drop-down menu once you select your requirement.
    2. To save time, label your documents with their contents.
    3. If you have any questions about what information your documents need to have to be approved, please click “Requirement Explanation” at the top of your screen.
  12. Once you submit your documents, American DataBank will review your documents within one to three business days.
    1. American DataBank reviews your documents to ensure they meet MVCC’s standards. They are following the direction of the College and do not make the standards themselves.
    2. You will be notified via email and text (if you opted in) with status updates for the documents you submitted.
    3. If any of your documents do not meet the standards, it is considered “Not Approved” and you will need to determine the next steps. If your documents meet the standards, they will be approved.
      1. On your home page, each category will have a colored icon. Green means “Approved,” red means “Not Compliant,” and yellow means “Pending Review.”

Helpful Hints

  1. All records need to include: your name, doctors information, and date of birth
  2. When uploading documents, if there are multiple doses, each dose has to be uploaded separately. EX. MMR has 2 doses. So you need to put in the first dose under the first dose tab and the second dose under the second dose tab. )if you put them in wrong there is a delete button to delete your entry. If you put them in backwards, 1st does as 2nd dose they will be rejected)
  3. The only reason to apply for an exception is if you cannot receive the shot due to medical reasons, religious reasons, or you are allergic to the shot. If the shot you are looking to be except from has a declination form available you need to fill out the form to be except. Forms are available under the shot you are declining, in the category information, requirement’s explanation. Forms are highlighted in blue. Questions on exceptions should be discussed with your programs coordinators. All other exceptions will be denied.
  4. Tuberculosis test should be placed under initial PPD, subsequent tests go under annual PPD.(This is required yearly, so in your 2nd year when you get an updated TB test you would put the results in annual PPD)

Complio Support

Account Login Page:

Technical Support: or 1-800-200-0853