
The mission of the Radiologic Technology Program is to promote student success through education with the professional knowledge to be competent Radiologic Technologists and to commit to life-long learning, and to become successful patient care providers within the community. (Revised 2023, reviewed annually)


The program is committed to provide quality educational assisting students to prepare for entry-level competency as staff radiographers. A quality and comprehensive curriculum is maintained through a qualified faculty who combine classroom experiences with challenging laboratory exercises and clinical rotations in local health care settings. Instruction is geared to meet the needs of a diverse student population with varied academic, social, cultural and economic background.


1. Students/graduates will be clinically competent, entry-level professionals that meet the healthcare needs of the community. 

Student Learning Outcomes:
  • 1.1. Students will develop clinical competence in the performance of basic radiographic procedures.
  • 1.2. Students will provide patient care with regard to radiation safety (ALARA) and comfort.
  • 1.3. Students will develop knowledge and comprehension to successfully establish manual exposure techniques.

2. Students/graduates will demonstrate effective communication skills.

Student Learning Outcomes:
  • 2.1. Students will employ oral communication skills using appropriate patient identifiers. 
  • 2.2. Students will interpret written information to properly proceed with the radiographic examination.
  • 2.3. Students/graduates will effectively convey information pertaining to the radiographic imaging procedure.

3. Students/graduates will evaluate the importance of life-long learning by encouraging professional development.

Student Learning Outcomes:
  • 3.1. Students will value the professional aspect of being a member of the radiologic science community.
  • 3.2. Students will demonstrate the understanding for the need for life-long learning.
  • 3.3. Students will provide mentorship and peer support to other students.
  • 3.4. Students will promote a positive collaborative atmosphere with all members of the healthcare team.

4. Students/graduates will use problem solving and critical thinking skills. 

Student Learning Outcomes:
  • 4.1. Students will adapt radiographic procedures to patient needs. 
  • 4.2. Students will distinguish diagnostic images from non-diagnostic images.