Tuition refund policy

Refunds are applicable only when dropping a course results in your registration status being less than 12 credit hours. Your refund is based on the official withdrawal date. The official withdrawal date is the date you turn in a drop form to the Registrar's Office/Help Desk. Fees are non-refundable with the start of classes.

Note: Dropping may affect your financial aid.

For a full-term semester course (9 - 15 weeks in length)

Date of Official Withdrawal Tuition Refund Percentage
Prior to the start of the semester 100%
During first calendar week of the semester* 75%
During second calendar week of the semester 50%
During third calendar week of the semester 25%
Remainder of the semester 0%

*For refund purposes, the first calendar week begins on the first day of the semester, which may not be the first day of a particular course.

For a course 8 weeks or fewer in length

Date of Official Withdrawal Tuition Refund Percentage
Prior to the start of the semester 100%
During first calendar week of the semester 25%
Remainder of the semester 0%

If you receive Title IV Federal Financial Aid

Per Section 484B of the Higher Education Act, there is not a separate tuition refund policy for students who receive Title IV Federal Financial Aid. Title IV Federal Financial Aid includes PELL Grants, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG), Perkins Loans, and Direct Loans (Subsidized, Unsubsidized, and PLUS).

All Title IV aid is "earned", based on student attendance. When a student withdraws from school, he or she "earns" aid in accordance with the percentage of time in attendance. Not until week 10 (60% of the semester) will Title IV aid be fully earned and disbursed to a student's account.

Example: If a student attends for 9 days of a 75-day term, the federal government will only pay 12% (9/75) of the total Federal Aid package to cover any student liability. If a student had a $3,000 aid package, the aid will now be changed to $360 ($3,000 x 12%), and the student will be responsible for any balance due to MVCC resulting from this reduction.