A minimum didactic grade of 80 or better, a minimum clinical freshman grade of 80, and a minimum clinical senior grade of 85 are required to remain in the Radiologic Technology program. If the student receives less than a B in the Radiologic Technology courses, they will be dismissed from the program. Any student who has been unsuccessful in one radiology course with a grade of C, D, F, or W will be dismissed and are not eligible to reapply to the Radiologic Technology program at MVCC. This does not include applicants who had a break in sequence due to medical leave.  (rev. 6/2022)

A minimum grade of C, 70, or higher is required in all other non-Radiologic Technology courses.

Students who are unsuccessful in Anatomy and Physiology (BI216 and BI217), non-Radiologic Technology courses, while in the Radiological Technology program will have one additional attempt, and, if unsuccessful, will be dismissed from the program and are not eligible to reapply to the Radiologic Technology program.