Residence Hall Community Living Standards – Guidelines for Residence Hall Regulations

A series of specific guides to good social standards in the Residence Halls are included below. Obviously, it is neither possible nor desirable to outline specifically all of the dos and don’ts of residence hall living. Rather, the individual should recognize their responsibility towards themselves, their fellow students and the total college community.

Certain actions of an individual, which might be perfectly desirable in private living arrangements, are impossible in a residence hall situation where so many people live closely together. (An example of this would be the restriction on pets, certain types of furniture in rooms, etc.)

Legal and ethical standards are not different in the college community than anywhere else. Racism, sexual harassment, harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated. 

Students must not justify anti-social/offensive actions as “college pranks,” even though in other circumstances, they would be recognized as more serious. We expect our Residence Hall Students to be good neighbors and respect the personal and property rights of fellow students, the College and the community. The College will not ask civil/criminal authorities to give any special consideration to students.

The Dormitory Corporation reserves the right to enter/inspect rooms for health, safety and maintenance reasons. This includes the right to enter a student’s room and/or suite, or any other area, whenever there is reason or cause to believe that there exists therein a danger to person or property or a violation of College and/or Residence Hall rules which may have the potential of negatively impacting on the educational goals of yourself, others, or the College.

The College reserves the right to reassign a resident to a different room when their conduct has jeopardized others' right to a safe or quality living and learning environment.

Failure to comply with Residence Hall rules and regulations and/or the College Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Code of Conduct.

Good Samaritan Policy

The spirit of the Good Samaritan is that we all have an ethical responsibility to help people in need. Mohawk Valley Community College expects that students will take an active role in protecting the safety and well-being of their peers and the College community. In order to promote this, when a student assists an individual who is intoxicated or under the influence of drugs in procuring medical assistance, students will be granted amnesty from formal disciplinary action by the College for violating the alcohol or drug policies. The reporter may be required to meet with a Conduct Officer to discuss the incident and participate in educational programs but there is no formal judicial action.

Amnesty Policy

Please review the MVCC Title IX Policy on the website at to learn how amnesty relates to Title IX incidents.


In keeping with New York State law and because the vast majority of our students are below 21 years of age, the possession or use of alcoholic beverages in the Residence Halls is prohibited. Non-alcoholic beer is considered alcohol if it contains any percentage of alcohol. Students who are found in an area where alcohol is present are considered to be involved in usage by implication. In a group situation it would be impossible to ascertain the level of involvement of each individual.

No alcoholic beverage containers or alcohol paraphernalia (e.g., funnels) are allowed in the Residence Halls or on Dormitory Corporation property, not even those of sentimental value. Empties will be confiscated, and further disciplinary action will be taken.

Any negative behavior resulting while under the influence of alcohol could result in disciplinary sanctions or education.

Appliances, Cooking & Other Electrical Devices

Appliances and related electrical devices that may be acceptable outside of the Residence Halls are regulated for fire safety reasons.  Cooking is not allowed in the Residence Hall bedrooms or public areas. The possession or use of ANY heat producing cooking appliance is prohibited*.

Exceptions to this are: The use of the microwave oven provided in each Residence Hall, the use of a registered microwave in the Bellamy Hall Gathering Area; not exceeding 1.1 cubic feet and the kitchen equipment available for student use.

* Single use coffee makers, such Keurig, and electric kettles used to heat only water, are allowed, providing they are auto-shut-off and dry boil protected.  Nothing can be within 6 inches from the unit.  Kettles need to be plugged directly into an outlet (no power strip, extension cord, multiplug adapter, etc.)

Air conditioners, space heaters, multi-cup coffee pots, electric blankets, heating pads, microwave ovens in student bedrooms, lava lamps, halogen lamps, neon signs, power tools and any other electrical appliance/device that, in the opinion of the staff, is hazardous to operate in the Residence Halls is prohibited.

"Decorative Lighting" (i.e., string, LED, fairy, holiday, rope, etc.) are limited to LED decorative lights provided that all of the below restrictions are followed:

  • Are not attached to the wall with any adhesive (Command Strips are required)
  • Are not "daisy-chained" (multi strings connected)

Clothes irons and “Hair Straighteners/Curling Irons” must be auto-shut-off. Any non-prohibited electrical appliance/device used by a student must be “UL” approved.

Any illegal electrical device will be confiscated and stored until the resident leaves the halls. Disciplinary sanctions will follow.

There is no cooking outside, with the exception of an official supervised College-sponsored event.


When not in use, bicycles should be kept in student rooms or locked in the bike racks (not recommended for overnight). No bicycles are to be stored in the lounges, stairwells or suite halls at ANY time. Winter bike storage can be arranged by contacting a Resident Advisor.


The use or possession of incense and candles is prohibited. These are fire hazards. Any student found burning a candle is subject to judicial proceedings.

Courtesy Hours

When specifically regulated hours are NOT in effect, “courtesy hours” are. All residents are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is not so loud as to disturb fellow residents. If noise such as loud talking, screaming or music is disturbing to residents at any time, the resident who is disturbed reserves the right to confront the violator and enforce courtesy hours. In addition, Residence Hall Staff reserves the right to enforce courtesy hours. Violators are subject to fines, probation, revocation of privileges (removal of noise creating device), and possible dismissal.

Delivery Vendors

Students must meet vendors at the main entrance to transact business. No vendors are allowed beyond the building entrance. 


New York colleges and universities remain bound by their federal requirements under the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug Free Workplace Act.  This means that the NYS Marihuana Regulation & Taxation Act (MRTA) was signed into law on March 31, 2021 legalizing adult-use cannabis (also known as marijuana, or recreational marijuana) in New York State does not extend to Mohawk Valley Community College.

The use or possession of illegal drugs (this includes cannabis), including pharmaceutical drugs without a medical prescription, misuse of personal pharmaceutical-OTC drugs, or drug paraphernalia is prohibited. Paraphernalia includes any item specifically manufactured or routinely used for drug use or other items that are commonly known to be used as part of drug use, at the staff’s discretion.

Students’ involvement with drugs in the Residence Halls will not be tolerated. Individuals involved in using, possessing, or selling drugs on Residence Hall property are subject to judicial procedures, including, but not limited to dismissal from the Residence Halls, and will be subject to the standard Room, Board and Fee Refund Policy. Students who are found in an area where drugs are present are considered to be involved in usage by implication. In a group situation, it would be impossible to ascertain the level of involvement of each individual. The student may be subjected to criminal charges.  Please see the Residence Hall Rules and Regulations section for specific sanctioning information.

Drug/Alcohol Overdose Policy

If deemed necessary, Residence Hall Staff may contact emergency medical services for assessment of any student displaying signs indicative of alcohol/drug overdose. In cases where it is necessary to implement this procedure, the student will be responsible for all related costs. In accordance with the Amnesty and Good Samaritan policies, individuals involved in the incident will be granted amnesty from formal disciplinary action by the College for violating the alcohol or drug policies.

Financial and Other Non-Judicial Dismissal

Students not able to secure payment for their room and board or who do not meet other housing eligibility requirements will be dismissed from the Residence Halls and disallowed any future guest passes for at least one month.

Guest and Visitor Policy-Residence Hall:

The primary purposes of the Residence Halls are to promote an environment that promotes academic success and a residential community. 

Guests and Visitors, defined below, will be allowed in accordance with the below policy.

Visitor: A visitor is any person who does not reside in any of the MVCC Residence Halls who is visiting someone who does reside in the Residence Halls between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. (not overnight)

  • A visitor pass is not required.
  • A visitor must be hosted by a resident at all times.
  • Visitors must depart from the residence halls no later than 9 p.m. Failure to depart by 9 p.m. as required will subject the visitor to loss of visiting privileges.  
  • All non-MVCC student visitors must be a minimum of 17 years of age, unless accompanied by Parent/Guardian.

Guest: A guest is any person who does not reside in any of the MVCC Residence Halls  who is visiting someone who does reside in the Residence Halls after 9 p.m. 

  • A guest must obtain a Guest Pass from the Bellamy Hall Office, available Monday - Friday from 10am - 5pm and 7pm - 11pm and Saturday and Sunday from 7pm - 11pm.

Guest Guidelines:

  • All Guests must be a minimum of 18 years of age OR a minimum of 17 years of age IF they are currently a residence hall student at another college.
  • A Legal (Federal, State or Military issued) Photo ID, which verifies age, name and address, is required from the guest.
  • Two guests per time per resident.
  • The guest must carry their Guest Pass and their Photo ID at all times.
  • Guest must be in the presence of their host at all times.
  • Guest passes are not allowed the last week of the semester.
  • Guests are valid for up to 72 hours.  
  • No resident/guest will be allowed a second guest pass until five days have passed since last pass. 

Any student who is inconvenienced by a guest or visitor, or who is aware of a continuous violation, is encouraged to discuss the issue with the other residents and/or may submit a written complaint or Hawkeye Tip.

Any guest/visitor involved in policy violations or who fails to cooperate with Residence Hall or College Staff may be asked to leave immediately. Guests unable to produce a pass will be removed from the premises. The resident is responsible for the actions of their guest/visitor(s).

A resident must not allow any person to remain in their room unattended without their roommate’s permission.

Current Residence Hall Students:  The MVCC Residence Halls are a community.  A resident who resides in one of the MVCC Residence Halls is welcome to visit other Residence Halls in accordance with the below guidelines:

  • A Residence Hall students who is inconvenienced by another Residence Hall student staying overnight in their room for more than 3 consecutive nights may file a complaint with a Resident Director.  Overnight is defined at 1 a.m.
  • A Residence Hall student who enters a residence hall that they do not reside in after 9:00 p.m. must sign in with the  Night Security Assistant at the entrance of the building. 

Squatter Policy: A squatter is a non-residence hall student who remains in a Residence Hall room, or various rooms, for greater than one week. Any resident(s) who allow a non-residence hall student to be a squatter is subject to a fine equivalent to the daily room rate, as appropriate. Other sanctions may apply.

Heating Equipment

Students are not to tamper with heating equipment including the baseboard heaters.  Violators will be held responsible for any damages and may face disciplinary action. 

Lewd Acts

Acts of lewdness will be considered grounds for judicial action. The Residence Hall community will not tolerate behavior, which compromises its standards of conduct.

Maximum Occupancy

For safety reasons, no more than the following number of people, including room occupants, can be in a room at one time.  Students may request to exceed this limit by contacting a professional staff member in Bellamy Hall Office.

  • Any double occupancy room: 8
  • Any single occupancy room: 6
  • Total number in a Bellamy Hall Suite: 18


All motorcycles, motorbikes and motorized vehicles must be kept in the student parking area designated for the Residence Halls. Parking of motorized vehicle/item next to any building is strictly prohibited. Violators will be ticketed and towed. No motorized vehicle/item may be placed in the interior of any building. It is a very serious fire hazard and will not be tolerated.


The use of any musical instruments or using any electronic device in a manner that creates excessive noise, by design or use, is strictly prohibited inside and outside the Residence Halls. Drum sets and amplifiers, for example, because of their size and potential for disruption, are expressly prohibited unless technology is used that prevents outward noise. Please speak to the Student Engagement Office in ACC 208 to secure an appropriate practice location. Speakers may not be directed to outside the Residence Halls.

Scooters, E-Bikes, Hoverboards, E-Skateboards, Etc.

No e-bike, e-scooter or similar item with a lithium-ion battery is inside the Residence Halls nor in any non-designated exterior location.  No exceptions. Violation of this fire code will result in the loss of housing privileges.

Designated Location: These items may be placed in the exterior bike rack at your own risk. 

This directive is issued by the State of New York Office of Fire Prevention and Control.


No pets are allowed in the Residence Halls. Non-carnivorous fish kept in bowls requiring no filters, heaters or lights are an exception. Emotional Support Animals and Service Animals are not pets; they are accessibility accommodations.  Policies and procedures regarding ESA’s are available on the Office of Accessibility Resources webpage.

Quality of Life - Cannabis

Residence Halls are a student’s “home away from home” and policies are in place to provide each student with an atmosphere that is conducive to sleep, study and engagement. With changing personal philosophies on cannabis and legislative change, it has become clear that a personal decision by one person to use cannabis can negatively impact another person’s right to a quality living experience in the Residence Halls. This includes, but is not limited to, triggering adverse health effects such as headaches, asthma, and allergies.  Like many other examples, situations that might be perfectly fine when not living in a community setting are not appropriate when you do live in a community setting.  A person who decides to smoke cannabis off-campus is expected to take steps prior to returning to campus to remove the smell from their person.  There are products on the market, such as Cannabolish, that are specifically designed to reduce cannabis odor.  Other steps such as cleaning paraphernalia, body and hand washing, removal of coats prior to smoking, ventilating your smoking location, etc. may help eliminate the odor.  Excessive cannabis odors in the Residence Halls are a violation of the Code of Conduct Quality of Life policy and students who are in violation of this policy will be subject to judicial faction.

Quiet Hours

Quiet hours are established in order to ensure a residence hall environment that is conducive to study and sleep. It is up to all residents to help enforce quiet hours in their community. It cannot be expected that staff will hear all noise. With everyone’s cooperation, we can ensure a proper study atmosphere in the halls. When a student’s door is closed, the noise volume from within is not to be potentially disturbing to other students. All residents are encouraged to bring headphones for their music. During quiet hours, students, out of respect for fellow students, are required to keep noise to a minimum, including loud talking, music, televisions and door slamming. Noise that can clearly be heard outside of a closed room door is considered a violation.

Quiet hours are:

  • Sunday through Thursday: 9 p.m. - 10 a.m.
  • Weekends: Saturday, 12 a.m.-Saturday, Noon; Sunday, 12 a.m.-Sunday, Noon

Quiet hours extend to the area outside the Residence Halls. Due to the disturbance caused by noise close to the buildings, excessive noise outside the residence halls during quiet hours is prohibited.

Residents may file a formal complaint by contacting any Residence Life Professional Staff member.

24-Hour Quiet Hours: “Extended Quiet Hours”

At the discretion of the Residence Hall Staff, quiet hours will be extended during finals. During 24-hour quiet hours, violators will be subject to judicial action.

Smoke-Free/Tobacco-Free/Vaping-Free Campus: Tobacco Smoking & Tobacco Products

Tobacco Smoking and all tobacco and tobacco-related products are prohibited on all College premises, which are defined as all buildings, facilities, and grounds owned, used, leased, operated, controlled or otherwise supervised by the College. All tobacco-derived or containing products including but not limited to cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, vape pens, cigars and cigarillos, hookah smoking products, pipes, clove cigarettes (kreteks), bidis, smokeless tobacco, and oral tobacco (smokeless, chew, snus, and snuff). This policy does not extend to tobacco cessation products. Student repeated violations will be treated as violations of Student Conduct Regulations.   

A typical sanction for violation of this policy in a Residence Hall room is $10.  Additional violation would result in increased sanctions. In the event that other policies are violated, such as covering a smoke detector, while violating this policy, the person would be subject to judicial procedures for those policies in addition.  Any person who activates the fire alarm due to use of any above product will be responsible for any fine the College receives from the City of Utica and will be subject to judicial action.


No student is to use or permit their room to be used for any commercial purpose, except as approved by the Dean of Student Life. Solicitation in the Residence Halls is strictly limited as a protection to those living in the halls. All solicitors must have written permission from the Dean of Student Life before they may approach students. Please do not deal with anyone unable to produce proof that they have permission and report any such person to Residence Hall Staff or Public Safety at once.

No piercing or tattooing activity is allowed in the Residence Halls.


Interior: All sports are strictly prohibited within the Residence Halls (i.e., lounges, rooms, suites, stairwells, etc.). Any activity of this nature may be destructive to property and a nuisance to your fellow residents.

Exterior: Rollerblades, roller-skates, manual scooters, skateboards and similar items must be used in a responsible manner and only on campus sidewalks and in such areas the college may designate. Anyone using these items on MVCC property must at all times give right of way to pedestrians and shall travel at a reasonable, safe and prudent speed. No one is allowed to be on any stairway, bench, table or any other Residence Hall property with the above items.  Please see "Scooter ..." policy in this section for important guidance on lithium-ion batteries.

These items are not to be used/worn in the Residence Halls. Student is responsible for cost of any damage caused by violating this policy. Football (except Flag) and any type of boxing is prohibited on Dormitory Corporation property.

Any activity, which in the opinion of the Residence Hall staff has the potential of injury or damage, is prohibited. 


Individuals are liable for loss or damage to their personal property, except where legal negligence of others applies. Therefore, all residents are encouraged to be certain that arrangements have been made for desired insurance protection. Residence Hall students have been pre-enrolled in a personal property insurance policy. To file a claim please visit the MVCC housing website for instructions.

All cases of theft should be reported to Public Safety, located in AB 106.

A student always has the right to contact the police department, but preferably after Public Safety has been informed. Students should keep a record of serial numbers of your valuables. You are required to keep your room door locked whenever you leave, even just for a moment.

Weapons, Flammables and Explosives

  • Use, storage, fabrication, or possession of firearms, explosives, fireworks, flammables, and noxious chemicals1 or other items that could be considered or simulate a weapon, except where authorized by the College, is prohibited. In addition to above, this regulation includes, but is not limited to, Taser guns, BB/pellet guns, laser guns, bows and arrows, throwing stars, brass knuckles, unauthorized knives2, straight edge razors, or ammunition.

1 Possession of a self-defense spray is authorized as allowed under New Your State Penal Law Section 265.20(a)(14) and must follow New York State Codes, Rules and Regulations Section 54.3 Requirements. Any person who possesses such self-defense spray in the Residence Halls must disclose it to the Residence Life Office, in writing, within 12 hours. Failure to do so will be considered a violation of Code of Conduct CR 17.

2 The only acceptable knives are small manual pocketknives or small kitchen knives. No blade may exceed 3”.  Knives utilized as part of a Culinary Arts class are only allowed in that class and in transit directly to and from that class. In the event they cannot be safely secured in a private vehicle when not in class, please consult with instructor for proper on-site storage. Residence Hall students may also contact Public Safety for assistance with safe storage. 

  • No one shall possess or use any spring loaded or air-powered “weapon”/item which is capable of producing a projectile that can or may cause injury or damage.
  • Paintball guns and paintballs are strictly prohibited.

Any item used for educational purposes that can be considered a weapon must be registered with Public Safety and checked there.

Windows/Room Screens

Removal/damage to windows of screens or placing any object outside the window is prohibited. No screen, except the small access mini screen in Bellamy Hall windows, is to be raised and no safety mechanism in place may be disengaged or modified. Leaning/jumping/entering/exiting out of any window is prohibited. For safety reasons, window glass cannot be covered. Sitting on any windowsill is prohibited. Neither ID Cards nor any other item may be transferred from one person to another through a window.