
The MVCC Residence Halls have a fully wireless internet system for residents. This is high speed Internet Service provided by Spectrum.  Students will receive their access code at check-in.   Please visit the housing website at www.mvcc.edu/housing for more information on WiFi.

NOTE: MVCC Dormitory Corporation is only responsible to provide live access for internet. If live access is operational and it is determined that the problem is personal equipment, the student may need to arrange for personal equipment repair privately, at their own expense.

Security Cameras

  • The Residence Halls have closed circuit security cameras in various inside and outside locations. Individual requests for Residence Hall personnel to review a security camera are subject to the following guidelines:
  • The appropriate incident report must be filed with Public Safety within 24 hours. This report cannot be retracted after the camera identifies a policy violation and judicial procedures will occur.
  • The report must state the exact location of the alleged incident and give the time, to the best of your knowledge that the incident occurred.
  • No digital copy of a recording will be provided to anyone, except law enforcement officers or in response to a subpoena.
  • The Dormitory Corporation, in its sole and absolute discretion, reserves the right to deny the request or to limit the time frame to be reviewed.

NOTE: Hard disk available space limits the amount of available storage.