Academic Requirements for Student Occupancy

Academic Eligibility Policy

MVCC is committed to providing a Residence Hall environment conducive to academic success.    On-campus housing is a privilege and is only available to students who demonstrate academic accomplishments.

Initial Eligibility – New MVCC Applicant

We value academic success and access.  First-time applicants must meet one of the following eligibility criteria for on-campus housing:

  • A minimum cumulative high school average of 70.  Students with a cumulative high school average of 65-69.9 will be conditionally eligible providing they participate in academic support services.  These include:
  • Attend three (3) out of five (5) Academic Workshops during the first two weeks of their first semester.
  • Attend a total of 8 hours in the Learning Commons for study hours or tutor sessions each week during the first ½ of their first semester.
  • Meet one time per week for at least 30 minutes for first ½ of their first semester with either their SSA, a mentor or Resident Director.  OR
  • A GED/TASC minimum score of 2400 OR
  • A transfer student who attempted a minimum of 12 equivalent credit hours and earned a minimum 1.5 term GPA in their most recent semester.

Initial Eligibility – Current non-resident MVCC Student or past MVCC Student

1st semester at MVCC

  • A minimum cumulative high school average stated above OR
  • A GED/TASC minimum score of 2400 OR
  • A transfer student who attempted a minimum of 12 equivalent credit hours and earned a minimum 1.5 term GPA in their most recent semester.


  • Currently attempting a minimum of 12 equivalent credit hours and earn a minimum 1.5 term GPA at end of semester.

Completed at least one full-time semester at MVCC

  • Not be on Academic Probation.

Please Note:

  • In order to apply this policy in a consistent manner, there is no appeal for exceptions.
  • Past students who did not complete their first semester are subject to new applicant eligibility.

Continued Eligibility

A current resident or incoming resident will remain eligible to reside in the Residence Halls unless the they are academically dismissed by MVCC based on their Academic Standing.  They are expected to participate in all academic intervention and probation recovery initiatives.

Re-Entry of Prior Academically Ineligible Student

A prior resident who was previously dismissed from the College due to academic ineligibility may return to the Residence Halls upon rematriculation to the College.

Academic Engagement

Residence Hall housing is a privilege. Students who live in the residence halls are expected to actively engage in activities that will result in satisfactory academic progress. Such activities include, but are not limited to, regular class attendance, completing readings and assignments outside of class, finishing papers/essays and projects in compliance with class syllabi; and preparing for and taking examinations. Failure to be involved in academic work in a purposeful way will jeopardize your ability to live in the residence halls.

Class Attendance

Residence Hall housing is a privilege. Only those students who are regularly attending classes may remain in the Residence Halls. If it is determined by the College at any time that a student has not attended classes for two consecutive weeks or longer, the student may be removed from the Residence Halls unless they present a doctor’s excuse. The student will be subject to the standard Room and Fee and Meal Plan Refund Policies and appeal process. “Class Attendance” is defined as in person or virtual or remote class participation. 

Communicable Illnesses

The Residence Halls are community settings.  It is necessary for any student who has a communicable illness to notify the Dean of Student Life or the Health and Wellness Center.  The NYS list of reportable illnesses can be found at:


Credit Hours

All residents must register a full-time academic load of at least 12 equivalent credit hours (non-credit courses count toward this total). Requests for exemptions to this policy can be directed to the Dean of Student Life. We recognize that some students may find it advantageous to reduce credit hours to below 12 equivalent hours during the semester.  Students may request permission from the Dean of Student Life or Resident Director - Academic Supports to remain in the residence halls with fewer than 12 credit hours after discussing the request with their Student Support Advisor (SSA). Several factors are taken into account. Continued residence hall eligibility will consider,  in part, on how close to full-time they are. “Late start” or “B” term courses may be used in determining full-time status. However, in no case will a resident be eligible to remain in the residence halls with six (6) or fewer credit hours currently in session without special permission from the Dean of Student Life. If a student is granted permission to drop below 12 credit hours, they should check with the Financial Aid Office first. Any balance due not covered by financial aid is due immediately.


Students must pre-schedule the next semester’s classes prior to the close of the present semester.

Room and Board Termination Agreement

The Room and Board Agreement is binding for the full Academic Year, Fall and Spring Semesters, or in the event of mid-year admission, the remaining portion thereof. Residents who request to terminate this Agreement for any reason or become ineligible to continue residency, are subject to approval and the fee schedule as it appears in the Agreement. The MVCC Dormitory Corporation, in its sole and absolute discretion, reserves the right to deny any and all requests for terminations.

Room Assignment Changes

All returning students who wish to live on campus next academic year, must participate in the Room Selection Process beginning in March.

Students who do not secure housing with an on-line Returning Student Housing Information and Preference Form and deposit, if not on file, for the following academic year, prior to the conclusion of the current academic year, will be subject to a re-entrance eligibility review.  The quantity and seriousness of previous incidents, as well as academic standing, will be a consideration when determining re-entry.

Room Selection Process

All returning students who wish to live on campus next academic year, must participate in the Room Selection Process  beginning in March.

Students who do not secure housing with an on-line Returning Student Housing Information and Preference Form and deposit, if not on file, for the following academic year, prior to the conclusion of the current academic year, will be subject to an re-entrance eligibility review.  The quantity and seriousness of previous incidents will be a consideration when determining re-entry.

Withdrawal Mid-Semester

Any student withdrawing during the semester must follow the below procedure


1. Withdrawing from MVCC completely:

  • Contact your SSA to initiate your withdrawal.  Obtain an MVCC Withdrawal Form from the Payne Hall Student Service Center or download from the College website.
  • Complete the form by obtaining appropriate signatures from required offices.
  • Obtain a Residence Hall Mid-Semester Withdrawal Form from Residence Life in ACC 208 or the Bellamy Hall Office.  Complete the form and obtain necessary signatures.
  • When you are ready check-out and all of your property has been removed from the room:  Please call the RA on Duty at 315-792-5310 or 5310 from a floor Assistance Phone.  The resident must complete the Room Condition and Inventory Form with an R.A. and return their key(s). The Residence Hall Withdrawal Form should be submitted to the RA upon check-out.

2. Withdrawing from Residence Halls only:

  • Obtain a Residence Hall Mid-Semester Withdrawal Form from Residence Life in ACC 208 or the Bellamy Hall Office.  Complete the form and obtain necessary signatures.
  • When you are ready check-out and all of your property has been removed from the room:  Please call the RA on Duty at 315-792-5310 or 5310 from a floor Assistance Phone.  The resident must complete the Room Condition and Inventory Form with an R.A. and return their key(s). The Residence Hall Withdrawal Form should be submitted to the RA upon check-out.

Residents are required to remove all belongings from their room and follow proper checkout procedures on the same day they withdraw from classes.

Medical Withdrawal – Room and Board Charges Appeal

Students who withdraw from the Residence Halls for medical reasons may appeal the Room and Board Charges.  The appeal should include documentation from your medical care provider.  Appeals may be sent via email to or via US Mail at MVCC Residence Life, 1101 Sherman Drive, Utica, NY 13501.