Matriculation Policy

Matriculation is the process by which a prospective student applies for admission, submits all required documentation to support the application, and is officially accepted by the Admissions Office into a degree or certificate program prior to the start of classes.

The deadline for matriculation is the end of the last business day prior to the start of classes. Matriculation terminates with graduation, dismissal, deactivation of a program, or lack of registration for four consecutive semesters exclusive of summers and intersessions.

As long as a student maintains continuous enrollment, the catalog under which they matriculated will apply. If courses have been eliminated, or if requirements have changed, the administrator in charge of the affected program will work with the student to identify substitute courses. If a student ceases enrollment for four (4) consecutive semesters, that student must meet with an advisor in the Holistic Student Support Center to process a re-matriculation form. The course completion requirements will be those that appear for the new program in the catalog that is in use at the time (semester) of re-matriculation.

Graduation requirements for a matriculated student are based on the catalog in effect at the time of matriculation, re-matriculation, or change of major into the degree or certificate program.