Academic Integrity Review Appeals Process

An appeal of the Academic Integrity Review Committee is the final step in a student’s right to due process. If requested by a student, an appeal hearing will provide for a fair, timely and impartial review of the sanction(s) imposed by the Academic Integrity Review Committee.  An Academic Integrity Appeals Committee will be convened for all requests that do not involve dismissal or expulsion.  In cases in which the appeal is for a sanction of dismissal or expulsion, or an otherwise sensitive issue, an Administrative Hearing will be held with the Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs.  Note: The student email will be the official form of communication during the appeal scheduling process.  

To initiate the appeal, within two business days of the date posted on the written decision, the student must submit a written request, with full rationale for the appeal, to an Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs.  Time lines may be adjusted upon mutual consent or when, after a good faith effort, it was not possible to convene the Administrative Hearing according to the timeline. 

The student may appeal the written decision as rendered by the Academic Integrity Review Committee for the following reasons only: 

  1. A procedural error that unfairly and materially affected the outcome of the Academic Integrity Review;
  2. “After acquired” information that is relevant to the alleged violation (information that was discovered only after the conclusion of the Academic Integrity Review, could not reasonably have been discovered prior to or during the hearing, and which, if previously known, would have had a significant bearing on the outcome of the Review;
  3. Clear abuse of discretion on the part of the Academic Integrity Review Committee;
  4. A sanction that is unreasonably severe in light of the offense(s) committed.

 Academic Integrity Review Appeal Timeline

Days from receipt of appeal Step
2 Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs renders decision on appeal request
4 Administrative Hearing is scheduled
6 Date, time, and location of Administrative Hearing is communicated in writing to the appealing student. Conditions for Hearing are provided to the student
8 Administrative Hearing is held
10 Decision of Administrative Hearing is communicated to the appealing student


NOTE: These timelines may be adjusted upon mutual agreement of all parties involved.  All days are business days.

Process Guidelines

  1. Through the appeal process, the sanction of the Academic Integrity Review Committee may be decreased, increased or upheld. 
  2. The decision of the Administrative Hearing is final.
  3. The appealing student has a right to bring witnesses to the Administrative Hearing.
  4. An Administrative Hearing is restricted to an Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Chair of the Academic Integrity Review Committee, approved witnesses, and the appealing student and his/her advisor.
  5. The appealing student may request an individual Administrative Hearing member be removed from the appeal hearing, providing acceptable reasons for the request are stated at the start of the appeal. The request may or may not be granted.