Academic Integrity Policy

Academic Integrity demonstrates respect for intellectual work. It is the foundation of intellectual inquiry and facilitates honesty and the free exchange of ideas for the purpose of growth, which are essential for learning. Therefore, all members of the college community must conduct academic pursuits ethically, taking credit for work they have accomplished and giving credit to other sources. Failure to engage in honest and ethical academic behavior will result in disciplinary action. The following are categories of prohibited behavior in all college-related activities.*

*Inspired by Canisius University’s Code of Academic Integrity. 


MVCC defines plagiarism as the act of using someone or something else's words, ideas, or work (in whole or in part) without full citation in accordance with an accepted citation style (such as MLA, APA, or Chicago). Plagiarism is considered a serious academic offense and intellectual theft as it undermines the principles of academic integrity and honesty.

The MVCC Libraries and Learning Commons have resources available to help you give proper credit to your sources and avoid plagiarism. Librarians and tutors can guide you and answer your questions. 

Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to: 

  • Direct quotation and/or “cutting & pasting” of any source material (including from other students), whether published or unpublished, without giving proper credit through quotation marks and other customary means of identifying sources;
  • Paraphrasing content, ideas, opinions, or theories from sources (including from other students) such as: books, articles, websites, Artificial Intelligence (AI), or other technological tools, without identifying and crediting sources;
  • Using facts, statistics, graphs, diagrams, photographs, illustrative, or multimedia materials without identifying and crediting sources;
  • Submitting papers written by anyone or anything other than yourself;
  • Offering false, fabricated, or fictitious sources for any assignment;
  • Other acts can be defined as plagiarism by instructors within their syllabus and/or assignments. Students should contact their instructors to clarify acceptable uses of source material (including AI tools) and proper citation styles.


Cheating includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Using unauthorized notes, study aids, technology tools (e.g., software, cell phones, calculators, internet), AI tools, or information on an examination, test, or assignment; 
  • Altering and resubmitting graded work without the instructor’s consent;
  • Submitting work done by anyone or anything other than yourself as your own work;
  • Possessing and/or utilizing, without instructor authorization, copies (e.g., hard copy, electronic, images) of tests, answer sheets, lab reports, or other materials, that could interfere with fair, accurate assessment; 
  • Retaining, possessing, or using previously given examination materials without authorization;
  • Buying, selling, downloading, or circulating coursework such as term papers, examinations, or other written assignments, or any part of them (e.g., uploading to or using materials from sites like Chegg or CourseHero).

Duplicate Submission of the Same Work

Submitting the same work for more than one course, or multiple times for the same course, whether produced at MVCC or at another institution, is a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy unless the instructor(s) assigning the work give(s) advance consent. 


Collusion involves working collaboratively on an assignment and then submitting individual copies of the assignment as one’s own individual work without instructor approval. Please note that consultation of MVCC employees such as faculty, library staff, or tutors, is not considered collusion unless the instructor has imposed stricter limits for a particular assignment. 

False Information and Forgery

Includes consciously furnishing false information to other students, instructors and their representatives, advisors, administrators, or representatives of the college offices with the intent to mislead. Instances would include, but are not limited to:

  • Misrepresenting activity outside of the classroom (e.g., reports on field work, internships);
  • Misrepresenting activity within the classroom (e.g., falsifying data, research);
  • Improperly seeking special consideration or privilege (e.g., for postponement of an examination or assignment deadline);
  • Any attempt to forge, alter, or falsify academic documentation, including:
    • Transcripts; 
    • Letters of recommendation; 
    • Certificates of enrollment or good standing;
    • Registration, drop/add, and withdrawal forms;
    • Medical certification of absence;
    • Or other writing in academic matters (e.g., any documentation provided to instructors) concerning oneself or others.

Theft, Abuse and Destruction of Academic Property

Comprises unauthorized possession, removal, retention, mutilation, destruction, or sequestering of college property that deprives others of equal access to these materials. Such property includes, but is not limited to:

  • Library materials (including a willful or repeated failure to respond to recall notices from the library);
  • Laboratory materials;
  • Computers, computer software, or other technology; 
  • Another student’s academic work (e.g., books, notes, computer programs, papers, reports, laboratory experiments);
  • Academic lectures or recordings, academic computer software, or other instructional materials.

Aiding and Abetting Academic Dishonesty

Intentionally providing material, information, or other assistance to another person with knowledge that such aid could be used to commit any of the proscribed acts noted above is considered academic dishonesty. 


Offering or giving any article of value or service to an instructor in an attempt to receive a grade or other benefits not legitimately earned or not available to other students in the class is considered academic dishonesty.