Academic Amnesty

Mohawk Valley Community College’s Academic Amnesty program is designed to give a fresh start to students who have been away from the College for four years or more and who return to complete a degree or certificate. Such students may apply to have unsatisfactory grades excluded from the calculation of the grade point average (GPA). 

Eligibility requirements

  1. The student has not enrolled at MVCC for at least four years.
  2. The student has re-matriculated into a degree or certificate program at MVCC.
  3. The student must complete at least 12 credit hours since re-matriculation with a GPA of at least 2.5.*
  4. Full-time students must apply for Academic Amnesty within one calendar year from the date of re-matriculation. Part-time students must apply for Academic Amnesty within one semester of completing at least 12 credit hours.*
  5. Academic Amnesty may be granted only one time in a student’s academic history at the college.


  1. The student submits the application for Academic Amnesty to the Dean of the academic school that houses the program/certificate in which the student has re-matriculated including a written statement that demonstrates both an understanding of what led to past academic difficulties and a strategy for successful completion of the degree or certificate.
  2. The Dean will review the application and required documentation.
  3. The Dean will notify the student in writing of the decision within two weeks of receipt of the application.
  4.  The Dean may apply additional restrictions as required by programs at MVCC.
  5. The Dean will notify the Office of Records and Registration when a request for academic amnesty has been approved by forwarding the signed application. The college will use the new GPA calculations as the basis to determine the student’s program GPA, the academic standing in subsequent semesters and honors at the time of graduation.
  6. The completed form is returned to the Dean after processing in the Office of Records and Registration.

Limitations of Academic Amnesty

  1. Courses that were previously applied to a program for the purpose of graduation are not eligible for Academic Amnesty.
  2. Academic Amnesty does not change or adjust financial aid eligibility. Federal and state standards for the evaluation of academic history may supersede the College’s Academic Amnesty.
  3. Outstanding financial obligations incurred by the student prior to approval of Academic Amnesty remain the responsibility of the student.
  4. Students may be required to participate in academic activities as a condition of their Academic Amnesty approval.
  5. There is no guarantee that MVCC’s Academic Amnesty will be recognized by any other college or university.
  6. Grades earned in programs such as Nursing in which there is a limit in the number of times a course can be repeated, may not be eligible for Academic Amnesty. Students should consult with their School Dean at the time of application.

* The Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs may approve exceptions as needed or based on the Dean’s recommendation in accordance with degree program requirements.