If you wish to file a complaint regarding a conflict or incident, please contact MVCC Public Safety Office. DPS will take a report for a student and will engage the Office of Judicial Affairs Community Standards when appropriate. If the matter is not an emergency, you may contact the Office of Judicial Affairs and Community Standards and they can supply you with a complaint form you can submit directly to that office. Academic complaints should be reported to the appropriate Academic Dean. If needed the Academic Dean and Office of Judicial Affairs Community Standards will adjudicate/mediate the case.

If you are documented (written up) by a member of the Mohawk Valley Community College Department of Public Safety or the Residence Hall Staff, the Office of Judicial Affairs Community Standards will receive that report. The report will be reviewed for potential violations of the Student Code of Conduct or Residence Hall Rules and Regulations. If violations are alleged, you will be afforded due process. A Conduct Officer will schedule a meeting with you based on your class schedule to discuss (hear) the incident with you. In that meeting, the Conduct Officer will ask you for information about the incident to determine your involvement in and responsibility for the violation(s). If you are found responsible for violating any section of the Student Code of Conduct or Residence Life Rules and Regulations, you will be given sanctions that you will be required to complete. Sanctions can include written warnings, disciplinary probation, community service, attendance at educational workshops and a variety of other activities. More information about sanctions can be found in the MVCC Student Handbook.

If you miss a meeting with the Conduct Officer, they may make a decision on your case without the benefit of your input. If you know you will not be able to attend a meeting, please contact your Conduct Officer as soon as possible to reschedule. Please note that rescheduling is at the discretion of your conduct officer. If you miss a meeting, your Conduct Officer will send you an outcome letter with the outcome of your judicial incident and any sanctions you will need to complete. You are expected to complete any assigned sanctions if you were not at your meeting.

In cases of noncompliance with the Student Code of Conduct, the College will impose discipline that is consistent with the impact of the offense on the College community. Progressive discipline principles will be followed in that the student's prior discipline history at the College will be taken into account. Please refer to the student handbook for a list of judicial sanctions.

If you were sanctioned for violations of the Student Code of Conduct, you are eligible to request an appeal if you meet the required criteria. The VP for Student Affairs. The Disciplinary Appeals Committee (DAC) will determine if your appeal request is approved based on if you meet one of the pre-identified requirements. If you fail to meet one of the requirements your appeal request will not be heard and an email/letter will be sent to you letting you know the outcome. If the DAC grants your appeal request, you will have an Appeal Hearing.

Many factors impact how sanctions are determined for individual students, including their level of involvement in an incident and their previous judicial history.

After you meet with your Conduct Officer, you will be sent a formal outcome letter via email. This letter will include whether or not you were found responsible for any violations and specific information on your sanctions, including your deadlines and any other information you will need to complete them (web address, paper specification, community service contact information, etc.). It is your responsibility to complete your sanctions by the given deadline. Failure to complete your sanctions as outlined in your letter will result in further judicial action.

You should turn all judicial paperwork into the Judicial Affairs &s; Community Standards/Judicial Affairs office in Payne Hall Room 347 or email your documentation directly to your conduct officer, unless otherwise specified by your hearing officer. If sanctioned by one of the Residence Life staff you should submit all  documentation to the appropriate office in Residence Life.

If you do not complete an assigned judicial sanction you will be subject to further judicial consequences. These may include being reassigned the original sanction as well as additional sanctions. If you think you are going to have trouble completing your sanctions by your assigned deadline, please contact the Conduct Officer as soon as possible to discuss the situation.

Judicial Probation is a formal written notice that a student is in poor judicial standing with the College. This probation can be alcohol/drug related, safety or comprehensive probation. Students who are on or have been on probation may receive greater judicial sanctions if they have further violations of the MVCC Student Code of Conduct or the Residence Life Rules and Regulations. Judicial probation could also result in a loss of privileges within the College community, including consideration of eligibility for an MVCC study abroad program or trips sponsored by Student Activities Clubs. In addition, judicial probation may affect your eligibility to hold leadership roles in various organizations (Student Government, Residence Life, etc.).

Family Educational Rights Privacy Act limits parent and guardian notification unless required for alcohol and drug violations or if the student has submitted a release. The College reserves the right to communicate with parents and guardians of dependent students or when a release is on file.

An "appeal" is defined as a request to review a previous decision and/or the process used in reaching the decision. The line of appeal to be followed will depend upon the type of case involved. The appeal request form can be found at: www.mvcc.edu/student-policies/judicial-appeal-form. In all cases, students are required to state their appeal in writing at the time they begin the appeal process. The following describes the different types of cases and the appropriate lines of appeal to be used in each case. For disciplinary issues, or issues dealing with misconduct, the process described in the Student Code of Conduct, www.mvcc.edu/board-procedures/section-3/3-4 will be used. Appeals that have gone through the entire line of appeal are considered final and binding on all parties involved.

The Disciplinary Appeals Committee (DAC) is a body to provide for a formal judicial appeal hearing. Students who are sanctioned for violations of the Student Code of Conduct or the Residence Life Rules and Regulations are eligible to request an appeal as outlined in the Student Handbook. The DAC will determined if they will hear the case or not. The committee is comprised of College Employees and students.

As per the 14th Amendment all students have the right to due process. Due process means, in part, that each student has the right to notice regarding their case and the right to a fair hearing.

Judicial records are kept until you graduate or for six years after your separation from the College. Expulsions are maintained indefinitely.

A student who is suspended from MVCC, expelled from MVCC or dismissed from the Residence Halls is subject to the standard refund policies.

The ND Program serves individuals involved in the criminal justice system, using a case management approach, to assist student(s) in enrolling at the institution and helping the student acquire support services to meet academic requirements for the completion of their certificate/degree.

Individuals that disclose on the admissions commitment paperwork that they have a felony are asked to meet with a ND team member to complete enrollment.  Students that are re-matriculated back into the college after a leave of absence, (4 semesters or more, two years, not including summers) will then have to meet with a ND’s team member to complete an intake form.  ND’s students are designated in Banner as ND.

The program has been in existence since 2005 and has served over 1,228 students.

The population of individuals who were formerly incarcerated is growing tremendously.   Research clearly shows that the sooner individuals find meaningful employment and/or are enrolled in institutions for learning are far less likely to re-offend.  Therefore, MVCC is affording access to a diverse group of individuals, at an affordable rate, so that they may become productive members of society and the community.

The ND’s Program is designed to provide unique support(s) that are essential for students that were formally incarcerated to succeed academically and personally. Being a part of the ND Program is completely voluntary. Self disclosing and participation affords you the opportunity to get extra support while attending classes at MVCC.

For students applying for speicalized educational programs and/or on-campus housing you will be required to meet with a ND’s team member, affording you the opportunity to utilize support services.

While it is not mandatory, the New Directions program would like to extend the invitation to individuals who were formerly incarcerated to receive support and help of any kind so that they do well academically and in their personal lives. While it is not mandatory, we are a resource.

1. Application to MVCC.

2. You will meet with a ND’s team member to complete an intake form.

As a ND’s student you are afforded support services which include follow up’s with a ND’s team member, referral to needed on campus services, tutoring, learning center, registration, counseling re-entry program and community resources.


People who are ex-offenders will always be “bad” people and those who were formerly incarcerated are making our campus dangerous – we should be afraid. Once a criminal, always a criminal.


Many formerly incarcerated students perform at a high level and have used their time incarcerated as an opportunity for growth and change. 


All formerly incarcerated people look the same. 


Incarceration includes people from a variety of ethnicities, economic backgrounds, religious backgrounds, race, gender, etc. 

The College in Prison Program (CPND) housed at Marcy Correctional facility in Marcy, NY provides individuals who are incarcerated an education by Mohawk Valley Community College, while serving their sentence. CPND enrolls nearly 25 incarcerated men and offers 3-4 courses yearly to go towards a Business Administration and/or Liberal Arts degree. To date, CPND has enrolled nearly 80 students. The program was established in 2014 and oversight was taken over by the Office of Judicial Affairs &s; Community Standards in January of 2016. Original funding for the program was provided by the Sunshine Lady Foundation, however, we now receive state funding through Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) and the District Attorneys of New York - Criminal Justice Investment Initiative (CJII). For detailed information on the College in Prison program please go to website: https://www.mvcc.edu/cipp


It is standard procedure to maintain the VP hold on your account if you were involved in a violation of the MVCC Code of Conduct that effects future enrollment.

  • You did not come to a mandatory meeting scheduled by the Office of Judicial Affairs &s; Community Standards.
  • You have outstanding judicial sanctions that need to be completed.
  • You were dismissed from the college due to a judicial incident.
  • You are presently not a student at MVCC and you were involved in a violation of the MVCC Code of Conduct.