For students accepted to a degree or certificate program, the PIN is assigned by a computer program, and the Advisement Center staff sends the student a letter notifying them of their PIN.  This allows them initial access to their MyMV account, and they must then change the PIN to a number that they can remember and establish PIN hint security question.  Students may also reset their PIN at the Registrar’s window or at the Help Desk if they have photo ID.



The majority of our students are assigned to faculty advisors based upon their academic program.  You can find out who your advisor is by checking your DegreeWorks audit in your MyMV account.  If there is no advisor listed in your MyMV account or the advisor listed is incorrect, contact your academic department.


 Your advisor will help you to clarify your educational, career, and life goals as well as assist you in selecting the most appropriate courses to meet your needs.  Both students and advisors have important roles and responsibilities in the advising process.  Students use their DegreeWorks audit to verify that courses they schedule apply to their program, and see their advisor to learn about their academic pathway including selection of elective credits and transfer.  For most students, the first semester schedule is made by the Advisement Department, and after that, students schedule their own courses based on conversations with their advisor. 


 When you first begin an academic program at MVCC, you will complete or be waived from placement testing and then fill out an online new student survey.  Once we receive your survey, the Advisement Center will build you a first semester schedule and a program completion plan.  At that point, the Advisement Center will call you and schedule you for a new student navigation appointment called GPS (Goals Plans = Success).  When you come to campus you'll meet with someone at the College who will share your schedule and completion plan with you, make any adjustments, and answer questions you have about getting started at MVCC.  You'll get logged into your MyMV DegreeWorks so that you can stay on track to your goal.  After that first meeting, you will be assigned a faculty advisor connected to your degree or certificate program. We recommend that you see your advisor at least once per semester and especially prior to scheduling your next term's courses.


 You should meet with your advisor whenever you have a question about academic issues, your plan of study, campus resources, or possible graduation.  You should also meet with your advisor every semester before you register for classes.


 If schedules or other issues make it difficult for you to meet with your advisor, you can request a change by filling out a New Advisor Request Form.


 Yes, you need to secure your classes with the Business Office.  Whether you use financial aid, pay by FACTS (online payment or payment plan), credit card, check, cash, or third party payer such as an employer, you always need to secure your schedule by notifying the Business Office of how you will be paying.  The simplest way to secure your classes is to click on "Pay My Bill/Confirm My Charges" at the top of the Main Menu in MyMV.  There you can view your bill and, scroll down, and confirm charges (if there is enough aid on account) or make a payment.


You can drop a course until the last day to withdraw on the Academic Calendar. However you should check with the Financial Aid office about whether withdrawal from a course will affect your full-time status for financial aid eligibility.  You may add a course to your schedule during the first week of the semester without any special permission.  After the first week, you need the instructor's signature on a late enrollment form.  After the second week, you need the signature of both the instructor and signature of the Academic Department Associate Dean who oversees that course.


 Billing hours includes non-credit courses such as preparatory math, reading, and writing.  These courses do not offer college credit or count toward your degree.  However, they do count toward your tuition bill, and they count as part of your course load for the purposes of financial aid eligibility.


 Based on your placement test results and the requirements of your degree or certificate program, you may be required to take preparatory non-credit courses.  The purpose is to help students strengthen skills in critical areas so that they will be successful in subsequent credit bearing coursework.


 There are many reasons why classes may be dropped.  It could be because you did not secure your classes with payment or confirm your charges by the deadline.  It could be that you have lost eligibility to be a student because you did not meet the terms of your academic intervention or probation.  It could also have to do with immunization requirements, the cancellation of one or more courses, or because you did not meet the pre-requisites as expected.  The Advisement Center staff can help you with next steps.


 You can go to the Advisement Center on either campus to meet with an advisor to discuss possible changes in your academic program.  They will provide you with a worksheet and resources to explore your career interests and goals and encourage you to consider a wide range of other factors such as the job market, transfer colleges, financial aid, and time to completion.  When you have made a decision, your change of major request will be entered by the advisor.


 One misconception is that we have the only advisors on campus.  Students frequently stop in looking for a faculty advisor, and we direct them to the advisor’s location or contact information.

Because so many students see an advisor in the advisement center, people think that we don’t encourage students to see their assigned (faculty) advisor. We do, all the time!  But if you don't know where to go with a question about your class schedule or academic progress, the Advisement Center is a good place to start.

 That we work together as a team to help solve student problems.