Placement Testing FAQ 

The MVCC placement test is an Accuplacer test that measures skill level in 3 areas: writing, reading and math. The scores from these three areas are used to place the student in their first semester's math and English courses, while identifying any reading remediation that may be required. Sample questions and video tutorials can be found in the links menu on the right side of our page.

English and reading scores are valid for up to 3 years while math scores are only good for one year. If a student is re-matriculating and took only non-credit/developmental classes, they must re-test if their scores are no longer valid.

Retesting of any part of the placement test is not permitted under most circumstances. Questions regarding the retesting policy and any possible exceptions to it must be submitted to

Students living a significant distance from the college or selecting an online course may request to take the assessment test at a location closer to their home. This decision is made on an individual basis and is at the discretion of the coordinator of testing. Students interested in this option must call our Testing Center Office at 315-731-5802. Students should note that there is usually a fee required by the remote testing site. After completing the test, the student will need to contact the Assessment and Testing Center for further instructions.

The time required for our test is different for every student as the test addresses different areas depending on the skill level of the student. For example, if the student is proficient in math they will advance further into higher level math questions and will probably take longer as a result. For most students the test takes no more than two hours, but please be aware that it can take longer.

Unfortunately, we are unable to transfer scores from our test to other colleges as most institutions use customized versions of the Accuplacer test and our scores will not correlate with theirs. However, if you are transferring to another school that uses the Accuplacer test we can proctor their placement exam for you in our testing lab. Please contact our office at 315-731-5802 for further details on how to set up a remote test for another school.

There are a few different ways that you can be exempted from taking our test. The first is if you are transferring in a college level English or math from another college. If you have transfer credit for either of these areas you are exempt from that portion of the test, respectively.  The other circumstance that may exempt you is if you have SAT/ACT scores from within the last 3 years. SAT scores of over 500 in any of the three subject areas (reading, writing and math) exempts you from that portion of the test, respectively, as does an ACT score of over 21 in any of the same three subject areas. A more detailed explanation of our exemption policy can be found here.