Policy on Credit for Experiential Learning

The assessment of Experiential Learning is designed to provide matriculated students with an alternative method of obtaining college credit. Knowledge acquired from a combination of work experience, non-credit courses, seminar training and workshops may translate into college credit. If you can document your experience and articulate the learning that resulted based on the Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs), you may be eligible to receive Experiential Learning credit.

I. Credit granted

  1. Any credit awarded for Experiential Learning will be considered the same as transfer credit to MVCC.
  2. Only the course number, title, credit hours and the notation of “Credit for Experiential Learning (CEL)” will be recorded on the transcript.
  3. The Assistant/Associate Dean of the Academic Center responsible for the course will approve or disapprove the granting of credit for Experiential Learning based on the submitted portfolio demonstrating fulfillment Student Learning Outcomes of the course in question.

II. Eligibility

  1. Only currently MATRICULATED students shall be able to earn credit for Experiential Learning.

III. Limitations

  1. Credit earned will not count toward current semester course load nor meet MVCC Residency requirements.
  2. Credit will not be approved for any course in which the student has previously earned a passing grade.
  3. Credit must be applicable to the program in which the student is matriculated.
  4. Credit hours earned for Experiential Learning shall not exceed 25% of the graduation requirements of the program in which the applicant is matriculated.
  5. A combination of Credit for Experiential Learning and Transfer credit shall not exceed 75% of required program credits.
  6. Students shall not request Credit for Experiential Learning after graduation.
  7. Foreign Languages are not considered for CEL.
  8. Military Service is not eligible for CEL. Veterans seeking credit for courses must present their ACE transcript to the Registrar for evaluation.
  9. Credit for Experiential Learning may be transferable at the discretion of other institutions and/or accrediting bodies.

IV. Fees

The fee for Credit for Experiential Learning will be set at two-thirds of the part time tuition rate for the course in question. This fee will be paid by cash, check or credit card to the Business Office. The fee is not covered by any Financial Aid the student may receive.

Apply for Credit for Experiential Learning

Guidelines for submission of portfolio credit for Experiential Learning

  • The student, in conjunction with the mentor faculty member, chooses the course or courses for which the student will apply for credit.
  • The student is given the course outline with Student Learning Outcomes and course description.
  • In a written narrative, the student addresses each of the SLOs and how, through the student’s experience, he/she has met the SLOs and what the student has learned from the experience as it relates to the SLOs.
  • The student should include with the narrative any supporting documents that can attest to the learning that took place as a product of the student’s experience. These documents may include but are not limited to: A letter from an employer detailing work performed and number of hours, certificates of achievement, a portfolio of written or visual work created by the student, or other forms of professional recognition.
  • The student submits the final portfolio to the mentor instructor, who evaluates the portfolio and forwards a recommendation with the portfolio to the Dean of the Academic School in which the course is housed.