
The purpose of the Strategic Planning Council (SPC) is to facilitate the strategic planning process and serve as the primary body responsible for assessing future directions and trends.


Strategic Planning Council members are appointed by the College President to provide a diverse representation of College departments and employees. There are two categories of membership: Standing Appointments and Non-Standing Appointments. All Non-Standing Appointments serve three-year terms with potential renewal. In addition to the representatives indicated, at-large appointments may be made for each of the three-year terms. Special short-term appointments to the council may also be made to accomplish specific tasks.

  • Executive Director of Organizational Culture & Wellness appointed by the President (Standing) Vice Chair: - Jill Heintz
  • Director of COmmunity and Workforce Development appointed by the President (Standing): Sarah Lam
  • Executive Director of Human Resources appointed by the President (Standing): Crystal Marceau
  • Vice President for Student Affairs appointed by the President (Standing): Stephanie Reynolds
  • Vice President for Administrative Services appointed by the President (Standing): Tom Squires
  • Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs appointed by the President (Standing): Lew Kahler
  • Chief Equity & Inclusion Officer/CDO (Standing): Todd Marshall
  • Executive Director of Marketing and Communications appointed by the President (Standing): Alen Smajic
  • Director of Institutional Research and Analysis appointed by the President (Standing): Marie Miknavich
  • Executive Director of Information Technology appointed by the Vice President for Administrative Services (Standing): Mary Jane Parry
  • At Large Member appointed by the President (2024): Tim Thomas 
  • Member of Facilities appointed by the Vice President for Administrative Services (2023): Michael McHarris
  • At Large Member appointed by the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs (2023): Shannon Crocker
  • At Large Member appointed by the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs (2023): Jim Lynch
  • Academic Dean appointed by the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs (2022): Melissa Copperwheat 
  • Faculty At Large appointed by the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs (2022): Eileen Bush
  • Students Affairs member appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs (2023): Jennifer DeWeerth
  • Faculty at Large elected (2023): Brandon Walcutt
  • Faculty at Large elected (2023): Jennifer Krohn
  • Faculty at Large elected (2023): Stacey McCall
  • Classified staff elected (2022): Stephanie Lai
  • Non-Teaching Professional elected (2022): Tamara Mariotti
  • Hawk Vision representative appointed by the President (2022): Rich Kelly
  • Hawk Vision representative appointed by the President (2023): Shahida Dar
  • Hawk Vision representative appointed by the President (2024): Janet Visalli
  • Student Congress member appointed by Student Congress: TBD


Task Action
Participates in an annual fall strategic planning retreat to synthesize trend data and identify annual College-wide initiatives to modify the Strategic Plan. Analyze, data, conduct gap analysis, modify Strategic Plan
Serve as stewards of the College in the identification of priorities to enhance the college’s vitality Recommend priorities
Engage faculty, staff, and students in the planning process Engage the College
Facilitate processes and develop recommendations for updating the Vision, Mission, and Values statements at the College Facilitate and recommend updates
Ensure that appropriate communication processes are in place to keep the internal community informed of progress Communicate
Ensure that appropriate mechanisms are in place to link planning, assessment, and budgeting, and report successes annually Examine and evaluate progress on implementation
Serve as an advocate and champion for the College’s Strategic Plan Advocate and champion

Does Not

  • Focus on individual departments, operational issues, or specific resource allocation

Guiding Points

  • Keep the whole College in mind.
  • Focus on the future.
  • Simplify processes.
  • Constantly strive to more closely align the College with community needs.
  • Consider conducting student focus groups to obtain student input.
  • Use the STEEP or similar model for environmental scanning to analyze social, technology, environmental, economic, and political sectors with education as a focus. 

Updated September 2021