Purpose: The purpose of the Cultural Events Council is to enrich the college and community through the planning, promoting, and facilitating of a year-round events and entertainment series (“MVCC Campus Events”) that reflects and enhances diverse interests, strengthens learning opportunities, and increases the College’s exposure within the Community at-large.

Charter Sponsor: President’s Cabinet

Charter Contact: Vice President for Administrative Services

Timeline: Standing

Membership (length of term for members if applicable)
 ·        Member of Events and Guest Services appointed by the President, Co-Chair (Standing): Erica Carrock

·        Member of Events and Guest Services appointed by the Dean of the Rome Campus and Community Outreach, Co-Chair (Standing): Bella Popowski

·        Member Student Services and Residence Life appointed by Vice President for Student Affairs (Standing): De’Anna Hopkinson

·        Chair of International Initiatives Committee (Standing): Carolyn West Pace

·        Member of the Faculty appointed by the Vice President of Learning and Academic Affairs: Jed Kimball

·        Member of the Faculty appointed by the Vice President of Learning and Academic Affairs: Melissa Barlett

·        Member of the Faculty appointed by the Vice President of Learning and Academic Affairs: Dustin Swiss

·        At Large appointed by Program Board Director: Program Board Director

 ·        Solicit programming ideas from students, faculty, and staff.

·        In coordination with Student Activities and Engagement, develop Cultural events, including a variety of diverse international events, entertainment, and activities. 

·        Coordinate with the Office of Marketing and Communications to market Cultural Events as appropriate.

·        Coordinate with Academic Affairs to plan events that integrate/support curricular goals.

 ·         Make decisions; determine policy; discuss contractual issues.

 ·        Keep the College mission, with an emphasis on the student experience, front and center.

·        Maintain a diverse array of offerings at both the Utica and Rome campuses.

·        Consider all employee and affinity groups with regards to inclusivity.

Revised 10.3.2023