
The purpose of the Employee Enrichment Council is to assist in the overall development and coordination of a comprehensive annual employee enrichment program.

Charter Sponsor

President’s Cabinet

Charter Contact

College President



Membership (length of term for members, if applicable)

  • Executive Director of Organizational Culture & Wellness Ex Officio (Standing): Jill Heintz, Chair
  • Member of Teaching Fellow Ex Officio (standing): TBA
  • Co-Coordinator of Faculty and Staff Development Ex Officio (standing): Dina Radeljas
  • Co-Coordinator of Faculty and Staff Development Ex Officio (standing): Frank Noti
  • Members of the President's Office chair appointed (Standing): Ashleigh Frank
  • Member of Human Resources appointed by the President (standing): Nancy Wallace
  • Member of the Rome Campus appointed by the Dean of Rome Campus (2026): TBD
  • Member of Information Technology appointed by the Vice President for Administrative Services (2026): TBD
  • Member of Academic Affairs appointed by the Vice President for Learning & Academic Affairs (2024): TBA
  • Member of Student Affairs appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs (2025): Amanda Roy-Small
  • Member of Academic Affairs elected (2024): Jocelyn Ireland
  • Member of Student Affairs elected (2025): Kirsten Edwards
  • Member of Administrative Services elected (2026): Anne Nolan
  • At Large elected (2025): Sharon Zohne

 Vice Presidents will ensure equal representation from each collective bargaining unit.


Task Action
Conduct research on professional development best practices in education Research
Annually solicit and collect input on employee enrichment needs and interests from all employee groups Solicit and Collect
Recommend program priorities to the President’s Cabinet Recommend priorities
Develop an annual employee enrichment program calendar Develop Calendar
Advise, and participate as necessary, on the development, scheduling and facilitation of employee enrichment offerings Advise and participate
Keep the College Senate informed as necessary Inform
Develop a multi-year strategic plan for employee enrichment offerings and recommend to Cabinet Develop plan


Does Not

  • Make decisions
  • Determine policy
  • Discuss contractual issues

Guiding Points

  • Consider all employee and affinity groups with regard to enrichment.
  • Keep the College mission, with an emphasis on the student experience, front and center.
  • Coordinate institutional memberships in professional organizations.


Updated July 2023