
To provide a mechanism to research and identify issues that pertain to the future of education and to make an annual recommendation to impact the extent to which MVCC is positioned to thrive in changing times.

Charter Sponsor


Charter Contact

Randy VanWagoner, President


Standing, Established 2015, Suspended 2019-2022, Reactivated 2023

Membership (length of terms for members, if applicable)

  • President Appointment: Alen Smajic, Chair
  • Academic Administration appointed by Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs: Jim Lynch
  • Administrative Services appointed by Vice President for Administrative Services: Lisa Flo
  • Student Affairs appointed by Vice President for Student Affairs: Michael Grider
  • Faculty elected: Ross Wittenberg
  • Faculty elected: Shannon Crocker
  • Staff elected: Anne Nolan
  • Staff elected: Patti Antanavige


Task Action
Continually scan the environment for patterns, signals, and trends that would positively impact student enrollment, retention, and success Scan
Engage MVCC community in discussions on the future as needed Engage
Amplify existing prototypes at the College worthy of scaling Magnify
Annualy identify one big issue to recommend to Cabinet for the college to integrate into its planning efforts to proactively shift the trajectory of the college in five years to streghten capacity for adapting to disruptions. Recommend


Does Not

  • Feel constrained by realities of today.
  • Adopt a scarcity mindset.
  • Assume the future will be a linear extrapolation of the present.

Guiding Points

  • Consider ways to connect with organizational networks the college participates in like Strategic Horizons, Jobs for the Future, the Community College Workforce Consortium and others.
  • Be creative.
  • Be productively paranoid.
  • Maintain a mindset of abundance.
  • Consider engaging others through study groups, task forces, and self-organized teams to research, explore, and prototype ideas and solutions.

Updated August 23, 2023

What is Hawk Vision

Hawk Vision is an initiative to nurture creative ideas and launch intrapreneurial projects that drive the mission of MVCC. Not just a think tank, Hawk Vision is a value-added action tank designed to bring great ideas to life.

Hawk Vision was formed to equip the MVCC community to fully realize the College mission and vision. In a short time, community colleges have transformed from a novel, experimental sector of higher education into the largest and most diverse sector of higher education in the United States. Increasing challenges come in the form of resources, competitors, and constituencies’ demands that constrain capacity, as well as fundamental shifts in the external environment that are bringing constant change to the way community colleges function.

Hawk Vision will provide the much-needed structure to facilitate a campus dialogue that is focused on organizational learning about alternative futures, disruptive innovation, and strategies for transformation. The goal is to facilitate institutional growth and encourage a culture that embraces change. MVCC must be agile to stay ahead of the trends. Innovative ideas that arise through the use of predictive analytics and forecasting tools will propel the Institution toward positive change in the pursuit of its mission fulfillment.

Innovation Grant Application