
The purpose of the Traffic Committee is to review all areas of College traffic, including pedestrian and vehicle traffic and parking, and to make recommendations as needed. Also, to act as a hearings appeal committee on any appealed tickets.

Charter Sponsor


Charter Contact

Committee Chair


  • Mike McHarris, Administrative Services, Chair
  • Frank Noti, At-Large Faculty
  • Kim Carhart, At-Large Classified Staff
  • Michelle Parker, At-Large Faculty


  • Research traffic patterns
  • Synthesize and work with Facilities to maintain a safe and positive traffic flow
  • Identify high traffic areas
  • Develop traffic assistance details with security officers to increase positive traffic flow
  • Communicate through the use of properly stationed security officers and written and verbal information

Does Not

  • Make decisions
  • Discuss personnel issues
  • Discuss contractual issues

Guiding Points

  • Keep the College mission front and center.
  • Be creative and think big.
  • Think about what’s best for students.
  • Seek to understand and recognize there are multiple perspectives to each issue.