
The purpose of the Diversity and Global View Committee is to oversee and assist in the implementation of the College’s commitment to diversity and a global view.

Charter Sponsor

College Senate

Charter Contact

Committee Chair


  • Kyle Lince, Faculty, Chair
  • Rosemary Spetka, Registrar
  • James Sunderhaft, Student Affairs
  • David Yahnke, Student Affairs
  • Tania Bader, Administrative Services
  • Sharon Zohne, Non-teaching professional
  • Marissa Flo, Classified Staff
  • Bella Popowski, Rome Campus
  • Erica Carrock, Campus Events Committee
  • Emily Gifford, Coordinator of International Students
  • Michelle Kelly, Faculty
  • Melissa Thomas, Faculty
  • Erin Severs, Faculty
  • Jennifer Krohn, Faculty

Standing Subcommittees

  • Standing subcommittee of three DGV members for DGV event approval as they arise during the semester.
  • Standing subcommittee of three DGV members to recommend DGV designation for courses to entire committee.
  • Chair elected annually by the committee.


  • Review procedures and activities associated with the implementation of the Diversity and Global View general education requirement
  • Serve as the College-wide group with primary responsibility for coordinating the effective assessment of student learning in the Diversity and Global View area
  • Collaborate with Curriculum, General Education, Art Infusion, Cultural Committees, Marketing, and IT offices to ensure DGV infusion
  • Make recommendations to the full College Senate and the VPLAA for changes and refinements to the DGV requirements and activities
  • In addition to annual written reports, make periodic updates and recommendations to the College Senate and the VPLAA regarding committee actions

Does Not

  • Make decisions
  • Discuss personnel issues
  • Discuss contractual issues

Guiding Points

  • Keep the College mission, with an emphasis on the student experience, front and center
  • Continually investigate new ideas to integrate and enrich DGV offerings.
  • Communicate and share information with the other appropriate committees to coordinate related activities.