
The purpose of the Academic Policies and Standards Committee is to review and advise on matters pertaining to academic policy, to include academic standards.

Charter Sponsor

College Senate

Charter Contact

Committee Chair


  • Stacey McCall, Faculty, Chair
  • Julie Dewan, Dean
  • Derrick Stevens, Faculty
  • Melissa Thomas, Faculty
  • Russell Penner, Faculty
  • Rosemary Fuoco, Faculty
  • Angie Christian, Faculty
  • Erica Brindisi, CWCC Chair
  • Joann Detraglia, Rome Campus Designee
  • Jim Lynch, VPLAA or Designee, Non-Voting Member
  • Mike Adamo, VPSA
  • Rosemary Spetka, Registrar


  • Make recommendations to the College Senate regarding matters of academic policies and standards
  • Conduct research on the academic policies and standards practices of other community colleges to inform practice and procedure at MVCC
  • Review and ensure accuracy of academic policies and standards statements in the College Catalog
  • Submit annual written reports to the College Senate and make meeting minutes available to the College community

Does Not

  • Discuss contractual issues

Guiding Points

  • Keep the College mission, with an emphasis on the student experience, front and center.
  • Identify pathways and practices that maintain high academic standards and support student success.
  • Seek to understand and recognize there are multiple perspectives to each issue.
  • Coordinate information with curriculum and distance education committees.