Created by the State University Board of Trustees as a prestigious system-level distinction, the Distinguished Faculty Rank program recognizes and rewards SUNY’s finest and most accomplished faculty. The Distinguished Teaching Professorship designation constitutes the highest system tribute conferred upon SUNY faculty.

The program encourages an ongoing commitment to excellence, intellectual vibrancy, elevated standards of instruction and contributions to public service. It demonstrates the State University’s pride and gratitude for the consummate professionalism, the groundbreaking scholarship, the exceptional instruction and the breadth and significance of service contributions of its faculty. Specifically, the Distinguished Teaching Professorship Award and designation is conferred upon faculty for outstanding teaching competence at the graduate, undergraduate, or professional levels. Teaching mastery is to be consistently demonstrated over multiple years at the institution where the Distinguished Teaching Professorship is bestowed.

Appointment constitutes a promotion to the State University’s highest academic rank, and it is conferred solely by the State University Board of Trustees. The expectation is that individuals so appointed will receive additional support, consistent with the resources of the campus.
In addition, Distinguished Faculty are automatically members of the SUNY Distinguished Academy, which encourages a renewed commitment to quality instruction, service to our campuses and the State, and strong leadership development for newer faculty.