Expectations of MVCC Math Corps

As made apparent in the MVCC Math Corps' mission statement, parents and families hold a special and unique place in the Math Corps philosophy and are considered to play an integral role in the success of students.

Here at MVCC Math Corps, we believe the key to student success more than anything else is the active involvement of our students' families. As a result, we respectfully ask and expect that all of our parents/guardians will work to uphold the following high standards and expectations that we hold for all of our students:

  • We expect every student to attend every day, on time and prepared to learn
  • We expect every student to have homework completed every day.
  • We expect every student to carry herself/himself in a manner that is respectful to all and befitting students learning at a college

"Be Yourself. Always Strive to Realize Your Own Greatness. Be Safe."