1001 Members of the Board (approved 9.19.11, reviewed 4.20.20)
The Board of Trustees, constituted by Article 126, part 6306 of Education Law, shall consist of ten members, nine of whom are appointed on a rotating basis for terms of seven years. Five of them shall be appointed by the sponsoring legislative body, and four shall be appointed by the Governor. The tenth trustee shall be a student of the college, and shall be elected by the student body as the Student Trustee for a term of one year.
All members of the Board of Trustees are required to take and subscribe to an Oath of Office in the following form, to be filed with the County Clerk:
I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Mohawk Valley Community College Board of Trustees member in, and for, the County of Oneida, according to the best of my ability. And I do further solemnly swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed or offered or promised to contribute, any money or other valuable thing as a consideration or reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected to said office, and have not made any promise to influence the giving or withholding any such vote.
1002 Officers of the Board of Trustees (approved 9.19.11, reviewed 4.20.20)
The officers of the College shall be: (a) Chair of the Board of Trustees, who shall be a member of the Board; (b) Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, who shall be a member of the Board; (c) President of the College; and, (d) such other officers of the College, including a Treasurer and a Secretary, as the Board may from time to time appoint.
1003 Duties of the Officers (approved 9.19.11, D-E-revised 4.20.20)
- The Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected at the regular meeting of the Board held in August of each year. Such elected officers shall hold office for a one-year term to commence September first following such meeting, or until their successors are elected and shall qualify. In the event a Chair or Vice Chair is not elected at any regular August meeting, the Chair may be elected at any subsequent meeting to serve for the balance of the term. Vacancies in the officers of Chairman and Vice Chair may be filled at any meeting of the Board. A vote of the majority of the members present shall be necessary for election of Chair or Vice Chair. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board and perform such other duties and functions as may be required by the By-laws, Board Policies, or by or pursuant to law. The Vice Chair shall perform the duties and functions of the Chair in the absence of the Chair.
- President
The President shall be appointed by the Board subject to the requirements of law. The President shall be the chief administrative officer of the College and shall have the supervision and control of its plant, equipment, operations and employees, subject to the direction of the Board. The President shall attend the meetings of the Board and, in consultation with the Chair of the Board, shall prepare the agenda for the meetings, shall prepare or cause to be prepared for the consideration of the Board, such budgets as may be required in connection with the appropriations of money to the College, shall recommend the persons to be employed by the College and their positions and salaries, and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to the President by the Board or imposed upon the President by or pursuant to law. - Treasurer
The chief fiscal officer of the College shall be the Treasurer, who shall be elected by the Board of Trustees. The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds of the College appropriated for its use and paid over to it or to the Board by the appropriating body, and of all other funds received by or for the account of the College, except as otherwise provided by law. The Treasurer shall oversee the systems for documenting itemized records of all receipts and disbursements of the College, and shall make regular reports thereof, at the meetings of the Board, and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated or required by or pursuant to law. - Secretary
The Secretary shall prepare the official minutes of the meetings of the Board, shall have custody of the official minutes archives, and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated or required by or pursuant to law. -
Student Trustee
The Student Trustee shall be an enrolled student in good standing at the College. The student Trustee:a. Shall serve with all the rights, duties, and privileges of an appointed Board member.
b. may not be employed by the College;
c. shall be elected by the student body for a term of one year, beginning June 1 and ending May 31;
d. shall maintain a cumulative GPA and a current semester GPA of at least 2.5 during the entire term of office;
e. shall have no more than 45 credit hours completed at the College at time of appointment;
f. at the time of appointment and during the term of office (the fall and spring semesters), shall be enrolled in at least nine (9) credit hours at the College;
g. shall uphold duties and functions of Student Trustee as outlined in the Student Government By-Laws.
1004 Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees (approved 6.11.12, K-revised 6.11.12, E-revised 4.20.15, E,O-Q-revised 4.20.20)
- Select and appoint the President of the College, subject to the approval of the State University of New York.
- Determine the broad general policies which will govern the College.
- Require reports to be prepared or information to be assembled by the President.
- Consider or take appropriate action after receiving the recommendation of the President in all matters of policy relating to the welfare of the College.
- Upon recommendation of the President, the Board of Trustees assumes exclusive responsibility for the establishment of new positions (classified and unclassified), all appointments (unclassified and Peace Officer status), retention/renewals, a general matrix of adjunctc faculty qualifications; and promotion of unclassified employees in accordance with applicable state laws and collective bargaining agreements.
- Approve the annual operating budget and capital project requests.
- Provide ways and means for adequate financial support. Sources may include student fees, State and Federal funds, foundation grants, voluntary gifts and sponsor contribution.
- Function as the policy-making body of the College charged with the overview and control of the College, leaving the executive and administrative functions to the College President.
- Serve as a court of final appeal on matters of policy and policy interpretation.
- Approve curricula.
- Establish recommended tuition and fee schedules.
- Approve temporary and permanent facilities and sites.
- Provide for the awarding of certificates and diplomas and the conferring of appropriate degrees, upon the recommendation of the President and the Faculty.
- Approve the Mission, Vision, and Values statements of the institution.
- Approve the Strategic Plan of the institution.
- Provide the President with parameters for labor negotiations.
- ...and such other responsibilities as listed in Section 604.2, Subchapter D, Code of Standards and Procedures for the Administration and Operation of Community Colleges under the Program of State University of New York, Chapter V. State University.
1005 Meetings of the Board of Trustees (approved 9.19.11, revised 4.20.20)
Regular Meetings
A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be held once each month or as needed, at such place within the County of Oneida, and at such time and upon such notice, if any, as the Board may by resolution from time to time determine; provided, however, that in the case of any particular regular meeting the Chair may fix a different place in the County of Oneida, or a different time, or both, for the meeting by written notice (including email) mailed to each member of the Board at their address as it last appears in the records of the President’s Office at least 72 hours prior to the meeting, or by notice given by telephone to each member of the Board at least 24 hours before the meeting, in which case the meeting shall be held at the time and/or place specified by such notice.
Special Meetings
A special meeting of the Board may be held at any place in the State of New York and at any time upon the call of the Chair, or of at least four members of the Board, upon written notice (including email) mailed to each member of the Board at their address as it last appears in the records of the President’s Office not less than 72 hours prior to the meeting, or upon notice given by telephone to each member of the Board at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, if the meeting is to be held outside the County of Oneida, or upon notice given by telephone to each member of the Board at least 24 hours prior to the meeting if the meeting is to be held in the County of Oneida.
Workshops and Retreats
Workshops and retreats are meetings held to discuss general background information of interest to the Board. No official action is taken by the Board during these sessions. Workshops and retreats shall be called by the Board Chair at the request of any member or of the President of the College. The conduct of workshops and retreats shall conform to State Law.
Execustive (Closed) Sessions
The Board may hold closed executive sessions as permitted by State Law.
Executive sessions are attended only by the Trustees, Presidents, and other persons invited to attend. Executive sessions shall be called by the Board Chair at the request of any Trustee or of the President of the College. Notice must be given of the executive session as required by State Law.
Minutes of Meetings
The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Board, unless otherwise directed by the Board, and shall prepare the minutes of the meeting. In the absence of the Secretary at any particular meeting, the President or designee shall prepare the minutes, and in the absence of both, the Board shall appoint a secretary pro tempore.
Open Meetings
All regular and special meetings of the Board shall be open to the public. Members of the public who wish to provide public testimony, comments, or any other form of public participation must follow the processes outlined by the Board of Trustees. The Board may, by majority vote of those present, when it deems the business at hand so to warrant, go into Executive Session which shall include only those invited by the Board and to consider only those matters allowable under the Open Meetings Law in NYS. Any action taken by the Board in Executive Session shall become a matter of record.
Recording of Meetings
A member of the public, including any representative of the news or social media, may record, photograph, videotape, broadcast, televise, or webcast the proceedings of the Board at an open session by mean of any type of recorder or camera, if these devices:
- are operated without bright lights that distrubs the Board or other persons attending the session; and
- do not create excessive noise that distrupts the Board or other persons attending the sessions.
The presiding officer may restrict the movement of a person who is using a recording device, camera, broadcasting, televising, or webcasting equipment if it is necessary to maintain the orderly conduct of the session.
1006 Rules of Order (approved 9.19.11, D-revised 4.20.20, revised Videoconferencing Policy 12.18.23)
Quorum and VoteA majority of the members of the Board (six out of ten) shall constitute a quorum. Video conferencing shall constitute a presence. All matters properly arising before a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be decided by vote of a majority of the members, unless a greater vote is required by the By-Laws or by or pursuant to law.
Procedure at Meetings
- The Chair or, in his/her absence, the Vice Chair, shall preside and decide all questions of order. In case both the Chair and the Vice Chair are absent, the Board shall elect a chairman pro tempore.
- An agenda of items of business to come before the meeting shall be prepared and submitted by the President and the Chair of the Board. Items not on this agenda may be considered at any meeting upon the consent of a majority of the members provided, in the case of a special meeting, matters not stated in the notice of the meeting may be considered only upon consent of all members of the Board present.
- Recommendation for employment by the College of any official, or other full-time, non-classified professional staff, and recommendation for approval of any matter of educational policy shall be submitted to the Board for approval or placed on a regular or special meeting agenda for action by the Board only when a prior report in writing (including electronic forms) of the proposed action has been circulated to all members of the Board. This rule may be waived only by the consent of the Board, and at the meeting when any such proposed action is contemplated.
- The order of business at each meeting, subject to the foregoing requirements respecting regular
meetings, shall be as follows:
- Call to Order
- Chair’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Committee Reports
- Student Trustee’s Report
- President’s Report
- Consent Agenda
- Discussion Items (if needed)
- Adjournment
- Recognition
No person other than a member of the Board of Trustees, the President of the College or other staff member of the College designated by the President, or Board Chair, shall be recognized to speak at any meeting of the Board of Trustees except upon the consent of the majority of the Board present. Citizens may register in advance of the meeting to present views on any agenda item at the time the item is considered by the Board. REFER TO: PROCEDURES OPEN FORUM by clicking this link and going to the "I. By-Laws" section. - Motions
No motion shall be subject to debate until it has been seconded and stated by the Chair. It shall be reduced to writing at the request of any member of the Board of Trustees. When a motion has been made and seconded, the same may be withdrawn by the movant at any time before vote has been taken on the same. - Privileged Motions
When a question is before the Board, no motion shall be received except (1) to adjourn, (2) to lay on the table, (3) to close a debate, (4) to refer, (5) to postpone indefinitely, (6) to postpone to a certain time, or (7) to adopt a substitute or to amend, and these motions shall take precedence in the order above named: the first, second and third shall be decided without debate, and the third may be adopted only by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting. - Debate Closed
Whenever the motion to close debate prevails, the movant of the proposition or, in the case of a report, the author thereof shall have the privilege of addressing the Board; and after his/her remarks, no more debate shall be in order. - Motion to Table
The laying of a motion on the table shall be construed as affecting only such motion and not any other motion to which it may be subsidiary. - Appeal of Rulings
The Chair shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Board by any member. In case of such appeal, the question shall be: "shall the decision of the Chair be sustained", and, until it is decided, all debate upon the pending questions shall be suspended, but decisions of the Chair may be debated when they refer to the interpretation of the rules or a point of parliamentary law. Upon a tie vote, the Chair shall stand sustained. - Order of Voting
When the Board has decided to close debate, the vote shall be taken first on any amendments that may be pending and finally on the main question. - Voting by Member - Reconsideration
No member of the Board may vote by proxy. The reconsideration of a vote may be moved only by a member who voted with the majority and only at the same meeting at which the vote was taken. If the motion to reconsider prevails, the matter under consideration shall be decided at that or the next regular session, and the matter as thus finally decided shall not be revived within a period of three months, unless by consent of a two-thirds majority of the Board. - Recording the Vote
Actions taken by the Board shall be decided upon by a majority of the members (that is, six out of ten must concur) or such other greater vote of the Board as may be required by law. The yeas and nays shall be called and entered on the record on all questions requiring for decision a vote greater than a majority or the members present, and on all other questions whenever demanded by a member of the Board; and every member shall have the privilege of having his/her vote and reasons therefore recorded on any and every question, if he so requests. - Late Vote
No member shall be allowed to give or change his/her vote on any question after the result has been announced by the Chair, unless by unanimous consent of the members of the Board. - Conduct of Debate
When a member is about to speak on any question, he/she shall address him/herself to the Chair, be recognized, confine him/herself strictly to the point in debate and avoid personalities. No member shall speak more than five minutes at any one time on any motion under discussion, nor more than once until all other members choosing to speak shall have spoken, nor more than twice to the same question without consent of the Board, nor more than three minutes while explaining his/her vote. Members shall not be interrupted while speaking, unless by call to order. If a member is called to order, he/she shall cease speaking until the point is decided by the Chair. - Leaving Meeting
No member shall leave a meeting of the Board of Trustees before the adjournment thereof without permission of the Board Chair.
Videoconferencing Policy
A. Pursuant to Chapter 56 (Part WW) of the Laws of 2022, the New York State Legislature amended the Public Officers Law to add Section 103-a, permitting public bodies to conduct meetings by videoconferencing. This Videoconferencing Policy is adopted pursuant to Public Officers Law Section 103-a and shall be deemed repealed without further action of the Board upon the expiration, if any, of Public Officers Law Section 103-a.
B. The Board of Trustees and any committee or subcommittee may use videoconferencing to conduct its meetings, provided that a minimum number of members are present to fulfill such body’s quorum requirement in the same physical location or locations where the public can attend, and provided further that the following criteria are met:
1. Members of the Board of Trustees and any committee or subcommittee shall be physically present at any such meeting unless such member is unable to be physically present at any such meeting location due to extraordinary circumstances, defined to include disability, illness, caregiving responsibilities, or any other significant or unexpected factor or event which precludes the member’s physical attendance at such meeting;
2. If a member is unable to be physically present at one of the designated public meeting locations and wishes to participate by videoconferencing from a private location due to extraordinary circumstances, the member must notify the Secretary of the Board of Trustees no later than four (4) business days prior to the scheduled meeting in order for proper notice to the public to be made. If extraordinary circumstances occur on an emergent basis within four (4) business days of a meeting, the Board of Trustees and any committee or subcommittee shall update its notice as soon as reasonable under the circumstances;
3. Except in the case of executive sessions the Board of Trustees and any committee or subcommittee, the Board of Trustees and any committee or subcommittee shall ensure that its members can be heard, seen and identified, while the meeting is being conducted, including but not limited to any motions, proposals, resolutions, and any other matter formally discussed or voted upon;
3. The minutes of the meetings involving videoconferencing shall include which, if any, members participated remotely and shall be available to the public pursuant to Public Officers Law Section 106;
4. If videoconferencing is used to conduct a meeting, the public notice for the meeting shall inform the public that videoconferencing will be used, where the public can view and/or participate in such meeting, where required documents and records will be posted or available, and identify the physical location for the meeting where the public can attend;
5. The Board of Trustees and any committee or subcommittee shall provide that each meeting conducted using videoconferencing shall be recorded and such recordings posted or linked on the public website of the College within five (5) business days following the meeting, and shall remain so available for a minimum of five (5) years thereafter. Such recordings shall be transcribed upon request;
6. If videoconferencing is used to conduct a meeting, the Board of Trustees and any committee or subcommittee shall provide the opportunity for members of the public to view such meeting via video, and to participate in proceedings via videoconference in real time where public comment or participation is authorized and shall ensure that videoconferencing authorizes the same public participation or testimony as in person participation or testimony;
7. Open meetings of the Board of Trustees or any committee or subcommittee conducted using videoconferencing shall utilize technology to permit access by persons with disabilities consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, and corresponding guidelines.
C. The in person participation requirements of Section 1 of Paragraph B of this Videoconferencing Policy shall not apply during a state disaster emergency declared by the Government of the State of New York pursuant to Section 28 of the Executive Law, or a local state of emergency proclaimed by the chief executive of a county, city, village or town pursuant to Section 24 of the Executive Law, if the Board of Trustees or any committee or subcommittee determines that the circumstances necessitating the emergency declaration would affect or impair its ability to hold an in person meeting.
D. These procedures shall be conspicuously posted on the Board of Trustee’s website.
1007 Conflicts of Interest (approved 9.19.11, reviewed 4.20.20)
No member of the Board shall directly or indirectly receive any compensation or remuneration, nor derive any profit or gain by reason of his/her membership on said Board or by reason of his/her services to the College. It shall be the obligation of each member of the Board to disclose to the Board any personal interest which he/she may have in any matter pending before the Board, and the member having such interest shall refrain from participating in any decision on such matter unless the other members of the Board shall unanimously waive this provision.
Trustees ought to use their own good sense and judgment, pursuing conduct not likely to raise suspicion. Boards of Trustees are encouraged to handle their own affairs regarding propriety of conduct, but in matters of unusual complexity to seek advice from State University of New York Office of Community Colleges and/or the sponsor or the College attorney. Code of ethics and conflict of interest provisions are set forth in the State's General Municipal Law. In addition, local government sponsors of community colleges may adopt their own codes of ethics. Conflicts of interest are the kind of ethical problems most likely to arise. The very nature of trusteeship prohibits a trustee from any breach of his/her fiduciary duty. However, conflicting interests can and do arise when no direct, or even at times indirect, financial benefit is either clearly visible or likely to occur. Some conflict may exist when a trustee or his/her spouse serves as a director, officer, shareholder or key employee of a company with which the College does business. It is the public's perception of these connections that can be as damaging to the Board and the College itself as the actual acquiring of personal gain.
1008 Confidentiality (approved 9.19.11, reviewed 4.20.20)
Confidentiality of Board discussions relating to certain Board action is essential. Executive sessions are, therefore, closed to the public. Trustees should be discreet and avoid reporting any part of the Board discussions to the press or other persons.
1009 Legal Counsel (approved 9.19.11, revised 4.20.20)
The Oneida County Attorney is charged with providing legal counsel and services to Oneida County. Since Mohawk Valley Community College is sponsored by Oneida County and, therefore, constitutes an agency of the County, the County Attorney will provide all legal services unless a conflict of interest exists, and counsel on behalf of the College, unless clear benefit will be provided by turning to outside counsel. All such use of outside counsel must receive approval by the Board of Trustees or the Board Chair in some instances.
1010 Committees of the Board (approved 9.19.11, revised 3.9.15, reviewed 4.20.20)
- The Board of Trustees is committed to action by the Board as a committee of the whole. Standing Committees will, therefore, not be appointed, unless done so at the discretion of the Board Chair with support of the majority of the Board for a period of one year. Ad-Hoc committees may be appointed for specific purposes, but in all cases the total Board will be informed of the meeting dates and times for said ad-hoc committee meetings.
- The Chair shall, from time to time, appoint such special committees as he/she shall determine are required to properly fulfill the functions of the Board.
- The Chair shall be a member ex-officio of each committee.
A list of committees is available on this page under "I. By-Laws."
1011 Emeritus Trustees (approved 9.19.11, reviewed 4.20.20)
Trustees who retire from the Board and/or decline appointment for another term, may be granted emeritus status by Board resolution, with all rights and privileges of a member of the Board, with the exception of the right to vote.
1012 Amending Board By-Laws and Policies (approved 9.19.11, reviewed 4.20.20)
- The by-laws and policies of the Board of Trustees of Mohawk Valley Community College may be amended, repealed or added to, upon motion made in writing for that purpose by any member of the Board or upon recommendation of the President. Any such motion shall not be voted upon until the next regular scheduled meeting, after it has been formally presented to the Board in writing for a first reading. A majority vote of the whole Board shall be required for the adoption of any amendment, alteration, repeal, or addition to these policies.
- Any policy not required by law, may be suspended by the majority vote of all members of the Board (that is, six out of ten) but such suspension shall only be in effect during the meeting at which such suspension was voted.
1013 Board Professional Development (approved 1.14.13, reviewed 4.20.20)
The Board of Trustees is committed to the professional development of faculty and staff at the College and also to their own development as board members. New County and Governor appointed board members will complete an orientation program as directed by the Board chair and facilitated by the College President. Board members will also commit to the following:
- Participate in a minimum of one board development retreat per year.
- Attend a minimum of one New York Community College Trustees (NYCCT) Association Institute once every three years.
- Attend a minimum of one American Association of Community College Trustees event once every seven years.
- Attend other community college professional development opportunities as appropriate.
1014 Board Policy Review (approved 3.9.15, revised 4.20.20)
The Board of Trustees shall approve all changes to Board policies as presented by the Personnel & Governance Committee of the Board. The Personnel & Governance Committee shall consist of the Chair, the Vice Chair, and Past Chair, and one additional Board member. The Personnel & Governance Committee will establish a schedule for the oversight and review of all Board policies prior to presentation to the full Board for action. The process for approval is available on this page under the "I. By-Laws" section or in the Office of the President.
1015 Accreditation (approved 11.21.16, reviewed 4.20.20)
Mohawk Valley Community College shall maintain the accountability standards as required by federal and state law, the State University of New York, and maintain accredited status by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE).
1016 Affiliated Organizations (approved 11.21.16, reviewed 4.20.20)
The Mohawk Valley Community College Board of Trustees oversees the relationships associated with the operation of all affiliated organizations that exist for the benefit of the College. The Board of Trustees ensures that the College President creates and maintains an effective and productive relationship with all affiliated organizations, approves the long-range plans and priorities for funding, ensures that financial and personnel resources are available for the operations, and participates all activities to develop the overall financial health of all affiliated organizations.
1017 Board Philosophy (approved 11.21.16, reviewed 4.20.20)
The Mohawk Valley Community College Board of Trustees is committed to fulfilling the College mission, vision and goals as set forth by the strategic plan. As such, the Board is committed to providing accessible, high-quality educational opportunities that meet the diverse needs of our students. As the community’s college, the Board of Trustees believes student success can be achieved through local partnerships, transfer and career pathways, and personal enrichment opportunities.
1018 Strategic Planning (approved 11.21.16, reviewed 4.20.20)
The Board of Trustees shall charge the President with developing and overseeing a robust and meaningful strategic planning process for the College. In the context of a dynamic and ever-changing external environment, strategic planning is essential to keep the College focused on clear priorities with measurable objectives. The Strategic Plan shall be informed by regular assessment measures, shape departmental planning, and guide the effective allocation of institutional resources. The Board shall be informed on a regular basis of progress on the implementation of the Strategic Plan.
2001 Enforcement of Policies (approved 11.21.11, reviewed 8.16.21)
The policies of the Board of Trustees of Mohawk Valley Community College shall supplement each contract of employment executed on behalf of the College and shall constitute the terms and conditions of employment. Violation of any policies and procedures shall be a cause for disciplinary action except as the Board shall otherwise provide.2002 Search and Hiring (approved 11.21.11, revised 4.20.15)
The Board of Trustees shall adopt a proposed College Staffing Plan annually in conjunction with the College’s budget. The staffing shall include but is not limited to, all proposed budgeted position titles and applicable position number.
The President shall make recommendations for appointment to the Board of Trustees in accordance with the College’s Hiring Process on this page under "II. Personnel."
2004 Conflict of Interest (approved 11.21.11, revised 3.18.24)
2005 Whistleblower Policy and Procedures (approved 11.21.11; revised 3.18.24)
2006 Solicitation of Funds (approved 11.21.11)
On-campus solicitation for the benefit of an employee, non-employee or for an outside organization shall be made only with the consent of the appropriate administrator to be identified by the President.
2007 Emeritus Status & Distinguished Retiree (approved 11.21.11, amended 3.18.13)
Certain individuals who have brought great credit to themselves, their professions, and this College are eligible to be recognized by having the title “Emeritus” conferred upon them following their retirement from the institution. Others, who have brought great credit to themselves, their professions, and this College are eligible to be recognized by having the title “Distinguished Retiree” conferred upon them following their retirement from the institution. Procedures outlining the specific positions eligible within the College for either honorary title, and the processes by which these titles are conferred are published on this page under "II. Personnel" and on file in the President’s office.
2008 Drug Free Workplace (approved 11.21.11)
Mohawk Valley Community College is committed to maintaining a drug-free environment in accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, and will not tolerate the unlawful possession or use of controlled substances on its campuses. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited. Compliance with the provision of this policy shall be a condition of employment at MVCC.
2009 Family and Medical Leave Act Policy (approved 11.21.11)
In accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1973, Mohawk Valley Community College will grant an eligible employee unpaid FMLA leave following established procedures. Procedures are found on this page under "II. Personnel" or on file in the Human Resources office.
2010 Representing the College (approved 11.21.11, reviewed 8.16.21)
Members of the faculty, administrators and college officers may be appointed as delegates by the Board of Trustees or the President to represent the college on appropriate occasions, but no such delegate may commit the college to any doctrine, policy or action without first obtaining the approval of the Board, through the President. The President and Treasurer are the only individuals authorized to execute contracts in behalf of the college.
2011 Attendance at Commencement (approved 11.21.11, reviewed 8.16.21)
Full-time members of the Professional Staff shall take part in either the December or May Commencement exercises at the discretion of the College. Those who are unable to attend must request permission of the President or the President’s designee.
2013 Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action (approved 11.21.11)
The Mohawk Valley Community College Board of Trustees strongly subscribes to the philosophy of equality of opportunity for all persons regardless of race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, marital orientation, sexual orientation, and veteran status with respect to admissions, educational programs, employment, and campus life.
This commitment, to a strong affirmative action program is required to advance the hiring, promotion, enrollment, retention, and opportunities for business with the College of members of under-represented groups. This commitment will be integrated into all functions of the College and operationalized through the Affirmative Action Plan.
2014 Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment (Synonymous with Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment) (approved 11.21.11, revised 12.19.16, revised title 6.25.18, revised 1.22.19, revised 10.19.20, reviewed 12.20.22, revised 8.21.24)
2015 Sexual Harassment (approved 11.21.11; revised 8.19.19)
Mohawk Valley Community College does not condone and will not knowingly permit sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination which is unlawful in the workplace under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and the New York State Human Rights Law. Under Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, sexual harassment also is prohibited in the provision of educational services and protects students and employees from sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment is prohibited and will not be tolerated at SUNY. The University has implemented measures to address and prevent sexual harassment and is taking additional affirmative steps to increase awareness of, and sensitivity to, all forms of sexual harassment in order to maintain a workplace and learning environment free of its harmful effects.
Sexual harassment is a form of workplace discrimination and employee misconduct, as well as a form of discrimination in the academic setting, and all employees and students are entitled to work and learn in a campus environment that prevents sexual harassment. All employees and students have a legal right to a workplace and a campus free from sexual harassment, and employees and students can enforce this right by filing a complaint internally with the College, or with a government agency, or in court under federal or state anti-discrimination laws, as detailed in the Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure.
The procedures in place to assure compliance with this policy are published on this page and on file in the Human Resources office.
2017 Academic Freedom (approved 11.21.11; revised 4.16.16)
The College endorses the principle of Academic Freedom, desires to foster in its students a respect for differing points of view, and supports the faculty’s freedom to present controversial issues relating to topics in the classroom. It is the policy of MVCC to maintain and encourage full freedom, within the law, of discussion, inquiry, teaching, research, curriculum and program development, and evaluation and assessment. In the exercise of this freedom, faculty may, without limitation, discuss their subjects and contextual material in the classroom. In their roles as citizens, faculty have the same freedoms as other citizens. However, in their extramural utterances, they have an obligation to indicate that they are not speaking for the institution. The College may invite outside speakers representing diverse points of view. In return, it reserves the right to insure that opportunity be provided to challenge these views.2018 Intellectual Property Rights - Ownership and Control (approved 11.21.11)
The College reserves the right to enact the following, unless otherwise specified by the collective bargaining units.- It is the intent of the Board to further the philosophy, objectives and purpose of
the community college by:
- Encouraging the design and production of more effective methods of instruction and
learning evaluation through the use of media by:
- Providing audio-visual services, material and equipment for instructional purposes.
- Providing freedom to market for profit such productions resulting from the use of such instructional resources.
- Making available for use by the college all such methods of instruction and learning
evaluation designed and produced by staff members by:
- Securing the college's right to the use of materials and productions developed by its staff members through the use of its staff services, equipment or materials; and
- Requiring reimbursement for costs incurred by the college in the production of materials marketed for profit.
- Encouraging the design and production of more effective methods of instruction and
learning evaluation through the use of media by:
- All property rights in books written, instructional materials developed (including
workbooks, laboratory manuals, transparencies, audio tapes, video tapes, films, and
the like) and equipment designed, developed or invented by any staff member in conjunction
with his job or teaching assignment, with any extended time or released time or assigned
project authorized or directed by the college, or written, developed or designed prior
to becoming a member of the college staff, shall belong to said staff member. Such
property rights shall, subject to paragraph four hereto, include:
- The right to publish for private profit and the right to copyright any book, manual or printed official material, or any other medium, and
- The right to negotiate privately with any person, firm or corporation for the manufacture of any equipment or instructional material and the right to acquire any patent rights which may be obtainable thereon.
- The property rights in joint projects of staff members undertaken either as part of a job or teaching assignment, released time or assigned project, or on their own time, shall be shared by the participants in the manner upon which they shall agree, in writing.
- Notwithstanding the property rights of any staff member in any book, instructional
materials or equipment published, developed, or designed by said staff member while
he/she is a staff member of the College, in conjunction with his/her job or teaching
assignment, with any extended time or released time or assigned project authorized
or directed by the college. Mohawk Valley Community College shall have the right,
for any bona fide educational purpose, to use or purchase said book, instructional
material or equipment regardless of copyright or patents thereon and exclusive of
any royalties, commissions or other pecuniary profit to the applicable staff member.
The college shall be reimbursed from any royalties, commissions or other pecuniary profit received by said staff member to the extent and amount that the College paid for that part of the project or program which resulted in the creation of the book, instructional material or equipment, not to exceed the staff member's pay rate for his/her particular salary category and such other costs as may be involved in the project.
Once such reimbursement has been made, all royalties, commissions or pecuniary profit thereafter earned by the sale of any said book, instructional material or equipment to any purchaser thereof shall belong exclusively to the staff member who published, developed or designed said book, instructional material or equipment. - Employment of any staff member by the college binds that staff member to the Board Policy described herein.
2019 Use of College Vehicles (approved 11.21.11, replaced 10.21.24)
This policy has been replaced by 5013. Transportation & Use of Vehicles Policy found under Section VI. Electronic and Physical Resources.2020 Workplace Violence Prevention (approved 11.21.11)
Mohawk Valley Community College is committed to providing an environment free from threatening behavior and acts of violence. The College will not tolerate violence or threatening behavior of any type, from any source including MVCC employees, students, partners, or the general public visiting MVCC property. MVCC will respond promptly to any threats, acts of violence or acts of aggression that occur on our campus.
Employees who commit a violent act or threaten to commit a violent act may be subject to corrective or disciplinary action, up to and including termination, in accordance with existing collective bargaining unit agreements, and shall be prosecuted to the full extent of the criminal laws. Any individual who makes a substantial threat, exhibits threatening behavior or engages in violent acts on College property shall be subject to removal from the premises as quickly as safety permits. Procedures are found on this page under "II. Personnel" or on file in the Human Resources office.
2021 Excluded Administrative Staff (approved 11.21.11)
- Grievance Procedure
Excluded Administrative Staff grievances will be addressed promptly and equitably at the lowest possible administrative level. The documented procedures to be followed, in this regard, are published on this page under "II. Personnel" and on file in the Human Resources office.
Individuals may request a review of termination or disciplinary action taken against them by presenting facts orally to their immediate supervisor's superior (in most cases, a Vice President or the President) within 30 calendar days of the action. These actions will follow the established Grievance Procedure. - Sick Leave Donation
The College will establish and maintain an Administrator Sick Leave Donation program, providing a means to fundamentally assist Excluded Administrative Staff from being subject to loss of income during an extended absence from work. The procedures prescribed for this program are published on this page and on file in the Human Resources office. - Reversion
Excluded Administrators, with prior continuing or career appointment, are eligible to return to a continuing or career appointment position previously held within the College, following established procedures.
2021a A Excluded Administrative Staff Sick Leave (approved 9.16.13)
Each excluded administrative staff member shall accrue and utilize accrued sick leave in accordance with College procedures which are available in the Human Resources Office.2022 Retiree Health Insurance (approved 9.16.13, revised 10.15.18)
Excluded Administrative Staff who retire from the College with a minimum of ten (10) years of service, and who are at least fifty-five (55) years of age, shall be eligible for retiree health insurance coverage in accordance with College procedures.
All other eligible retired employees will first receive health insurance benefits under the conditions specified in the appropriate collective bargaining agreement.
If no such conditions are specified in the appropriate collective bargaining agreement, or once those benefits are exhausted, those retired employees who are not yet Medicare eligible will be enrolled in the same health insurance (medical and dental) plans as Excluded Administrative Staff, or when the retired employee become Medicare eligible will be enrolled in the College’s prevailing group Medicare plan.
2023 Resignations (approved 3.9.15)
Resignations will be reported to the Personnel Committee at least once a semester or as otherwise deemed necessary.2024 Discipline (approved 3.9.15)
The College reserves the right to issue discipline to an excluded administrative staff member. Discipline may occur when an excluded administrative staff member violates applicable laws, policies and procedures and/or fails or refuses to perform the functions of their position as provided for in their job description or as otherwise directed. The College may place an excluded administrative staff member on administrative leave with or without pay and/or terminate employment. The process for discipline is available on this page under "II. Personnel" or in the Office of the President.2025 Sabbatical Leave (approved 3.9.15)
Sabbatical leave for professional development may be made available to Excluded Administrative Staff upon recommendation of the President and as authorized by the Board of Trustees. Sabbatical leave may be granted for planned travel, study, formal education, research, writing or other experiences of professional value. Eligibility guidelines and procedures are available on this page or on file in the Human Resources Office. Sabbatical leaves for other employees are defined in the appropriate collective bargaining agreement and are available in the Human Resources Office.2026 Alcohol and Controlled Substances in the Workplace (approved 4.20.15)
Use and abuse of alcohol and drugs has a detrimental effect on the productivity, attendance, and health of our College community. As a public employer, we must protect the safety and welfare of all members of our College community.
It is the policy of the College that employees will be subject to criminal, civil and disciplinary penalties if they distribute, sell, attempt to sell, possess or purchase controlled substances while at the workplace or while performing in a work-related capacity. Such illegal acts, even if engaged in off duty, may result in disciplinary action. Where permitted, an employee may possess and use a controlled substance which is properly prescribed for him or her by a physician.
2027 Employee Enrichment and Professional Development (approved 11.21.16, reviewed 8.16.21)
The Mohawk Valley Community College Board of Trustees recognizes the ever-changing nature of society and the complex environment in which the College operates. As such, the Board is committed to a comprehensive employee enrichment and professional development program. The President shall oversee and facilitate a program that provides opportunities for faculty and staff to update their skills, gain exposure to emerging trends, and share common learning experiences to strengthen the individual talent and the sense of a collaborative and affirming community at the College.
2028 Employee Recognition (approved 11.21.16)
The Mohawk Valley Community College Board of Trustees is committed to a comprehensive employee recognition program. The President shall oversee and facilitate a program of recognition that encourages excellence, innovation, teamwork, and commitment to students, community, and the organization as a whole.2029 Public Order: Assembly, Picketing, and Demonstration (approved 12.17.18, revised title 10.19.20)
Free speech and peaceful assembly are fundamental to the purpose of a College as a center for open inquiry in the search for knowledge and insight. Mohawk Valley Community College is strongly committed to the protection of these rights. However, these rights bring with them a concurrent obligation to maintain an atmosphere conducive to scholarly pursuits and respect for the rights of all individuals. Guidelines outlining the rule, applicability, and procedures regarding assembly, picketing, or demonstrating on College property are available on this page under "II.Personnel."2030 Sexual/Romantic Relationships (approved 6.24.19, title revised 10.19.20)
Sexual or romantic relationships, as defined herein, often result in a loss of objectivity, and further create a conflict of interest in any evaluative, supervisory, instructional or other professional role because of the unequal power dynamic.
Sexual or romantic relationships shall not exist between Mohawk Valley Community College employees (including College Affiliates and their employees, as well as College Affiliated Board members), and Mohawk Valley Community College students or employees over whom they have, or might reasonably be expected to have, an evaluative, supervisory, or instructional relationship without prior disclosure to the appropriate authorities so that remediate actions may be taken, and alternate arrangements put in place to address the power dynamic situation. Definitions and related procedures are available on this page under "II. Personnel."
2031 Remote Work (approved 8.17.20, revised 11.21.22)
Policy Statement
Mohawk Valley Community College supports remote work where it is reasonable to do so based on the College’s culture, mission, operational, and program needs.
This policy supports a remote work program that is beneficial to college operations, employees, and students. The College reserves the right to determine whether an employee will be granted permission for new or continuing remote work arrangements. Remote work is not a college-wide benefit and employees are not entitled to or guaranteed the opportunity to work remotely, even if their job positions are designated as suitable.
All remote work will comply with applicable federal and state laws and all College policies, procedures, and practices including but not limited to policies regarding confidentiality of information, work schedules, work hours, use of equipment, use of leave-time, and tracking of work hours.
A remote work agreement does not change the terms and conditions of an individual’s employment with the College. All policies related to conflict of interest, outside compensated activities, secondary employment, and approved leave are in effect with a remote work agreement. Failure to meet job requirements may result in termination of the remote work agreement, disciplinary action and/or termination of employment.
Remote Work procedures can be accessed under Administrative Procedures, Section II. Personnel.
3001 Admissions (approved 12.19.11, revised 10.19.20)
Mohawk Valley Community College is committed to providing post secondary educational experiences to each person who can benefit from them. The College is committed to providing each student with the educational programs and support services that will allow them to fulfill their potential, if they are willing to contribute their own enthusiasm and energies.
MVCC's "Open Door" policy does not guarantee enrollment in an individual's specific chosen program, where legitimate entrance requirements and space limitations must be considered. It does, however, guarantee that every applicant who is a high school graduate will have access to instruction in the college.
- Matriculated Candidates
A matriculated candidate for a degree or certificate is a student who has filed an application to be admitted to degree or certificate candidacy, and has been officially accepted and has registered for the specific term for which he or she has been accepted. - Non-matriculated Registration
A non-matriculated student is one who has enrolled in one or more courses, but has not been admitted as a degree or certificate candidate in any registered program within the College. - Admission While in High School – Early Entry Programs (including but not limited to
Magnet Bridge, dual credit, college connection, and related programming)
Early Entry Programs allow high school students to acquire degree credits for advanced college standing; allows the student the opportunity to enroll in areas of study at the college not available at the high school; allows the student the opportunity to enroll in courses that are prerequisites to college admission and which are not available at their high school, to broaden and enrich their high school program. - International Student Admission
The college encourages applications from qualified students from other countries. MVCC welcomes the contributions to the intellectual and social life of the college and community made by students from other cultures.
3002 Financial Aid (approved 12.19.11, reviewed 10.19.20)
The College will establish a student financial aid program in accordance with all applicable federal and state guidelines. Procedures applying to this policy will be found in The Financial Aid Office or on this page .
3003 Accessibility Resources (approved 12.19.11, revised 10.19.20)
Mohawk Valley Community College is committed to ensuring that students and others with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate, to compete, and to succeed at MVCC. The College will provide, coordinate, and facilitate federally mandated accommodations and services to MVCC students with disabilities, whatever those disabilities might be. This includes; but is not limited to, individuals who are blind, deaf, learning disabled, mobility impaired, those with chronic health-related impairments such as epilepsy or diabetes, and those with mental health and substance-related disabilities.
3004 Student Code of Conduct and Community Standards (approved 12.19.11; revised 9.16.16, revised 10.19.20)
MVCC believes in the core values and ethics that are vital to all local, regional and global communities. Being a member of the Mohawk Valley Community College community requires a commitment to these values including, but not limited to civility, personal accountability, professional and academic ethics, personal integrity, dignity for self and others, fairness, honesty and respect for self and others.
Students, faculty and staff of the MVCC community shall be familiar with the Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct governs the conduct of students in or on College facilities or online platforms and students’ conduct at any College off campus activity, event, trip or study abroad program. This Student Code of Conduct shall also apply to students’ conduct on and off the College campuses that adversely affects the College community or poses a safety concern to the College community. Students are expected to obey all federal, state, and local laws and all policies and procedures, rules and regulations, and directives of MVCC and/or its affiliated organizations.
Student is defined as persons currently registered for College credit/equivalent courses occurring through or at Mohawk Valley Community College, either full or part-time. Students are subject to all the rules, regulations and procedures of the College including but not limited to the Student Code of Conduct. The status of student becomes null and void upon withdrawal from the institution or any administrative revocation of this standing. This does, however, not excuse a student from any judicial proceeding regarding a violation that occurred prior to the withdrawal.
Visitors are expected to abide by the same rules that apply to students, where applicable. Action, including being banned from the College, may be taken against any and all persons who loiter and have no proper or acceptable reason for presence on campus. Visitors are not afforded the standard due process afforded to students if violations occur.
The Code of Conduct policy, definitions, and procedures can be found in the Student Handbook.
3005 Academic Rights (approved 12.19.11, revised 10.19.20)
MVCC believes academic institutions exist for the transmission of knowledge, pursuit of truth, development of students, and general well-being of society. Free inquiry and expression are indispensable to the attainment of these goals. As member of the academic community, students are encouraged to develop their capacity for critical judgment and to engage in the search for knowledge. To ensure the rights and freedoms of students the Student Bill of Academic Rights serves as their constitution and can be found under Administrative Procedures, Section III Students.
3006 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) (approved 12.19.11, revised 10.19.20)
The College will establish a process for the inspection and review of education records and limit disclosure of information from these records in accordance with all applicable federal and state guidelines. Procedures applying to this policy will be found in the Office of Records and Registration or under Administrative Procedures, Section III Students.
3007 Immunization (approved 12.19.11, reviewed 10.19.20)
Public Health Laws 2165 and 2167
All college students who are born on or after January 1, 1957, taking six (6) credit hours or more, must provide proof of immunization or immunity to measles, mumps and rubella (Public Law 2165), and complete the Meningitis Response (Public Law 2167), which is provided in the Health Information Form. Failure to meet any of these requirements will result in the student being withdrawn from all classes 30 days after the start of classes. Students born prior to January 1, 1957, are required to provide proof of age, such as a driver’s license, etc. These students are exempt from providing immunization requirements but must complete the Meningitis Response Form. The completion of the form is mandatory, the meningococcal vaccine is not.
MVCC recognizes medical and religious exemptions as defined by New York State Public Health Law 2165.
Veterans discharged from the Military within the last 10 years should see the nurse if they are having difficulty obtaining their records.
Exemptions for Internet students (online only) are also allowed when they are taking 6 credit hours or more and are not required to be on campus for any group setting, such as quizzes, tests, finals, projects, etc. Student Health Information Forms are available in the Utica Student Health Center, the Utica Admissions Office and the Rome Student Services Office in the Plumley Complex.
3008 New York State Public Health Law, Article 21, Title VI, Section 2167 (Meningitis) (approved 12.19.11, reviewed 10.19.20)
New York State Public Health Law 2167 requires colleges and universities to distribute information about meningococcal disease and vaccination to all students. All students must complete a meningitis response form indicating when they were vaccinated or if they are declining to be vaccinated. Either is acceptable.3009 Student Organization (approved 12.19.11, revised 10.19.20)
Student Activities Program
The College provides a wide variety of experiences for its students through Student Congress, student clubs, Program Board, and other activity related organizations. The Student Activities Program is co-curricular education, providing first-hand experience in planning, group leadership, committee work and budgetary management. The Student Congress is recognized as the student government at MVCC. Student Congress serves the follwoing purposes:
- To oversee the expenditure of the Student Activity Fee
- To act as a liaison with the College for arranging for students to serve on College committees
- To provide programs to benefit all students
This “hands on” experience, combined with classroom learning, creates a well-rounded college experience for those students choosing to participate in the program. The college encourages individual students and organizations to become engaged on campus in the local community through various means. Community service learning can be a vital part of a student’s education. For more information, see this page .
3010 Drug/Tobacco and Gambling Free Schools and Campuses (approved 12.19.11, revised 10.19.20)
MVCC clearly states that it seeks to assure the health and well-being of all students. The College is committed to prevention efforts and intervention techniques. The College is committed to a standard of conduct that prohibits, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use, and/or distribution of alcohol and other drugs by students as well as gambling.
MVCC is a tobacco-free campus.
Gambling is strictly prohibited and violators will be subject to disciplinary action.
Students should remember that the sale, use or even possession of a narcotic or dangerous drug (including marijuana, LSD, or any “narcotic, drug, depressant, or stimulant drug”) constitutes an illegal act, unless expressly permitted by law. Legal authorities are required by their office to investigate and to prosecute whenever there is evidence of such illegal activity, and the College student is not immune from such investigation and prosecution.
The College, therefore, will readily cooperate with law enforcement agencies in the upholding of the law and expects that our students will recognize drug abuse for the problem that it is and avoid its dangers.
If, unfortunately, a student does engage in such illegal activity, it should be understood that he or she faces not only legal prosecution but also the possibility of disciplinary action through Judicial Affairs and Community Standards.
MVCC’s policy is outlined in the College’s Right to Know publication, available upon request and on the College’s website https://www.mvcc.edu.
3011 Alcohol and Drug Abuse (approved 12.19.11, revised 10.19.20)
Mohawk Valley Community College is committed to providing an environment where students, employees and guests have the right to study and work in a healthy and safe environment. Alcohol abuse or the use of illicit drugs may be harmful to the user and may be harmful to the educational environment, an environment that must be conducive to learning. The Student Code of Conduct specifically prohibits the use and possession of alcohol and/or illicit drugs. These regulations are found in the Code of Conduct section of the Student Handbook and on the College website.3012 Graduation (approved 12.19.11, reviewed 10.19.20)
The College will establish graduation requirements in accordance with State Education and State University guidelines, to be found in The Office of Records and Registration or on this page under "III. Students."3013 Travel Warnings (approved 4.15.13, reviewed 10.19.20)
Mohawk Valley Community College will not support or encourage travel of students, faculty and staff to any country listed on the Travel Warning list maintained by the United States State Department. This resolution does not exclude our engaging in armchair recruitment from countries that are on the list should the College choose to do so.3014 College Withdrawal, Medical Withdrawal, Emergency Medical Withdrawal or Immediate Mental Health Assessment (approved 6.10.13, revised 6.9.14, revised 10.19.20, revised 9.20.21)
Mohawk Valley Community College is committed to an environment that supports the academic success and health of our students. A College Withdrawal, medical Withdrawal, Emergency Medical Withdrawal or Immediate Mental Health Assessment are designations/requirements that are assigned by the College as required due to personal/medical reasons that may be deemed necessary for the long-term health and wellness of the student. Procedures for this policy can be found under the Student Handbook or on this page under "Section III. Students"3015 Title IX Grievance (approved 5.18.15, revised 9.21.20, title revised 10.19.20, title and policy revised 9.16.24)
Policy Name: 3015 Title IX Grievance
Issued: 5.18.15
Revision Date: 8.19.24
Responsible Office: Title IX Coordinator
MVCC does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex-based discrimination
and sex-based harassment in any Education Program or Activity that it operates, as
required by Title IX, including in admission and employment. Further, MVCC does not
tolerate sex-based harassment (including sex-based violence) or sex-based discrimination.
The College is committed to providing options, support and assistance to victims/survivors
of unwelcome sexual conduct, sexual assault, hostile environment harassment, domestic
violence, dating violence, and/or stalking to ensure that they can continue to participate
in MVCC-wide and campus programs, activities, and employment. Definitions, reporting,
and process are available on this page under "III. Students."
Background: Under 2024 Amendments of the U.S. Department of Education’s Title IX Regulations, the Final Rule 2024 was enacted as effective August 1, 2024.
Sex-based harassment and sex-based discrimination were defined as follows:
Sex-based Harassment means sexual harassment and other harassment on the basis of
sex, including harassment because of gender identity, sexual orientation, sex characteristics,
sex stereotypes, and/or pregnancy or related conditions, that is:
· Quid pro quo harassment (See Title IX Glossary for all definitions)
· Hostile environment harassment
· Sexual Assault
· Dating Violence
· Domestic Violence
· Stalking
Sex-based Discrimination means discrimination on the basis of sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
Revision History
Date | Revision History | Revisions Made By: |
9.21.20 |
Policy and Procedures Revised |
Vice President for Student Affairs |
10.19.20 | Title Revised | Vice President for Student Affairs |
08.19.24 | Policy revised to align with 2024 Title IX ruling and appeared as a first reading before the Board of Trustees | Title IX Coordinator |
9.16.24 | Adopted by the Board of Trustees | Board of Trustees |
3016 Policy for Alcohol and/or Drug Use Amnesty in Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Cases (approved 5.18.15, revised 10.19.20)
The health and safety of every student at Mohawk Valley Community College is of utmost importance. The College recognizes that students who have been drinking and/or using drugs (whether such use is voluntary or involuntary) at the time that violence, including but not limited to domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault occurs may be hesitant to report such incidents due to fear of potential consequences for their own conduct. The College strongly encourages students to report incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault to institution officials.
A bystander acting in good faith or a reporting individual acting in good faith that discloses any incident of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault to College officials or law enforcement will not be subject to the College’s code of conduct action for violations of alcohol and/or drug use policies occurring at or near the time of the commission of the domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault.
3017 Student Congress (approved 10.19.20)
Student Congress is the recognized governance body for students of the College created for the purpose of working with employees for the welfare of the College and students. The Congress is responsible for student activity programming and makes recommendations regarding student interests and policies through the Vice President of Student Affairs or their designee.
3018 Student Handbook (approved 10.19.20)
MVCC strives to create a welcoming and supportive environment that fosters student engagement to promote learning, personal growth, and student success. Students are expected to show collegial citizenship and adhere to policies and procedures outlined in the Student Handbook (found on this page) as provided electronically at the start of each semester.
3019 Student Success
Mohawk Valley Community College is committed to the success of its students and the development of its community. MVCC will consistently focus on student success, on providing opportunities for students, and on enhancing our local workforce. The College’s mission, vision, values, strategic plan, resource allocation, and policies will reflect convictions about the importance of success and equity for all students.
Mohawk Valley Community College has adopted a Guided Pathways framework, based on research informed by the American Association of Community College’s Pathways Program, the SUNY Pathways Initiative, and the research and data-informed reform requests from faculty and staff. This framework provides intentionally designed, clear, coherent, and structured educational experiences that guide each student effectively and efficiently from point of entry through to the attainment of high-quality credentials and careers with value in the labor market. Programs, support services, and instructional approaches shall help students clarify their goals, chose and enter pathways that will achieve those goals, stay on pathways, and master knowledge and skills that will enable them to advance in the labor market and successfully pursue further education.
MVCC’s vision of “transforming lives through learning” will be at the center of the college’s resource allocation and will be managed through a data-informed process. Institutional change affects the culture and strategic operation of an institution and goes beyond programmatic interventions. It is to be driven by a shared vision to improve student outcomes and success through significant and continuous improvements to our policies, structures, programs, curriculum, services, and resources, and to create opportunities for a more successful college experience.
To ensure these outcomes, MVCC is committed to:
- Comprehensive strategic planning that sets success goals and measurements for improving student outcomes;
- Organizational structures, policies, and practices that support student success, equity outcomes, and personal well-being and mental health;
- Broad engagement of multiple stakeholders--including transfer, industry, and community partners--to improve the student experience in transitioning from high school to college, entering the workplace in living-wage jobs, and creating a common understanding and deeper commitment to equity in student success;
- Instructional practices that incorporate sound principles of teaching/learning theory that enhance learning outcomes;
- Program-level learning outcomes that are aligned with the requirements for success in employment and further education in a given field and that the results of learning outcomes assessment are applied to improve the effectiveness of instruction across programs; and
- Diversity goals that address gaps in student outcomes across populations, particularly among low-income students, students of color, and their peers.
MVCC is committed to monitoring, assessing, and acting on information gathered through its Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The KPIs may include (but may not be limited to):
- Student course completion
- MVCC Student Momentum Data
- Student retention
- Student transfer
- Student employment
- Student graduation and success
4001 Financial Responsibilities of the Board (approved 1.23.12)
The financial and business policies and practices of the community colleges shall comply with article 126 of the Education Law, the Code of Standards and Procedures for the Administration and Operation of Community Colleges under the Program of State University of New York prescribed by the State University trustees, and a manual for community college business offices, and such other instructions as may be appropriate and necessary from time to time as prescribed by the Chancellor of State University or designee.
Pursuant to article 126 of the Education Law and §602.1 and §604.2 of the Code of Standards and Procedures for the Administration and Operation of Community Colleges, the Trustees shall approve and implement budgets, establish tuition and fees (within legal limits) and have the records and accounts of the college audited annually by a certified public accounting firm.
4002 Purchasing (approved 1.23.12)
All expenditures of College funds must be authorized and purchased according to College procedures. Unauthorized expenditures will not be reimbursed and are strictly the responsibility of the individual. Exceptions require approval of the supervising Cabinet member and the Vice President of Administrative Services. The College will obtain necessary supplies, equipment and services at the best value while upholding a high standard of ethics. The administration is responsible for establishing purchasing procedures at MVCC in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations governing MVCC, the State of New York and the County of Oneida, as outlined in the approved procedure, found on this page under "IV. Financial Resources" or in the Business Office.4003 Travel (approved 1.23.12)
The College will provide travel money for its employees for the purposes of conducting College business or attending conferences and meetings relevant to their jobs. Travel approval and reimbursement shall conform to approved procedure, found on this page under "IV. Financial Resources" or in the Business Office.
4004 Meeting Refreshment Reimbursement (approved 1.23.12)
According to SUNY Community College Regulation 602.4, the cost of food, beverages and entertainment for College social functions is not allowable for State aid and support by student tuition revenues; expenses relating to refreshments and meals are allowable only for the purpose of conducting official College business. Therefore, refreshments served at meetings and formal training sessions of the College, at College expense, must conform to approved procedure, found on this page under "IV. Financial Resources" or in the Business Office.4005 Outside Vendors (approved 1.23.12)
Individuals or organizations who wish to sell products or services to College employees may do so only under established procedures, found on this page under "IV. Financial Resources" or in the Business Office.4006 Refund Policy (approved 1.23.12)
The College’s tuition refund policy shall be consistent with Section 484B of the Higher Education Act and NYS Code for Community Colleges Section 602.11 “Refund of Tuition and Fees” and any subsequent amends thereto shall be in conformance with Federal Title IV and state guidelines.4007 Investment Policy (approved 1.23.12)
- Scope
The following investment policy applies to all monies and other financial resources available for investment on behalf of the Mohawk Valley Community College General Fund. - Objectives
The objectives of Mohawk Valley Community College's investment policy are four-fold:- Investments will be made in conformance with all applicable Federal,
State of New York, and other legal requirements. - Investments shall be made in a prudent manner so as to safeguard the
funds of the College and minimize risk. - Investments shall be sufficiently liquid so as to allow funds to be available
as required to meet obligations of the College. - Funds of the College shall be invested in such a manner to insure a
competitive rate of return.
- Investments will be made in conformance with all applicable Federal,
- Delegation of authority
The Board of Trustees of Mohawk Valley Community College delegates to the Chief Fiscal Officer the responsibility and authority to adhere to the Investment Policy and related to procedure found on this page or in the Business Office.
4008 Transfer of Funds (approved 1.23.12)
The Administration will establish a procedure for executing the transfer of funds within the budget. All transfers above $30,000 will be reported at regular meetings of the Board of Trustees. The specifics relating to this policy can be found on this page or in the Business Office.
4009 Naming Opportunities (approved 1.23.12, revised 4.18.22)
This Policy establishes general guidelines for the proposed “naming “of physical or
non-physical assets of Mohawk Valley Community College in recognition of philanthropy
or significant contribution for the benefit of the college.
- The naming of a physical or non-physical asset of Mohawk Valley Community College is considered one of the highest honors that the college can bestow because of its permanence. The Board of Trustees, upon their own action or recommendation of the College (and the MVCC Foundation where appropriate), is responsible for naming the physical and non-physical assets of the College. In all cases the proposed naming must reflect the mission of MVCC and be consistent with the interests of the College an institution of higher learning.
- The naming of a physical or non-physical asset of MVCC may be appropriate when a significant gift is received for the benefit of the College, directly or through the MVCC Foundation, with the intention to honor the character, service or other positive merits of the donor or the donor’s honoree.
- The naming of a physical or non-physical asset of MVCC may be appropriate when a non-monetary contribution is deemed extraordinary by the MVCC Board of Trustees. These non-monetary honorifics shall remain in effect at the discretion of the Board of Trustees in keeping the College's mission, vision, and values.
- A physical or non-physical asset may be named on behalf of a living or deceased individual or legal entity. Buildings, campus grounds or other physical facilities will not be named for individuals currently employed by the University or the State of New York, Oneida County or MVCC unless a donor other than the honoree provides a sufficient gift (as per the approved naming guidelines) in honor of that individual.
- The naming of a physical or non-physical asset in recognition of a donor or a donor’s honoree implies a promise to that donor that the name will not be modified or appended by the College and that the asset will be permanently maintained for its foreseeable useful life. If change is unavoidable, that an alternative means of recognizing the donor or honoree will be determined by the joint approval of the Board of Trustees and the College President.
- All combinations of gifts, pledges and irrevocable deferred gift arrangements are acceptable forms of philanthropy to support naming commitments. With respect to deferred gifts, while the naming commitment may be immediate, the required deposit amount shall be increased in order to reflect the immediate honor bestowed by the naming despite the delay in the MVCC Foundation receiving gift.
- To support the naming of a non- physical asset (e.g. center, institute, program, academic unit) through the establishment of an endowment, the amount of the endowed gift should be sufficient to generate annual earnings (at a rate not less than 5%) that would be necessary to sustain the non-physical asset on a permanent basis.
- To support the naming of annual term funds for faculty support, financial aid or other funding priorities, the donor should commit to providing an annual gift at least equivalent to the income from an endowment fund required to sustain the non-physical asset for a fixed period, typically three to five years.
- Situations may occur that would warrant removal of a name from a physical or non-physical
asset at MVCC. At any future time, an inquiry by the Board of Trustees may determine
that the parameters under which the naming was bestowed have changed and the naming
no longer is consistent with MVCC’s mission as an institution of higher learning.
The responsibility and authority to remove a name must be exercised jointly by the
Board of Trustees and the College President.
Such naming shall conform to approved procedure, found on this page or in the President’s Office.
4010 Contracts for Services (approved 1.23.12)
The Board of Trustees of Mohawk Valley Community College will periodically review the College’s roster of service providers, including, but not limited to, those that provide legal, insurance, financial services, audit, and consulting services. As appropriate, and as contracts expire, the Board may request that a formal RFP (request for proposal) be issued for future contracts of these services.4011 Red Flags Rule (approved 1.23.12)
The College’s Identity theft prevention program is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s Red Flags Rule, which implements Section 114 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003. The administration is responsible for the establishment of procedures for the prevention of identity theft, found on this page or on file in the Business Office.4012 Emergency Purchasing Policy (approved 11.21.16)
Whenever deemed necessary by the President of MVCC (or by the MVCC President’s designee) during an emergency situation or if a state of emergency has been declared by the NYS governor, Oneida County Executive, City of Utica mayor, or any other public official/agency, with the authority to declare such emergency, including law enforcement agencies, or by the MVCC Board of Trustees, the MVCC President (or the MVCC President’s designee) shall have the authority to suspend existing MVCC purchasing/procurement policies until such state of emergency is ended. An emergency purchase/procurement may be considered necessary when an urgent and unexpected situation occurs where there is a need to preserve health, public safety, or the conservation of public resources that may be at risk.
4013 Fund Balance Policy (approved 1.30.17)
It is the intent of the MVCC Board of Trustees to maintain sufficient financial resources to effectively respond to unexpected fluctuations in revenues and expenditures. Therefore, the MVCC administration will act to maintain an unrestricted/inappropriated/unreserved fund balance equivalent to range of 5% to 15% of the College’s unrestricted annual budget when the proposed annual budget is presented for approval each year. This is the fund balance range recommended by the NYS Comptroller's Office, the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, and SUNY Administration. If this measure is not met, the President and the College administration will prepare and deliver to the Board of Trustees Audit & Finance Committee a plan to bring the College into compliance with this policy.
4014 Uniform Guidance Procedure for Procurement (approved 10.21.19)
All College procurement transactions must be conducted in a manner providing full and open competition. All purchases require selection of vendors, suppliers, products, or services that meet the College’s technical, programmatic, or performance requirements for the goods and services and that are reasonably priced. The administration is responsible for establishing procurement procedures at MVCC in accordance with the standards set forth in the OMB Uniform Guidance as codified in 2 CFR, Subtitle A. Chapter II, Part 200. This policy governs all procurement transactions made by MVCC for purchases that are made from a Federal grant, sponsored program, or contract. The procedure can found on this page under “IV.Financial Resources” or in the Business Office.
4015 Subrecipient Monitoring (approved 10.21.19)
Mohawk Valley Community College reserves the right to monitor subrecipients of non-federal awards in accordance with Uniform Guidance to ensure due diligence and continuity of policy. The College is committed to ensuring programmatic and financial activities of subrecipient awardees are in compliance with the standards set forth in the contractual obligation and the Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR Part 200.
Due diligence will be practiced for funding allocated to subrecipients in the same manner as funding that remains with Mohawk Valley Community College. The procedure can be found on this page under “IV. Financial Resources” or in the Business Office.
5001 Information Security (approved 7.27.2021, revised 10.21.24)
Mohawk Valley Community College is committed to providing its employees, students and partners with current technology and computing resources (i.e. computers, laptops, electronic mail, the Internet, and related electronic products) while ensuring compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GLBA). These resources are provided to employees, students and partners to provide support for their jobs and education, and are to be used for legitimate business or academic purposes in serving the mission, vision and purpose of the College.
Information Systems, defined as all Internet/Intranet/Extranet-related systems, wired and wireless, including but not limited to computer and telephone equipment, software, operating systems, electronic files, databases, data and image storage media and user-accounts which provide services, are the sole property of MVCC and are made available to the MVCC community for appropriate use only.
All appropriate use of any computing resources as described above shall follow established Information Technology procedure. Each authorized user in the College community must comply with MVCC’s standards for appropriate use as expressed in the procedure, which strives to protect employees, students, partners and the College from illegal or damaging actions committed, either knowingly or unknowingly, by individuals who use these resources. The procedure may be found on this page under "V. Physical Resources" or in the Information Technology Office.
5003 Visitors Policy (approved 3.19.12)
Visitors are welcome on campus. However, they are expected to abide by the same rules that apply to students, where applicable. Action, including expulsion, may be taken against any and all persons who loiter and have no proper or acceptable reason for presence on campus.5004 Alcoholic Beverages (approved 3.19.12)
The serving and possession of alcoholic beverages on all MVCC property is prohibited. Exception to this policy can be made with the written approval of the College President or his/her designee. Alcohol policy procedures are documented and can be found on this page or in the President’s Office.5005 Public Safety (approved 3.19.12)
A principle responsibility of the College is to provide a safe environment for students, faculty, and the public. The College shall establish and maintain a set of procedures to insure this responsibility is met. These procedures may be found on this page or on file in the Public Safety Office.
Campus Traffic and Parking Regulations
Use of the roadways and parking areas is a privilege restricted to persons who have a direct relationship with the College. The object of these regulations is to provide more effective and convenient use for all. Parking is permitted only in designated areas. Regulations are enforced throughout the year, including vacation periods. Parking regulations can be found on this page or in the Public Safety office.
5006 Use of College Facilities (approved 3.19.12; amended 5.10.12)
Any unauthorized use of College facilities is prohibited. The primary use of College facilities is academic. No activity should conflict with the normal teaching and learning programs conducted by the College. Activities should be consistent with the mission of the College. The administration will establish and maintain a set of procedures consistent with this policy. Procedures for use of College facilities can be found at (link) or in the Office of Events.
Domestic animals are not allowed in College buildings with the following exceptions:
- service animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA);
- animals used in research and teaching;
- animals allowed as pets under any Dorm Corporation pet policy agreement for full-time staff or faculty-in-residence
- animals participating in a function or event sponsored by or permitted by the College
- animals performing official law enforcement functions
Any domestic animals on College grounds must be in the control of their owners in accordance with the ordinances of the Cities of Utica and Rome. Under no circumstances should animals be allowed to run loose or be tied to buildings, handrails, trees, bicycle racks, or other objects. Owners of domestic animals will be responsible for any damage incurred by their animals to College grounds or facilities. Any infractions or complaints regarding infractions should be brought to the attention of Public Safety (5566). Public Safety will arrange to remove unauthorized animals from campus without notice. For reasons of health and sanitation, students may not keep pets of any type in the residence halls, other than as provided for through documented Dorm Corporation policy.
“The College shall reserve the right to not provide access to College facilities to any non-college organization or individual whose purpose is to provide a program or service that operates in conflict or competition with the mission or any program or service of the College.”
5007 Master Plan (approved 3.19.12)
The Board will work with the administration to develop and maintain a master plan per SUNY guidelines. The Board shall adhere to the master plan in guiding all major capital projects. The master plan shall be reviewed periodically and updated as needed.
5008 Smoking (approved 3.19.12, revised 4.20.15)
Smoking and all tobacco and tobacco-related products are prohibited on all College premises, which are defined as all buildings, facilities, and grounds owned, used, leased, operated, controlled or otherwise supervised by the College. Up-to-date procedures for the tobacco policy – effective August 15, 2016.5009 Social Media (approved 9.21.15, reviewed 10.19.20)
Mohawk Valley Community College acknowledges the use of social media as an important tool to enhance communication that reflects the vision, mission, strategic plan and values of the College. Social media may only be used in accordance with the procedures and guidelines as set forth by the College. The procedure and guidelines can be found on this page under "V. Electronic & Physical Resources."5010 Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility (EITA) (approved 4.20.20)
Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC) is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have an opportunity equal to that of their non-disabled peers to participate in the College’s programs, benefits, and services, including those delivered through electronic and information technology, except where doing so would impose an undue burden or create a fundamental alteration.
This Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility (EITA) policy covers all electronic information used to promote and deliver the College’s programs and services. The policy applies to procurement, development, implementation, training, and ongoing maintenance of all online or electronic materials including Websites and Software: Web Accessibility Standards (WAS); Digital Content: Digital Content Accessibility Standards (DCAS); Classroom Technology & Design: Classroom Accessibility Standards (CAS); Libraries: Library Accessibility Guidelines (LAG); and Procurement: Procurement Accessibility Conformance Standards (PACS).
Ensuring equal and effective electronic and information technology access minimally meeting or exceeding state and federal law, is the responsibility of all College administrators, faculty, and staff.
5011 Electronic Signature (approved 12.14.20)
Mohawk Valley Community College Electronic Signature Policy allows the use of electronic signatures as an acceptable alternative to an original signature for those documents requiring signature or acknowledgement in accordance with minimum standards, responsibilities, and federal and state laws. Electronic signatures are allowed to obtain educational records under FERPA as long as there is a record and signature that (1) Identifies and authenticates a particular person as the source of the electronic consent; and (2) Indicates such person’s approval of the information contained in the electronic consent.” (34 CFR 99.30(d)). The Electronic Signature Administrative Procedure is available on this page under "Section IV. Physical/Electronic Resources."5012 MVCC Brand Policy (approved 4.15.24)
This policy regulates the utilization of all College trademarks and logos across all contexts and pertains to the entirety of the institution. This includes "Mohawk Valley Community College", "MVCC", the College’s seal, “Mohawk Valley Hawks”, and other official wordmarks, brand extensions, and logos. Ensuring uniformity in the application of College trademarks enhances their significance and our capacity to safeguard them against unauthorized usage. The Office of Marketing and Communications must be contacted whenever there’s uncertainty regarding the permissibility of a proposed one.
Students, faculty, staff, as well as third parties and partners may only use College brand elements in strict accordance with this policy and the graphic requirements in the PDF of brand guidelines. To maintain the integrity of the MVCC brand, this policy emphasizes the importance of enforcement. Violations may result in corrective actions, including but not limited to education on proper brand usage, cease and desist orders, and, in severe cases, legal action. Enforcement mechanisms are in place to address non-compliance promptly and effectively, promoting a collective commitment to preserving the institution's brand identity. For employees of MVCC, failure to comply with this policy may result in revocation of related privileges and/or disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Refer to MVCC Brand Policy and Procedures for the full detail.
5013 Transportation & Use of Vehicles Policy (approved 10.21.24)
5014 Type 5014. Elimination of Single Use Plastics and Preference for Durable and Reusable Alternatives Policy (approved 10.21.24)
5014. Elimination of Single Use Plastics and Preference for Durable and Reusable Alternatives Policy
6001 Degrees (approved 4.16.12, revised 3.19.18, revised 6.22.21, reviewed 12.20.21)
Four Associate degrees will be granted by Mohawk Valley Community College: The Associate in Arts; The Associate in Science; The Associate in Applied Science; and The Associate in Occupational Studies.
Students completing a college or university parallel curriculum will be awarded theAssociate in Arts degree or the Associate in Science degree.
Students completing a two-year career curriculum will be awarded the Associate in Applied Science degree or the Associate in Occupational Studies.
General Requirements can be found on this page.
Certificate Programs
The college offers certificate programs made up of degree credit courses leading to technical proficiency in specific fields. Students completing a certificate program may apply credits earned toward the associate degree for which it is appropriate, providing all entrance requirements are met.
The College offers micro-credentials that are credit or a combination of credit and non-credit courses consisting of three to five courses with a range of 6-16 credit hours. Students successfully completing a micro-credential will be able to demonstrate specific skill competencies embedded in certificate and degree programs. Micro-credentials are stackable and serve as momentum points for student success. The complete procedure is available on this page under "VI. Academic Affairs."
6002 Class Periods/Length (approved 4.16.12, revised 11.20.17, reviewed 12.20.21)
The minimum allowed length of class periods and definition of credit hours will follow SUNY policy . The class schedule and length will be defined in compliance with the SUNY policy. The normal length of class is 750-minutes of instruction per course contact hour spread throughout the semester during the assigned class time.6003 Grading System (approved 4.16.12, reviewed 12.20.21, revised 6.21.22)
For purposes of determining grade point averages, grades are numerically evaluated
as follows:
A= 4; B+= 3.3; B= 3; C+= 2.3; C= 2; D+= 1.3; D= 1; F= 0
Grade Signifies Grade Points
A Excellent 4.0
B+ 3.3
B Good 3.0
C+ 2.3
C Average 2.0
D+ 1.3
D Minimum Pass* 1.0
F Failure 0.0
Scholastic Standards
A final grade report is prepared for each student at the end of each term. This grade report lists the student's record for the immediate past term and also lists his or her cumulative average.
Grades consist of the following:
A Excellent
B Good
C Average
D Minimum Pass*
F Failure
FI Failure Icomplete
W Withdrawn prior to the official last date established by the Office of Records
and Registration
S Satisfactory (midterm only)
U Unsatisfactory (midterm only)
I Incomplete (temporary)
ON Ongoing
AU Audit
NR not a grade, but a symbol indicating that a grade was not submitted.
*D/D+ are minimum pass grades for some MVCC degree programs but not for transfer.
See individual Academic Program requirements regarding acceptance of D/D+ grades.
The Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs shall set the criteria for President’s List, Vice President’s List, and Graduation with Honors.
6004 Classification of Students (approved 4.16.12, reviewed 12.20.21)
Freshman - A student who has completed fewer than 30 credit hours.
Senior - A student who has completed 30 or more credit hours.
Full-time - A student who takes 12 credit hours in a given semester.
Part-time - A student who takes fewer than 12 credit hours in a given semester.
6005 Academic Standards of MVCC (approved 4.16.12, reviewed 12.20.21)
All students at MVCC are expected to make reasonable progress toward the completion of a degree or certificate.
Their academic performance will be reviewed and appropriate action taken in accordance with Standards of Academic Progress which can be referenced on this page or in the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs office.
6006 Attendance (approved 4.16.12, reviewed 12.20.21)
Attendance is expected at all sessions. The Board recognizes the primacy of class attendance to the achievement of student success and completion. Therefore, it is policy that all faculty will establish clear attendance policies for each class and promulgate same in their syllabi.
State University of New York regulations require evidence of pursuit of prescribed course work. Students who fail to satisfy those regulations may be deleted from the class roster on the official census date.
6007 Responsibility for the Academic Calendar (approved 4.16.12, reviewed 12.20.21)
The development of the dates of operation of the college is the responsibility of the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs. Final approval of the Academic calendar rests with the Board of Trustees.
The Academic Calendar shall appear on this page .
6008 College Curriculum (approved 4.16.12, reviewed 12.20.21)
Procedures for changes in courses, options and programs offered by the college can be found in the Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs Office or on this page under "VI. Academic Afairs."6009 Policy on Transfer Credit (approved 4.16.12, revised 11.20.17, reviewed 12.20.21, revised 6.21.22)
Students transferring to Mohawk Valley Community College from other regionally accredited institutions of higher learning or providing documentation of appropriate instruction may receive whole or partial credit for college courses completed. Acceptance of transfer credits is the prerogative of the appropriate college academic department. The complete procedure is available on this page.6010 Credit for Life Experience (approved 4.16.12, reviewed 12.20.21)
As part of an overall commitment to timely program completion and support for returning adults, the administration will develop procedures to allow for the evaluation of Credit for Life Experience that maintain the academic integrity of the College.6011 Policy on Academic Integrity (approved 4.16.12, reviewed 12.20.21)
The college is committed to a spirit of intellectual inquiry rooted in the ethical behavior of its participants. This means that certain acts which affect the integrity of learning are not permissible. Engaging in dishonest or unethical behavior may result in disciplinary action. The procedure can be found on this page .6012 Academic Amnesty (approved 4.16.12, reviewed 12.20.21)
The College’s Academic Amnesty policy allows students, returning after a four-year or longer absence, a one-time opportunity to have previous unsatisfactory grades removed from the calculation of the GPA. For regulations and procedures, see the Student Handbook .
6013 Research Policy (approved 4.16.12, reviewed 12.20.21)
Any research proposal must be forwarded to the Office of Institutional Research and Analysis for review and approval by the Research Review Team.
6014 Adjuncts (approved 4.16.12, reviewed 12.20.21)
The Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs will appoint qualified individuals to fill part-time/adjunct teaching positions as may be needed to successfully carry out the mission of the College. It shall be the responsibility of the hiring supervisors to follow appropriate hiring procedures and select candidates that meet the approved criteria for adjunct faculty minimum qualifications
6015 Assessment of Student Learning (approved 4.16.12, reviewed 12.20.21)
Program goals and supporting learning outcomes shall be developed for each degree and certificate: these shall demonstrate linkage to the College Mission and/or the College-wide Competencies. All course outlines shall contain student learning outcomes which are assessed as appropriate to the courses and programs. In addition, students are assessed for general education skills in those courses approved for the SUNY Assessment Initiative. The faculty is expected to be involved in the assessment of student learning and is encouraged to use a variety of direct and indirect measures for this purpose. MVCC believes that assessment data should be shared appropriately for the purposes of program improvement and student success, not for individual or collective evaluation.