• Any person may report sex-based discrimination and/or harassment, in person, by mail, by telephone, or by electronic mail, using the contact information listed for the Title IX Coordinator, or by any other means that results in the Title IX Coordinator receiving the person’s verbal or written report.

       Contact Information for the Title IX Coordinator:

      Name:                            Jennifer DeWeerth  
      Title:                               Title IX Coordinator
      Office Address:             PH 354
      Email Address:              jdeweerth@mvcc.edu
      Telephone Number:    315-334-7701


      Such a report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) by using the electronic mail address, or by mail to the office address listed for the Title IX Coordinator.

  • Title IX and sex-based discrimination and/or harassment reports may also be made to the Department of Public Safety or Deputy Coordinator Dennis Gibbons, Dean of Student Life.
    Whether you report to the Title IX Coordinator or the Department of Public Safety, the meeting following your report with be with the Title IX Coordinator to understand the nature of the complaint and to provide an overview of the options that are available so that the reporter may make an informed decision about how she/he/they would like to proceed.  This meeting also occurs individually with the Respondent. 
  • Reports of harassment and discrimination (not Title IX sex-based discrimination and/or harassment) are to be made to either the Executive Director of Human Resources for cases involving employees or to the Vice President for Students Affairs, for cases involving students, and the case will be assigned to the appropriate investigator. Either may disqualify her or himself from serving, in which case another member of the staff will be appointed as an alternate.
  • This is a College Title IX investigation, not a legal investigation.  A respondent does have the right not to speak to the Title IX Investigator regarding the incident, however, failure to do so may have a negative impact as the Investigator will be unable to take the Respondent's perspective into account in the rendering of an outcome. 
  • Retaliation for filing a report or for answering questions during the investigation of a report will not be tolerated and will result in appropriate disciplinary action. The College will make every possible attempt to insure confidentiality and to limit access to information about the report to those with a need to know. All reports will be investigated, and appropriate action will be taken if an individual has violated these policies.
  • All timetables in these procedures are intended as guidelines. Reports will be investigated and resolved expeditiously, but since each case is different, each will require its own unique timetable. 
  • Extensions may be granted for up to 5 business days upon request by one party and communicated to both if approved by the Title IX Investigator.  In extenuating circumstances, law enforcement may specifically request and justify a delay of up to 10 business days.