Giving Opportunities

Whether you attended classes, visited the campus for an event, or participated in a summer camp; MVCC strives to be the community’s college. The funds we raise through the Foundation benefit not only our students, but the community as a whole. Our unrestricted fund, MVCC’s Areas of Greatest Need, is designed to maintain the College’s impact in the face of swiftly evolving societal, technological, and academic needs. The fund’s flexibility of purpose enables rapid response to shifting community needs and the ability to pursue unprecedented opportunities, ultimately supporting a stronger, more supportive, and academically outstanding experience for all who interact with the College. No matter how MVCC has touched your life, we hope you will consider making a gift.

Donate Now!

Make a Difference in the Lives of our Students

Establish a Named Scholarship

Help an MVCC Student Achieve their Educational Dreams

Underwrite a Program or Event

Support a MVCC Program or Event

Make a donation
in honor of a loved one

Honor your Loved One with a Gift to MVCC

Make a Planned Gift

Create a Long-term Impact

Become a Corporate Sponsor

Provide Support for Students and the Community

Tea Leaf Manufacturing

Design, prototype, and manufacture products at MVCC's FABLab

Tea Leaf Aircraft Exchange

Enhancing MVCC funding and resources through aircraft donations

How to Give

Online: Easy and secure,

By Mail: Checks should be made payable to the MVCC Foundation and mailed to:

MVCC Foundation, Inc.
1101 Sherman Drive
Utica, New York 13501

By Phone: 315-792-5555
8:30a.m. – 4:30p.m.