Student talking to college representative at transfer fair

MVCC Transfer Events

Each semester, we host events to help you prepare for a smooth transfer to a four-year college or university after graduating from MVCC. These events provide opportunities to explore transfer options and connect with college representatives to learn about their programs and admissions/transfer processes. Even if you won't be transferring for a year or more, it's never too early to start thinking about and preparing for your next step.

Transfer Workshops

Talk with an advisor, learn about the transfer process, begin researching four-year colleges and universities, get started on the SUNY and Common Apps, and explore transfer tools and resources. 

Transfer Fairs

"Window shop" a wide range of four-year colleges and universities on campus. Though not as individualized of an experience as a specific college event or an transfer advisor visit, transfer fairs are a great opportunity to explore a variety of possible institutions.

Transfer Advisor Visits

Various four-year colleges and universities set up shop right here on campus, giving you an opportunity to take a closer look at their program offerings. 

Transfer Partner Events

Learn how you can get the most from your associate degree by transferring your credits to one of our partner institutions, including SUNY Polytechnic Institute, SUNY Oneonta, Bellevue University, and Southern New Hampshire University.

Joining an event virtually?

If you are unable to join a virtual transfer event from home, the Advisement Office has Zoom-capable computers available at the Utica Campus, in Payne Hall. To use a computer at this location, please contact the office at 315-731-5719 in advance. Please note that on-campus computer usage is on a first come, first served basis.