Explore YOUR Path to Poly! 
Are you looking to transfer from MVCC to SUNY Polytechnic Institute? We make the process easy!
MVCC Path to Poly
Earn your associate degree at MVCC and make a seamless transfer to SUNY Poly through the MVCC Path to Poly!
Program Perks
- Seamless Transfer: Credits earned at MVCC are guaranteed to transfer to SUNY Poly
- Scholarships: Scholarships are available for students transferring to SUNY Poly from partner community colleges, making you eligible for a transfer merit scholarship of up to $1,500 per year
- Transfer Support: Your dedicated Transfer Team will help to ensure a seamless transfer from MVCC to SUNY Poly
Meet your SUNY Poly Transfer Team
The SUNY Poly Transfer Team will hold office hours at the MVCC Utica Campus throughout the spring. Schedule an appointment to:
- Learn more about SUNY Poly’s academic programs and opportunities
- Get help navigating the transfer process
- Maximize your credit evaluation to ensure you get credit for your courses
See the full office hours calendar and make an appointment using the SUNY Poly MVCC Office Hour Portal.