Reporting Complaint

  1. Reports shall be filed with
    1. An employee with the authority to address complaints, including the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator in the absence of the coordinator:
      1. Title IX Coordinator, Payne Hall, Room 354, 315-334-7701
      2. Title IX Deputy Coordinator - Dean of Student and Residence Life, Alumni College Center, Room 208A, 315-792-5394
    2. Public Safety:
      1. Department of Public Safety
        1. Utica Campus, Room 106, 315-731-5777 or by dialing '5777' from any on campus- phone.
        2. Rome Campus, Room 118, 315-334-3559 or by dialing '7718' from any on campus- phone.
        3. In an emergency, dial 911
    3. Electronically: Please complete Electronic Title IX Complaint form.
  2. The Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator will assign an investigator.
  3. Reports will be investigated and concluded within a reasonably prompt timeframe.
  4. Retaliation for reporting a complaint will not be tolerated.


Title IX Response Protocol for MVCC Pre-College Programs

If a Title IX report is filed by a pre-college program student with officers of the College as noted below, and the incident has occurred at a College sponsored event and involves an MVCC student or employee, the College will respond according to its Title IX procedures as outlined on the MVCC website -  The first course of action will be to determine the age of the reporting student to connect immediately with parents or guardians as required.  

If a Title IX report is filed by a pre-college program student with officers of the College as noted below, and the incident has not occurred at a College sponsored event and does not involve an MVCC student or employee, the College will confidentially reach out to the reporting student to ensure that he/she has been connected to the appropriate reporting individual.     

MVCC employees with the authority to address complaints:

Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator in the absence of the coordinator:

 Public Safety:            

  • Utica Campus, Room 106, 315-731-5777 or by dialing '5777' from any on-campus phone
  • Rome Campus, Room 118, 315-334-3559 or by dialing '7718' from any on-campus phone