Timetable for the Self-Study
- Self-Study Co-Chairs identified
- MSCHE Training (PHI)
- MSCHE Annual Conference (DC)
- Select Steering Committee Members
- Identify Work Groups Membership
- Steering Committee sets meeting dates for the process
- Prepare and submit Self-Study Design
- Create and implement Communication Plan
- Self-Study Design Preparation Visit
- Chairs report to BOT status of the Self-Study process
- Self-Study design revised
Self-Study design approval from MSCHE liaison
- Steering Committee retreat
- Work Groups begin inquiry and meet weekly to move forward in process
- Steering Committee meets every other week to identify potential issues and provide
support to Work Groups
- Work Groups analyze data and evidence
- MSCHE Annual Conference
- Annotated outlines due from Work Groups
- Chairs report to BOT status of the Self-Study process
- Selection of Evaluation Team Chair
- First and second drafts due from Working Groups
- Self-Study Chairs provide first draft document to one voice writer
- All campus involvement event
- Chairs report to BOT status of the Self-Study process
- One-voice Writer prepares Self-Study document
- Steering Committee Retreat
- Final roster of Evaluation Team members
- Campus feedback on Self-Study document
- Second draft prepared
- Second draft of final Self-Study submitted to Team Chair
- Evaluation Team Chair preliminary visit
- MSCHE Annual Conference
- Further/final revisions to Self-Study draft
- Arrangements for hosting Evaluation Team visit
- Chairs report to BOT status of the Self-Study process
- Self-Study sent for formatting and final editing
- Chairs report to BOT status of the Self-Study process
- Final Self-Study sent to all Team members
- Site Team Visit
- Submission of MVCC response to Evaluation Team findings
- Campus Celebration for Completion of Self-Study Process Event
- Commission Meeting: Final accreditation action taken
The Work Groups and Writing Team have the following key deliverables and projected
Document and Due Date
- Work Groups submit detailed outline to Steering Committee November 1, 2016
- Work Groups submit Mid-Progress Report to Steering Committee December 31, 2016
- Work Groups Develop Work Group Reports Final Drafts April 1, 2017
- Writing Team submits first draft of Self-Study report distributed for College review
August 1, 2017-September 1, 2017
- Writing Team Refines Self-Study Document with Steering Committee oversight September
1, 2017 – October 1, 2017
- Steering Committee distributes second draft of Self-Study report for College review
October 1, 2017 – November 1, 2017
- Co-Chairs and Writing Team refine Self-Study Document November 1, 2017 – December
1, 2017 October 1, 2017
- Preliminary Team Chair Visit and Feedback October 15, 2017 – November 1, 2017
- Editorial Team formats and lays out Self-Study Document December 1, 2017 – December
31, 2017
- President and BOT does final review and approval of Self-Study Document January 1,
2018 – January 15, 2018
- Co-Chairs upload final Self-Study Report to MSCHE January 15, 2018
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