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 MVCC Utica Campus

Model for Self-Study

MVCC has chosen to adopt the comprehensive Self-Study review model and will utilize the lens of the Mission Statement and the new Strategic Plan to focus the work to examine the institution's compliance with the Middle States Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation. 

Intended Outcomes of the Self-Study

While an obvious intended outcome of the Self-Study process is to demonstrate compliance with the Middle States Standards, the College will also focus on the institutional priorities identified through the strategic planning process.  Therefore, the intended outcomes for the MVCC Self-Study are to:

MVCC Graduate

  1. Demonstrate how MVCC meets and exceeds the revised MSCHE Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation and verify MVCC compliance with Accreditation-Relevant Federal Regulations;
  2. Identify, through an evaluative analysis, areas of institutional strength, and areas for institutional improvement, to enable the College to better meet and exceed the five strategic goals;
  3. Identify, through an evaluative analysis, both strengths and weaknesses within college initiatives that are specifically designed to meet the five strategic goals (e.g.  Achieving the Dream (ATD), Pathways to Graduation Project, Applied Learning Initiative, Corporate and Community Education (CECD) programming) and share findings with the teams overseeing these initiatives; and
  4. Provide opportunities for college stakeholders to participate in the self-study process – making it as inclusive and transparent as possible so that stakeholders gain an enhanced understanding of the College and are thus better equipped to contribute to the College initiatives in meeting the strategic goals.