Course Syllabi

For each course offered at MVCC, one course outline has been developed and maintained (reviewed/revised yearly) in the Outlines file. You may access the outline for the course you are teaching by going to and logging into the secure area. Click on the Registration menu, then click the first menu for Outlines and search for your course outline file under the proper course prefix. If you do not find an outline for the course you are teaching, please contact the Dean of your Academic School.

A syllabus is required for each class you are teaching. At a minimum, each syllabus you develop should include the following information and MVCC polices below.

Syllabus Requirements

Course Name / Course Number / Room Number / Times Offered

Syllabus Author — Instructor Name / Contact Information / Office Hours

Credits Allocated — Example: Credit Hours 3

Prerequisites — If no prerequisite is necessary, state it

Course Description

Course Objectives / Learning Outcomes

Assignments, tests, quizzes, etc., should be listed here

Method of Assessing Student Achievement, including the assessment rubrics at the course and project levels and total allocation for each assessment (Example: Test = 30%, Final Project = 20%, Research Paper 20%, Attendance = 10%, Quizzes = 20%; each area must have specifics) could have journals, class participation or anything else you use to assess

Weekly Reading / Assignments / Quiz / Test  Due Dates:

  • Week 1 
  • Week 2
  • Week 3
  • Week 4
  • Week 5
  • Week 6
  • Week 7
  • Week 8
  • Week 9
  • Week 10
  • Week 11
  • Week 12
  • Week 13
  • Week 14

Attendance Policy — Should be stated and if counted as a portion of their grade

Basis of grade determination:

  • A: 100-90
  • B: 89-80
  • C: 79-70
  • D: 69-60
  • F: 59-0

Bibliographic – Textbook, other resources

Other course policies related to integrity of credit

The instructor reserves the right to alter any element of this syllabus, including course content and policies that govern how the classroom operates.

MVCC Policies

Academic integrity demonstrates respect for intellectual work. It is the foundation of intellectual inquiry and facilitates honesty and the free exchange of ideas for the purpose of growth, which are essential for learning. Therefore, academic honesty and integrity is expected in all work done for this class. Refer to the Student Handbook for full information about academic integrity, including plagiarism, cheating, duplicate submission of work, collusion, and lying. Academic dishonesty may result in penalties including, but not limited to, lower grades, expulsion from the class, or expulsion from the College. 

MVCC is committed to civility in and out of the classroom. MVCC believes everyone has the right to an environment that creates the safe opportunity for educational, professional and social development. MVCC recognizes its responsibility to model and encourage a culture of civil behavior.

Include this statement on your course outline/syllabus to ensure the disability-related needs of students are met: "I would appreciate hearing from anyone in the class who has any special needs (e.g., physical, learning, mental health, vision, hearing, etc.) which may require accommodation. Please send an email or see me during my office hours so that we can discuss your needs. Before services can begin, you must also contact the Office of Accessibility Resources, 315-792-5644, in Room 129A-E of Wilcox Hall on the Utica Campus. (For classes on the Rome Campus, students should be referred to the Student Services Office, PC130, 315-334-7744). Staff members will review your documentation, determine your eligibility for accommodations, and decide what those accommodations will be. Students are required to present an accommodation plan each semester — even if they have had the instructor for a previous course. Uncaptioned educational DVDs and/or other uncaptioned audio-visual materials may be shown in this class. Anyone with a hearing disability should discuss this with me online or during office hours."

Title IX states that no person in the United States shall be subject to sex discrimination, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Sex discrimination includes sex-based harassment in the form of quid pro quo harassment, hostile environment harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and discrimination on the basis of sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity. 

Find more information here.

Mohawk Valley Community College is committed to the development and implementation of a comprehensive sustainability plan. To that end, we are asking students, faculty, and staff to actively participate in energy conservation measures and proper recycling on campus. The green bins in every classroom are intended for all recyclables; they can take paper, plastic, metal, and glass. Containers should be clean* and empty. Any materials that cannot be recycled should be placed in garbage cans. It is also important to turn off lights and computers when leaving a room. Together, we can make an impact on conserving our resources. Remember to reduce, reuse and recycle!

*Clean means free of food residue, so pudding and yogurt containers should be rinsed. Drink bottles need to be empty but do not need to be rinsed.

Who Receives My Syllabus?

Please send a copy of your syllabus to the appropriate College Services Associate. The syllabus will be stored in the Outlines account in the appropriate term folders.

Syllabus files to download