The Digital Animation program is geared towards the creation of 3D video game art,
including character and environment design. We feature a state of the art animation lab
with 3D printing capabilities and virtual reality. Students work in industry standard software like the Adobe Creative Cloud, Maya, and ZBrush. Animators entertain, inform, and communicate.

Scot Connor holds a Master’s in Fine Art from the Academy of Art and over ten years as an educator in Animation, Graphic Design, and Illustration. Josh Piejko hold a Master’s Degree in Information Design and has worked in the video game industry.
We have had students transfer into RIT, the Laguna College of Art and Design, SUNY POLY, among others. Students are prepared to transfer or directly enter the work force.

Josh Piejko and Scot Connor can be reached via email, although the SSA and Dean are
available 12 months per year.