Spire Honor Society
Spire is a national honor society that recognizes the unique achievements of adult students (defined as 25 or older) and other nontraditional students (such as young single parents, those with disabilities, those who earn degrees while working full-time, and international students) enrolled in associate degree programs who have overcome significant obstacles to achieve academic success.
Today, over 70% of students enrolled in colleges and universities across the country fall into the “nontraditional student” category.
Spire history
Spire, the most important national honor society for nontraditional students enrolled in two-year academic programs, was created to provide these students — who are typically less involved in campus life, often married, and usually employed while attending college — with the same level of recognition that outstanding traditional students have always received.
MVCC began inducting members into the Spire Honor Society in 2014. Since then, we have honored more than 200 students for their academic achievements. MVCC inducts members to the National Chapter of the Spire Honor Society twice a year, once in the Fall and once in the Spring.
Contact us
For more information, contact one of our Spire advisors:
Jenny Lewis, Student Support Advisor
Email: jlewis@mvcc.edu
Phone: 315-792-5590
Rachel Golden, Student Support Advisor
Email: rgolden@mvcc.edu
Phone: 315-792-5514
Robin Saxe, Student Support Advisor
Email: rsaxe@mvcc.edu
Phone: 315-731-5813
Monica Brown-Hodkinson, Student Support Advisor
Email: mbrown-hodkinson@mvcc.edu
Phone: 315-731-5751