Emergency Response

Threre may be a time when you are on campus during an emergency situation. It is important to understand some of the terms that may be used during emergency response.

Proceed immediately to the neatest exit in an orderly fashion. Do not use the elevators. Keep low or as close to the floor as possible if smoke is present at or near your eye level. After exiting the building, move away fifty (50) feet or more; take care to not to block entry and exit to the building. Do not re-enter the building until being notified by Public Safety or other law enforcement has given the “all clear” notification.

When you evacuate:

  • Stay Calm
  • Follow instructions
  • Do not use elevators
  • Leave your belongings
  • Pay attention to your surroundings
  • Plan ahead


You may be asked to evacuate and avoid a building or an area within a building due to emergency circumstances. Stay at least fifty (50) feet away from the building. It is critical that you follow instructions.

The term, Shelter in Place, means to seek immediate shelter and remain there during an emergency rather than evacuate the area. Certain events may necessitate Shelter in Place protocols.

If you are given instruction to shelter-in-place, all college personnel and students should remain in the rooms they currently are in, or if you are in an exposed area, you should respond to the closest suitable area. Anyone outside during a situation which requires sheltering in place should go to the closest building unless otherwise directed.

When you Shelter-in-place:

  • Stay Calm
  • Follow instructions
  • Pay attention to your surroundings
  • Move to a safe area inside your room, consider all doorway and window locations when establishing the safe area.
  • Monitor messaging from official sources, such as NY-Alert.
  • Plan ahead
  • Stay in your safe area until physically released by an authorized campus designee (A Resident Assistant/Director, Police, or Fire Department).

Stay put and stay tuned. At no time should anyone leave their shelter-in-place location until the situation has been resolved. Monitor NY-Alert for updated messaging and further instructions.

Sheltering-in-place allows law enforcement and other emergency operations persons to address the campus emergency while reducing the risk of contact with any innocent bystanders in the immediate area.

Do not open doors for anyone unless their identity has been verified. Stay away from windows, doors and outside walls.

The term, Lock Down, means to secure school building and grounds during incidents that pose an immediate threat of violence in or around the school.

If you are given instruction to lock down, you should immediately seek an area suitable to provide cover, concealment, and the capability to lock the door or barricade yourself.

When you Lock Down:

  • Move to a safe area inside your room, consider all doorway and window locations when establishing the safe area.
  • Silence cell phones, and stay as quiet as possible.
  • Monitor messaging from official sources, such as NY-Alert.
  • Do not respond to a fire alarm activation, unless there is an actual fire.
  • Do not communicate through the door unless it is a law enforcement officer; take reasonable steps to confirm their identity before  communicating.
  • Stay in your safe area until physically released by law enforcement.

Refer to the 'Hide' section of Run, Hide, Fight for more insight into Lock Down.