If you have a project for which you would like to have help from Marketing and Communications, please review the chart below ahead of time to find out approximately how long it might time for your project to be completed. Some projects only take a few days to complete, but some projects can take a couple of months from the first planning meeting to the project’s completion. Please plan your projects accordingly.

If you have a project you’d like to have completed through Marketing and Communications, please compile some information about what you hope to achieve with the project, information about the class, event, program, etc., and an idea of a timeline and budget.

To help organize this information, please complete one of the following forms, depending on if you would like a new project, an update to an existing project, or a video.

New Project Request Form

Project Update Request Form

Video Request Form

Project Timelines

The following is guidance on approximately how long some projects take, but please keep in mind that each project's timeline will be dependent on several factors including, but not limited to:

  • Client Preparation
  • Completeness of Content
  • Clarity of Purpose
  • Priority Level
  • Marketing Workload
  • Budget

A major factor in timing is whether a project must go out for a quote or bid. Quotes can be had in a matter of days. Bids take up to two months.

Sample Projects 

College Viewbook 9 months
College Catalog 4-6 months
Event Promotional Materials (High Quality) 8 weeks
Event Promotional Materials (Quick and Dirty) 2 weeks
Admissions Publications 4-8 weeks
Complex Brochures 6-12 weeks
Tri-fold Brochures 3-5 weeks
One-sheets 2-3 weeks
Posters 1-2 weeks 
Postcards 2-3 weeks
Videos (YouTube Quality) 2-3 weeks
Videos (TV Quality) 4-8 weeks
Webpages 1-7 days
Custom Webpages 2-7 days
Social Media Initiatives 2 weeks-1 month
News Releases 1-14 days
Press Conferences 1-2 weeks
Magazines/Newsletters 1-2 months
Photography Requests 2 days in advance
Mass Quantity Promotional Items Yearly
Custom Promotional Items 6-8 weeks


Before you begin:

  • Know your project manager: Find out whom your project manager is if you don’t already know by checking this list. Make sure to take note of who in the Marketing Department is responsible for your area of the College, as they will be your go-to person for any events or programs you may need help marketing.
  • Help us help you: The Marketing Department offers a variety of services to help you market your program. Find a list of those here. Look it over and see what you think would be the most helpful to you and your department.
  • Consider cost: Is your department able to pay the expenses to market this program? Unfortunately, the Marketing Department is unable to pay for every publication, poster, and other materials. Be prepared to have a conversation about cost and payment.

Things to consider to market your program:

If you have an idea, event, or program you would like help marketing, please consider the following:

  • Time: When is your event or program? Is there enough time to prepare the message appropriately, get the word out, and encourage participation?
  • Content: Please have the basics set — the What, When, Where, Why, and How. Have this information ready to go so that your project manager can begin to come up with a plan. Also make sure to have contact and/or registration information ready as well. Loose ideas are great, because we can take the idea and turn it into something do-able. You don’t have to have all of the details thought-out and finalized, just the basics.
  • Audience: Think about how many people you are trying to reach, and the logistics to do so. For example, how many postcards will you need? Is your audience on social media? Should we do a news release or media pitch?
  • Imagery: Are you thinking you would like posters or flyers? Please have some ideas in mind on imagery you think would best help to market your event.
  • Be willing you put yourself out there: We may be able to line up a spot for you on television or radio. But these spots won't happen if someone isn't willing to speak on camera or on the air about an event or issue. Think about if you would be willing to go on the air for promotion, or if you know of someone involved in the project who would.