Safe Space program 
What is Safe Space?
All students deserve to learn in an environment that's supportive and friendly, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. MVCC's Safe Space program strives to increase the visible presence of adult and student allies who can help to shape a school culture that is accepting of all people, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, or any other difference.
Safe Space training is designed for individuals who wish to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community and/or for those who wish to be identified as an ally for the LGBTQ+ community at MVCC. This workshop is interactive and will frame the role of LGBTQ+ allies on and beyond campus by introducing resources and providing the tools needed to create a fully inclusive community.
How does a Safe Space program work?
Upon completion of the four-hour training, participants will receive a Safe Space sticker or window cling to display in their workspace, communicating to MVCC students and employees that theirs is a welcoming, judgment-free zone and one that students and staff should feel encouraged to approach for support and guidance.
In this way, people and places are visibly marked as "safe" for LGBTQ+ students/faculty/staff. Here at MVCC, we have a Safe Space team made up of dedicated faculty, staff, and students that promote the program, provide resources and basic training to allies who wish to be involved, and educate the larger MVCC community about the meaning of the stickers and the importance of building safe spaces for LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff.
How can I attend a Safe Space training?
We offer Safe Space trainings periodically throughout the year.
Upcoming training dates:
Note: You must attend all required sessions listed for the date you choose.
The next Safe Space training will be announced soon.
If you are interested in taking a future training, contact and you will be added to the list.