Gender-inclusive housing at MVCC

MVCC strives to be a campus where all students feel welcome. Gender-inclusive housing provides another welcoming housing option.

What is gender-inclusive housing?

  • MVCC Residence Halls were designed to create areas called suites or quads that would house male or female students. Gender-inclusive housing allows students to request a residence hall quad/suite without regard of the gender of occupants.
  • Limited gender-inclusive housing is available in North or South Hall and Bellamy Hall.
  • Gender-inclusive housing is not intended for romantic partners.

Who can request a gender-inclusive suite/quad?

  • Any student can request gender-inclusive housing. Only students who request gender-inclusive housing are assigned to gender-inclusive housing.

Are gender-inclusive suites identified?

  • No.

How does a student request gender-inclusive housing?

On the Housing Information & Preference Form, a student requesting gender-inclusive housing would list the request on the "other preferences" line. If the student is a returning student, the request would be made on the Room Selection Form.

Contact Us

Dennis Gibbons
Dean of Student and Residence Life 