Full-time/Part-time Enrollment of Post High School Students

Total post high school enrollment for the Fall-2020 semester - 3,444 students; 71 percent full-time and 29 percent part-time.

Racial/Ethnic Diversity of Post High School Students

Race/Ethnicity Percent*

American Indian or Alaska Native 0.4%
Asian 5.3%
Black or African American 9.6%
Hispanic or Latino 9.6%
Two or more races 2.8%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander <0.1%
Non-Resident Alien 0.5%
Unknown 1.5%
White 70.2%

(*Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding)

Gender Diversity

Fall-2020 Enrollment of full-time students by Gender

Fall-2019 Gender Diversity 

Financial Aid Recipients

 A. First time, full-time, matriculated students (i.e. students enrolled in
college for the first time, taking at least 12 credit hours, and enrolled in
a degree or certificate program).

  Percent Receiving Aid  Average Award
PELL 62% $5,559
TAP* 47% $2,683
Federal Loans 26% $6,383

*New York State Tuition Assistance Program

B. All full-time, matriculated students

  Percent Receiving Aid  Average Award
PELL 61% $5,625
TAP* 57% $2,799
Federal Loans 30% $7,135

*New York State Tuition Assistance Program

happy graduate


 Graduation Rates

The overall graduation rate is also known as the "Student Right to Know" or IPEDS Graduation Rate. It tracks the progress of students who began their studies as first-time, full-time, degree/certificate-seeking students to see if they complete a degree or certificate within 150% of "normal time" for the program. Normal time is typically three years for two year degree and one and one-half years for a one year certificate.


2017-2018 Right-to-Know Cohort

Right-to-Know cohort graduation rate 32%
Percent of graduates who received PELL grants 62%
Percent of graduates who were Federal Direct Loan Recipients, but did NOT receive a PELL award 14%
Percent of graduates that did not receive either PELL or Loan 25%


Visit the National Center for Education Statistics NCES College Navigator for information about graduation rates by gender and race/ethnicity.