Welcome to MVCC

Randall VanWagonerWelcome to Mohawk Valley Community College! 

Whether you chose MVCC as a starting point for your education or as a vehicle to further your career, we are unwaveringly dedicated to your success. Our faculty, staff, and trustees are committed to creating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment where all students can feel safe to learn and grow during their time with us.  MVCC has been changing lives with exceptional academic programs, activities, support, and athletics for nearly 75 years, and we are perpetually looking forward. In a rapidly changing world, we recognize the importance of not only keeping up, but staying ahead of economic and societal trends, keeping our programs current and classes relevant to best prepare you for what the future holds.

About the President - Randall J. VanWagoner, Ph.D.

Randall J. “Randy” VanWagoner, Ph.D., serves as the fifth president of Mohawk Valley Community College – a position he has held since July 1, 2007. Dr. VanWagoner came to MVCC after serving as the chief academic officer at Metropolitan Community College in Omaha, Neb., and the chief student affairs officer at Red Rocks Community College in Golden, Colo. He served as chair of the New York Community Colleges Association of Presidents from 2015-2019. He has been instrumental in the development of the national Strategic Horizons Network of community colleges and serves as the co-facilitator of the Network focused on learning about disruptive innovation and vibrant organizational cultures outside of higher education.

He received his M.A and Ph.D. from the Higher Education program at the University of Michigan–Ann Arbor; earned his bachelor’s degree in communications from Oakland University in Rochester, Mich.; and was a two-sport athlete at Mott Community College in Flint, Mich. He and his wife Jennifer have two daughters and live in New Hartford.


University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, Mich.

Doctorate of Philosophy: Higher Education Administration

Master of Arts: Community College Administration

Oakland University – Rochester, Mich.

Bachelor of Arts

Major: Communications

Minor: Business Management

Mott Community College – Flint, Mich.

Major: Liberal Arts

Professional Experience

Mohawk Valley Community College, Utica, N.Y.

President (2007 - Present)

Strategic Horizon Network- mvcc.edu/shn

Co-Facilitator (2016 - Present)

University of Colorado-Denver

Adjunct Professor of Practice (2022)

Guest Lecturor (2020 - Present)

Metropolitan Community College, Omaha, Neb.

Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs (1999 - 2007)

Adjunct Faculty (Information Technology) (Fall 2004)

Red Rocks Community College, Lakewood, Colo.

Dean of Educational Support (1997-1999)    

Registrar/ Director of Research & Planning (1996-1997)

Director of Institutional Research & Planning (1994-1996)

Adjunct Faculty (Information Technology) (Spring/Fall 1998, Spring 1999)

Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor, Mich.

Research Analyst (1992 - 1994)

Post-Graduate Training & Development

Strategic Horizon Network (2001-2006; 2008-Present)

Bi-annual colloquium focused on strategic thinking.

Aspen Fellowship for Experienced Presidents (2023-2024)

One of 25 community college presidents nationwide selected for one-year cohort experience.

Harvard University - Cambridge, Mass. (Fall, 2016)

Seminar for Experienced Presidents


Genesis Group Carucci Legacy Award (2022)

One of four recipients for community leadership.

Community Leadership Award (2019)

Recipient of annual award from Boy Scouts of America - Revolutionary Trails Council for community leadership efforts

Community Vision Award (2015)

Recipient of annual award from NAACP - Utica Chapter for community leadership efforts

Shirley B. Gordon Award (2012)

Recipient of national award from Phi Theta Kappa for presidential support of local student honor society

Community Visionary Award (2011)

Recipient of annual award from Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency for community leadership efforts

Educator of the Year Award (2009)

Recipient of annual award from the Asian-American Council for international education partnership efforts

Transforming Dreams into Action: A Fireside Chat

Middle States Commission on Higher Education Annual Conference.  Invited panelist for closing plenary session. December 6, 2023, Philadelphia, PA.

Reimagining Approaches to Better Serve Adult Students

New York Community College Trustees Annual Conference.  With Trustee T. Colon, November 4, 2023, Saratoga Springs, NY.

Disrupting Yourself to Create a New Enrollment Model for Adult Learners.

Association of Community College Trustees.  Concurrent Session with Trustee T. Colon, M. Ballinger, & T. Green (Lorain CC).  October 11, 2023, Las Vegas, NV.

Embracing Disruption

Invited keynote for Strategic Planning kickoff.  SUNY Oneonta.  August 26, 2023.

Principles for Leading Change Systems Tools:  A blueprint for higher education change.

SUNY SAIL Summer Leadership Institute.  Hamilton, NY.  August 3, 2023.

Moving From the Middle:  Advancing Guided Pathways against the odds.

Invited workshop facilitator - SUNY Guided Pathways Leadership Academy.  July 18, 2023.

Nurturing a Connected Culture in Turbulent Times:  Finding levers for change.

Virtual workshop for senior leadership.  Erie Community College.  February 8, 2023.

Understanding Change to Lead with Empathy in a VUCA World

Invited workshop facilitator, President’s Leadership Academy, Schenectady Community College, January 13, 2023.

Future Scenarios

Invited keynote – administrators retreat.  Finger Lakes Community College.  August 6, 2022.

Co-creating a Connected and Resilient Culture in Turbulent Times.

Invited Keynote, Professional Development Day, Fulton-Montgomery Community College, April 14, 2022.

Competing on Culture: Assessing & Nurturing Cultural Health

Competing on Culture, SUNY Guided Pathways, Coaches Training, June 17, 2021

Shaping Culture & Leveraging Small Bets to Implement Guided Pathways

SUNY New York Student Success Center Guided Pathways Institute, Opening Plenary Keynote, April 14, 2021 (virtual)

Driving Change in Higher Education. SUNY SAIL, Winter Leadership Institute, February 25, 2021 (virtual)

Disruption & Transformation for Community Colleges

Invited Keynote, Professional Development Day, SUNY Jefferson Community College, October 23, 2020

Disruption & Transformation for Community Colleges

Invited Keynote, Professional Development Day, Greenfield Community College, November 30, 2020

Disrupting Disruption

All-College Meeting Spring Plenary Keynote and half-day administrative leadership workshop, January 24, 2020, SUNY Adirondack Community College, Queensbury, NY

Future Focused; Change Ready; Culture Strong

All-College Meeting Spring Plenary Keynote and half-day strategic planning facilitation, January 14, 2020, Columbia-Greene Community College, Hudson, NY

Disrupting Disruption

Strategic Horizon Network, Fall Colloquium Closing Keynote.  With Dr. Marcia Ballinger. November 9, 2019, Las Vegas, NV

Shaping a Culture of Connection & Anticipation

College Student Personnel Association of New York State (CSPA), Pre-Conference Workshop and Fall Conference Plenary Keynote, October 20, 2019, Rochester, NY

Speed & Anticipation: Getting Governance Right

Association of Community College Trustees.  Concurrent Session with Trustee Camille Kahler.  October 18, 2019, San Francisco, CA

Courageous Change: Guided Pathways

All-Faculty Fall Professional Development, Plenary Keynote, October 8, 2019, Suffolk Community College, Brentwood, NY

Shaping Organizational Culture to Implement Guided Pathways

SUNY New York Student Success Center Guided Pathways Institute, Opening Plenary Keynote, October 3, 2019, Canandaigua, NY

Preparing for the Great Acceleration: Keys to Deep Culture Change (and the struggle for relevance)

New York Community College Trustees Association Fall Conference. With Trustee Tony Colon. September 21, 2019, Saratoga Springs, NY

Transformative Change in Community Colleges

Board of Trustees Retreat and All-College Plenary Keynote, August 5-6, 2019, Auburn, WA

Creating a Culture of Connection & Anticipation

All-day Administrative Retreat. July 23, 2019, Finger Lakes Community College, Canandaigua, NY

Assessment as a Lever for Equity and Cultural Change

Assessment Association of New York (AANY), Spring Plenary Keynote, April 12, 2019, Saratoga Springs, NY

Leading with Light in Uncertain Times

President’s Leadership Academy.  Half-day workshop. April 11, 2019, Montgomery College, Rockville, MD

Creating a Culture of Connection and Anticipation

Spring Semester All-College Plenary, Jan. 15, 2019, Rockland Community College, Suffern, N.Y.

Competing on Culture: Driving Change in Community Colleges

(Invited Workshop Facilitator). SUNY SAIL Winter Leadership Retreat, Jan. 10-11, 2019, Rensselaerville, N.Y.

Leveraging the Board/CEO Partnership to Foster a Vibrant Organizational Culture

(With T. Colon and C. Kahler). Association of Community College Trustees Annual Conference, October, 2018, New York City, N.Y.

Relevance: Shaping Organizational Culture to Implement Guided Pathways

SUNY Guided Pathways Institute #3, Sept. 26, 2018, Mohawk Valley Community College, Utica, N.Y.

Creating a Culture of Anticipation

Strategic Planning Retreat, Aug. 15, 2018, Jefferson Community College, N.Y.

Leading Change, Shaping Culture

SUNY Guided Pathways Institute #1, March 16, 2018, Monroe Community College, N.Y.

Leadership Insights for IR in Disruptive Times

(Conference Opening Keynote Address), Northeast Association of Institutional Research, Nov. 19, 2017, Jersey City, N.J.

Creating a Culture of Anticipation

(Invited All-College Plenary Keynote), Saskatchewan Polytechnic, August 2017, Regina, Saskatchewan, and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Shaping Organizational Culture through Professional Development

(With S. Cain, M. Eannace, D. Pollard), American Association of Community Colleges Annual Conference, April 2017, New Orleans, La.

Creating a Healthy Board for a Healthy College

(With T. Colon, R. Frank, D. Mathis, T. Murrell), Association of Community College Trustees Annual Conference, October 2016, New Orleans, La.

The Transformational Power of Community Colleges

(Invited All-College Plenary Keynote), Mott Community College, September 2016, Flint, Mich.

How Community Colleges Can Address Challenges of Poverty

(Invited workshop presenter), “We've Got Your Back” Student Success Statewide Conference, July 2016, Utica, N.Y.

Rethinking the Future: A mindset of renewal

(Invited luncheon keynote), Madison County Economic Development Summit, May 2016, Hamilton, N.Y.

Re-imagining Strategic Planning to Drive Resource Allocation

(Invited presenter with M. Buttenschon), Middles States Association Institutional Follow-Up Workshop, March 2016, Philadelphia, Penn.

Re-imagining Strategic Planning to Drive Resource Allocation

(with M. Buttenschon), Middle States Association Conference, December 2015, Washington D.C.

In Search of Abundance: Strategic Tools for the New Normal

(with Dr. L. Glenn), Chair Academy Conference, April 2013, Phoenix, Ariz.

VanWagoner, R., Thomas, T. Armstrong, F.  Anticipating the Future of Work. (Forthcoming).  In Recognizing or Reimagining the Reality and Promise of Community Colleges, Baston, M., Nettles, M., Bridglall, B. (Eds.). Emerald Publishing, UK.

VanWagoner, R. (2018). Competing on Culture: Driving Change in Community Colleges. Rowman & Littlefield. Lanhan, MD.

Tomanek, J., & VanWagoner, R. (2008, May/June). Taking learning seriously: A comprehensive adjunct faculty support system. The Adjunct Advocate: The Magazine for Adjunct College Educators, 22-29.

VanWagoner, R.J., Bowman, L.S., & Spraggs, L.D. (2005). Editor's choice: The significant community college. Community College Review. 33(1), 38–50.

VanWagoner, R.J. (2004, November). Strengthening general education – Back to the basics. Instructional Leadership Abstracts, 2(7), 1-2.

VanWagoner, R.J. (2004). Influencing the perception of organizational change in community colleges. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 28, 715-727.

VanWagoner, R.J. & Bradman, H.L. (2003, June/July). The curriculum design studio: A curriculum committee alternative for the 21st century. Community College Journal, 42-43.

VanWagoner, R. & Hoffman, S.C. (2003). Engaging in accreditation: Using staff development to achieve total participation. In Van Kollenburg, S.E. (Ed.) A Collection of Papers on Self-Study and Institutional Improvement, 2003. Volume 4: The Self-Study Process for Commission Evaluation. 2003 Edition (pp.52-54). Chicago, Illinois: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

VanWagoner, R.J. (2003). Tips for survival in a forest of change. Academic Leader,19(3),8.

Raftery, S. & VanWagoner, R. (2002). Using learning communities to develop basic skills. Learning Abstracts, 5(9).

VanWagoner, R.J. (2002). The influence of institutional and individual characteristics on the perception of organizational change. (Doctoral dissertation). Available at Mohawk Valley Community College.

VanWagoner, R.J. (2001). A framework for academic planning: Engaging faculty in strategic dialogue. Omaha, NE: Metropolitan Community College. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED454919)

Brown, J.D. & VanWagoner, R.J. (1999). Organizational climate: The overlooked dimension of institutional effectiveness. Seattle, WA: Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service, No. ED433754)

Current Service

American Red Cross

Volunteer Blood Donor (1991-1994, 2001-present)

Boilermaker Road Race

Board of Directors (2013-present)

Executive Committee (2018-present)

Jobs for the Future

Community College Workforce Consortium Co-Chair (2023-present)

Policy Trust Board Member (2018-2023)

Career Navigation System Policy Task Force Trio Chair (2022)

Mohawk Valley EDGE

Board of Directors (2007-present)

Executive Committee (2007-2009, 2014-2016)

National Junior College Athletic Association Foundation Board

Board of Directors (2023-present)

New York Community Colleges Association of Presidents

Member (2007-present)

President (2015-2019)

Faculty Council on Community Colleges Liaison (2022-present)

Advocacy Committee (2021-present)

Chief Academic Officers Group Liaison (2014-2015)

Capital Funding Task Force (2009-2011)

American Graduation Initiative Task Force, Chair (2009-2010)

Website Task Force (2008-2009)

New York State Student Success Center

Advisory Board Chair (2022-present)

Advisory Board member (2021-present)

Strategic Horizon Network

Co-Facilitator (2016-present)

Coordinator of bi-annual colloquia programs for small network of community colleges focused on equity, disruptive innovation, and vibrant organizational cultures. (2016-present)

University of Colorado-Denver Higher Education Leadership

Doctoral Program Advisory Board (2018-present)

UpMobility Foundation

Board member (2023-present)

Utica First Insurance Company

Board Member (2019-present)

Audit Committee (2019-present), Chair (2024- present)

Previous Service

American Red Cross

Member, Utica Chapter Board of Directors (2007-2009)

Member, Mile High Chapter Board of Directors, Denver, Colo. (1997-1998)

Advisory Council Chairperson, Jefferson County, Colorado Branch (1995-1998)

Boy Scouts of America, Revolutionary Trails Council

Board of Directors, Executive Committee (2007-2009)

Co–Chair, Education Committee (2008)

Chair Academy

Board of Directors (2010-2014)

City of Utica

City Master Plan Community Steering Committee (2009-2010)

Mayor Roefaro Transition Team, Education Co-Chair (2008)

Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties

Board of Directors (2013-2023)

Executive Committee (2013-2023)

Governance Committee, Chair (2013-2018), Champion (2019-2023)

Equity Advisory Group (2020-2023)

Excellus Utica Region Advisory Council

Council Member (2011-2013)

Genesis Group

Board of Directors, Executive Committee (2007-2009)

Kelberman Center

Board of Directors (2008-2013)

Vice President (2010-2013)

Mohawk Valley Chamber of Commerce

Board of Directors (2008-2011)

President's Council Chair (2011)

Nominating Committee (2009-2011)

Mohawk Valley Regional Economic Development Council

Council Member (2011-2013)

Vision Workgroup Chair (2011)

Northeast UAS Airspace Integration Research (NUAIR) Alliance

Board of Directors (2017-2019)

Oneida County 10-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness Initiative

Community Chairperson (2008-2012)

Oneida County Vision 20/20 Task Force

Taskforce Co-Chair (2013-2023)

Oneida County Workforce Investment Board

Member (2011-2014)

School and Business Alliance

Board of Directors (2008–2011)

Stanley Center for the Arts

Board of Directors (2008-2012)

Arts in Education Committee Chair (2009-2010)

Presenting Committee (2008-2011)

United Way of Greater Utica

Campaign Cabinet (2010, 2011, 2012)

Community Investment Committee (2008-2010)

Utica Rotary

Member (2007-2011)

Utica Symphony

Board of Directors (2009-2010)