Important information about financial aid
- Your financial aid eligibility was determined from the information you provided on
the FAFSA.
- Grants are automatically accepted; if you wish to accept a student loan (Direct Subsidized,
Direct Unsubsidized or Perkins), go to your MyMV account to accept the amount you
wish to borrow. Complete the master promissory note (MPN), as well as Direct Loan
Entrance Counseling at
- If you would like to apply for a Parent PLUS Loan, please apply online on (with the Parent's FSA ID). PLUS loans are based on credit approval; should the loan
not be approved, the student may be eligible for additional unsubsidized loan funds.
If the parent is approved they must sign the Parent PLUS Master Promissory Note.
- Any resources not reflected on the award letter (i.e.: ACCES-VR, scholarships, employer
benefits, etc.) must be reported to the Financial Aid Office.
- You must be full-time (12 hours) to receive full-time TAP and Part-Time (6-11 hours)
to receive part-time TAP. If there is a late starting class that you are enrolled
in at the beginning of the semester, TAP and Part-Time TAP cannot be paid until the
class has begun and HESC approves you for payment. Please note: You must be enrolled
in all classes at the start of the semester.
- If it is necessary to take noncredit courses in a semester, it may affect your NYS
TAP award in current and future semesters.
- If you are enrolled for at least 6 credit hours, but less than 12 credit hours, you
may be eligible for NYS Aid for Part-Time Study. You must submit the application to the Financial Aid Office before the first day
of classes, along with a copy of your NYS tax return (and/or your parents’ if you
are a dependent student). To receive the award, you must be passing classes at mid-term.
- You must make academic progress at the end of each semester to continue to receive
federal and NYS grants and loans. Please review the standards for both federal and state progress.
- Overage checks will be available on approximately week 7 and week 10; all obligations
to the College must be met before any refunds can be released. The College will defer
direct charges until that time; however, students should be prepared to meet personal
- If you have an excess of financial aid, the Bookstore will set up a credit for purchase
of books and supplies. You will need a student ID to access the credit. Please note:
only the following items can be purchased with credit from financial aid funds: textbooks,
supplies (notebooks, pens, pencils, paper etc.), book bags, lab materials, goggles,
dissection kits, safety glasses, lab aprons, gloves, voice recorders, and bus passes.
- If you are not in compliance with MMR requirements (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Immunizations), you may be withdrawn from classes, and
we will be unable to pay any financial aid funds.
- If you have been awarded Work Study as a part of your financial aid package, you will be notified before the start of
the semester by the Financial Aid Office.
- You may view additional information through your MyMV account.
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