Faculty and staff are already trusted resources for students, so our office looks forward to partnering with you to make sure all students are receiving the career support they need to make informed career decisions, and have the knowledge and skills needed to navigate a successful job search and manage their career.

Help us help our students

  • Refer a student to our office.
    • Students are more likely to use our services when referred by someone they know and trust.
  • Request a presentation or workshop.
    • We partner with students, faculty/staff, and administrators to offer career-related programs for departments, classes, programs, and student organizations. Topics are customizable and can include Resume and Cover Letter Development, Job Search Strategies, Preparing for an Interview, Professionalism in the Workplace, Career Exploration, and more.
  • Partner with us for a program.
    • It is important to connect students with alumni and industry leaders to help them develop the skills necessary for a successful job search and career. We are happy to collaborate on a program with alumni and industry speakers/panels, mock interviews, or anything else that your students need.
  • Share career-related events, visiting recruiters, and employment opportunities.
    • Our schedule of workshops, events, and recruiter visits are posted on our landing page. We also share event information and job postings with faculty and departments through email.
  • Use our resources.
    • We have three interactive online tools for students in addition to numerous handouts and other resources available for faculty, staff, and students.
  • Enhance your department’s internship offerings.
    • We can assist with site recruitment and development.
  • Communicate academic updates.
    • We have staff members dedicated to each department to act as liaisons. Let them know if you have changes in staff contacts, program changes, or new majors to help them best serve our students.
  • Refer alumni mentors.
    • Through our Alumni Mentoring Network, students can connect with alumni to ask career-related questions, seek advice, and gain insight into different careers. Alumni mentors can designate their availability and means of contact.
  • Refer an employer.
    • Our goal is to connect our students and graduates with local employers to meet their organizational needs. Employers have access to our Handshake job board, and we can assist with on-campus recruiting, career fairs, and other programming in collaboration with academic departments.