Adjunct Office Hours

All adjuncts are expected to set and hold regular office hours. These hours are intended as a time when students may meet with their instructors to discuss academic progress.

How often are office hours held?

The formula for setting office hours is as follows:

  • Adjuncts are expected to schedule one office hour each week for every three hours of in-class lecture time during the semester
  • Adjuncts who teach laboratory, clinical or practicum courses only are not required to hold office hours
  • Adjuncts who teach online are expected to hold virtual office hours — a time when students know their instructor will be online and available for contact

May I schedule office hours by appointment only?

Adjuncts may set office hours by appointment only during the week, but they are still expected to regular hold office hours as part of their contractual obligation.

How do I set office hours?

To set office hours — including virtual office hours — please contact the Academic Dean for your School and provide the following information:

  • Day(s) you wish to hold your office hours
  • Time(s) you wish to hold your hours
  • Your preferred location for office hours

Where may I hold office hours?

Utica Campus
  • Adjunct Office (PH345): This office accommodates up to two adjuncts at a time. It is furnished with two desks, two phones, two computers, and side chairs for students. Use of this office must be scheduled; it is not a walk-in office. Adjuncts who use this office may order keys by contacting the appropriate College Services Associate.
  • Payne Hall Library: The Library offers work space and some level of privacy for meeting with students. It also provides access to books, periodicals, computers, and teaching aids. Library Hours.
  • The Learning Commons (WH129): The Learning Commons, located in Wilcox Hall, is one of the busiest places on campus. Adjuncts may hold office hours in this space and use the many resources it has to offer to help students with their academic progress. 
  • Lounge Areas (AB, WH, PH): Though not private, some adjunct instructors prefer to meet with students in these settings because they are open, accessible, and centrally located. Lounges are on the first floor of the Academic Building, the first and second floors of Wilcox Hall, and in the Lobby and on the third floor of Payne Hall.
  • Classrooms: Depending on the time of day, it may be possible for you to schedule your office hours in the same room in which you teach. Please check availability with Rachel Libby (, as classrooms are primarily for instruction and their use for office hours cannot be guaranteed.
Rome Campus
  • Office Assignments: Adjuncts teaching in Rome are assigned to specific shared office space that is set aside for each discipline. Office space in Rome is assigned by Chris DeWolfe (315-334-7773). College Services Associates will order adjunct keys, which can be picked up in the Rome Public Safety Office, PC118.